2020-03-11 DCAE Meeting Notes

2020-03-11 DCAE Meeting Notes


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Meeting ID: 824 147 956
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Host: @Vijay Kumar

Discussion Topics:

 Time (est)







Project Status

@Vijay Kumar


  • SNMPtrap - 52%

  • BBS-Eventprocessor - 0% - CLOSED

DCAE Blockers

  • DCAEGEN2-2120 - Dashboard error on blueprints from inventory (requires fix on runtimeapi and bp-gen + Dashboard + Bootstrap blueprints)

    • Dashboard and Bootstrap released. Bp-gen/RuntimeAPI - Testing in-progress

  • DCAEGEN2-2129 - Public HTTP exposure from DCAE (CBS/30415) - Impact remote K8S cluster deployment - Delivered

DCAE Outstanding Jira & MED priority bugs


  • DCAEGEN2-2139 - Random failure of Dashboard noted in gating - WIP

Open items from last week

  • DCAEGEN2-2102 - Provide separate environment variable for db password for dcaemod-onboarding-api(MOD) - Need discussion with OOM team; @Jack Lucas verifying if handled via OOM charts and any change on OnboardingAPI.

  • DCAEGEN2-2088 : PRH error after PNF relocation (BBS) - https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/dcaegen2/services/prh/+/103096  - Delivered. OOM chart update pending review; this patch should use bootstrap version 1.12.0 (once rebased). @Piotr Wielebski

  • AAF-1081 : Env issue; blocks DCAEGEN2-2042 Update DCAE certificates (Dashboard, PMSH SAN).

    • Workaround via manual AAF update pending to be checked. @Fiachra Corcoran @Joseph O'Leary

  • CLAMP-650 - CLAMP not supporting blueprints (PMSH) with postgres plugin (workaround will be to onboard policy separate and use dashboard/consul)

    • Workaround will not involve CLAMP; so this defect/fix to be checked and moved to Guilin if still issue - @David Farrelly


DCAE bootstrap updates

@Vijay Kumar

Blueprints for following not delivered and/or containers not released

  • PMSH  - WIP (image released)

    • Could be merged 3/11 under 1.12.2

  • SON_handler - Merged

  • RESTConf - Possible descope

  • DL-Handler  - WIP (image not released)

  • Heartbeat - Possible descope

  • VES Mapper - Possible descope

  • BBS_Eventprocessor - WIP (image released)

    • Could be merged 3/11 under 1.12.2

  • DFC - Merged

Any other outstanding bootstrap updates

  • Bootstrap non-root (WIP - can be targeted for next bootstrap container rls) - Delivered on 1.12.0

Reference : https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-discuss/message/20046  Blueprint management for Frankfurt - DCAEGEN2-2041


VES 7.1 Release


VES 7.1.1 release

AttServiceSpecification-VesEventListener-v7.1.1 - AG1 DRAFT.docx  - https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/c/vnfrqts/requirements/+/100867/

VES Event Registration Specification 3.2.1 Draft.docx  - https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/c/vnfrqts/requirements/+/100876/

3/11,3/5 -  Documentation updates is pending - DCAEGEN2-2067

2/27 - DCAEGEN2-2048  - Completed, DCAEGEN2-2067 - Pending.



@Piotr Wielebski

Review recent discussion on : https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/c/dcaegen2/services/sdk/+/94266/ and identify next step

Confluence: TLS support for CBS - Migration Plan

Current implementation relies on trust.jks being available. Following options to be explored

  • Option 1: Work/address issue around using cacert.pem for CBS connection (original proposal)

  • Option 2: Enabled use_tls: true for all DCAE MS deployment (in blueprint) to ensure all AAF cert/trust and distributed (regardless of the MS/component being setup as server or not)

  • Option 3: Modify K8s plugin to include trust.jks distribution by default along with cacert.pem

Note: Current SDK change https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/c/dcaegen2/services/sdk/+/94266/ relies on Option#2

3/11, 3/5 - New plugin released (2.0.0) and corresponding CM container released. Platform updates completed. Need test of HV_VES with new plugin - @Piotr Wielebski

2/27 - Plugin completed. Bootstrap and Cloudify Manager to be updated.

12/5 - SDK changes completed; Plugin change pending (need impact assessment on https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/c/dcaegen2/platform/plugins/+/98857/ ) + pending review/test on https://gerrit.onap.org/r/#/q/project:dcaegen2/platform/plugins


Java 11 Migration

 @Vijay Kumar

Discuss java11 migration & identify components to be targeted for Java11 migration/support in Frankfurt


3/11 - HV_VES completed, BBS-EP completed

2/27, 2/20 - VES validated. HV-VES & BBS_EP?

2/13 - PRH, SDK tested successfully.  VES testing in-progress. BBS-Ep dev WIP
3/5 @Piotr Wielebski HV-VES - WIP

Topic/agenda for next/future meetings

  • Repository branching for Frankfurt

  • Demo to scheduled for PMSH and TCA-gen2

  • Demo for MOD


Documentation status


Parked for Guilin

DMaap HTTP port will be disabled (MR)

  • HTTP Ports

  • Port: 3904, Nodeport: 30227

  • HTTPS Ports

  • Port: 3905, Nodeport: 30226


  • Dmaap plugin

DCAE Impact

  • Platform - ServiceChangeHandler and PolicyHandler

  • SDK - Dmaap Client (verified for BBS)

    • Dependent on plugin change (DCAEGEN2-1938) for cacert distribution in different format


    • Upgrade to Dmaap Client SDK

    • Blueprint impact

    • Testing

    • Switch to secure topics via DMaap plugin integration

2/13, 2/6, 1/23, 1/9 - DMAAP 3904 support continued for Frankfurt; will be cut-off in Guilin release. EPIC for DCAE impacts for Guilin (DCAEGEN2-2015)

Certificate for components/instance (wild card support)

PMSH may need to support multiple instance per different usecase. The certificate generation should be supported at instance level (possible AAF dependency

2/20  - DCAEGEN2-2084: support certificate generation at instance level for DCAE servicesClosed to track this request for DCAE; AAF dependency will be discussed post Frankfurt and corresponding AAF Jira to be created

Frankfurt Artifacts Release versions

Open Action Items

New Action items

Seeking Community support


Current Status

 Planned Work


Current Status

 Planned Work

Docker build consistentency ( DCAEGEN2-1579)

JIRA cover broad aspect of standardizing DCAE component build process and docker tagging.

  1. Nokia team proposal identifies best practice for docker tagging optimized-dockers-jvm.pdf. 

    1. Following components migrated to new docker tagging best-practice

      1. PRH

      2. PM-Mapper

Need volunteer from community to support

  • Standardize pom/jjb template for all dcae component (java and python)

    • Plugin list alignment with oparent

    • Python build dependency on script to be reduced;