May 8, 2018
- Beijing
- Development
- Testing
- Formalize testing???
- Casablanca
- SO
- SO - OOF
Scaling Use Case weekly MTG 180508.pptx
Ajay, David Ho, Lauren Lewis, Marco, Ofir, Steve Smokowski, Michael Z, Pam Dragosh, Sanchita Pathak, Shankar Narayanan, Anatoly (Nokia)
- Many of the Beijing blockers have been fixed. We should be able to move ahead on Scaling tests today.
- Some current problems with APPC
- When does this need to work? RC2 5/16
- Need to formalize testing tracking
- See what Helen is doing for tracking
- Ofir (vid blocked for over 2 weeks) -
- Can we instantiate a VF_Module?
- Marco - Yes, we should be able to do it
- Casablanca
- InstanceName: Needs to be passed or generated by a controller
- Does Cloud Region need to be passed? No
- ModelCoustomizationId, OptionalCloudConfiguration, VolumeInstanceID, InstanceID
- Need to build SDNC interface
- Capacity checks done through Multi-Cloud VERY Basic
- Need to add multicloud to call flow for capacity checks. Not A&AI
- WorkFlow Designer - Not signing up for in Casablanca. SO Code will not be ready for real Use Cases
Action Items
- Send a note to Steve to verify what information needs to be passed to SO
- Send email to Steve about supporting OOF interface
- Start email discussion about Homing request in Casablanca
- Put latest slides on wiki