Casablanca Notes with new Deploy/Undeploy plugin from OOM Team
helm deploy dev local/onap -f /root/integration-override.yaml --namespace onap
- After editing a chart
- cd ~/oom/kubeneties
- make project
- make onap
- helm del project --purge
- helm list -a to confirm its gone
- helm deploy dev local/onap -f /root/integration-override.yaml --namespace onap
- list pods and ports (with k8 host)
- kubectl -n onap get pods -o=wide
- kubectl -n onap get services
- Find out why pod is stuck in initializing or crash loopback
- kubectl -n onap describe pod dev-blah-blah-blah
- kubectl -n onap logs dev-blah-blah-blah
complete removal steps (same as Beijing)
### Faster method to do a delete for reinstall
kubectl delete namespace onap
kubectl delete pods -n onap --all
kubectl delete secrets -n onap --all
kubectl delete persistentvolumes -n onap --all
kubectl -n onap delete clusterrolebindings --all
helm del --purge dev
helm list -a
helm del --purge dev-[project] ← use this if helm list -a shows lingering releases in DELETED state
if you have pods stuck terminating for a long time
kubectl delete pod --grace-period=0 --force --namespace onap --all
Beijing Notes
kubectl config get-contexts
helm list
root@k8s:~# helm list
dev 2 Mon Apr 16 23:01:06 2018 FAILED onap-2.0.0 onap
dev 9 Tue Apr 17 12:59:25 2018 DEPLOYED onap-2.0.0 onap
helm repo list
#helm upgrade -i dev local/onap --namespace onap -f onap/resources/environments/integration.yaml
helm upgrade -i dev local/onap --namespace onap -f integration-override.yaml
# to upgrade robot
# a config upgrade should use the local/onap syntax to let K8 decide based on the parent chart (local/onap)
helm upgrade -i dev local/onap --namespace onap -f integration-override.yaml
# if docker container changes use the enable:false/true
helm upgrade -i dev local/onap --namespace onap -f integration-override.yaml --set robot.enabled=false
helm upgrade -i dev local/onap --namespace onap -f integration-override.yaml --set robot.enabled=true
# if both the config and the docker container changes use the enable:false, do the make component, make onap then enable:true
helm upgrade -i dev local/onap --namespace onap -f /root/integration-override.yaml --set robot.enabled=false
Confirm the assets are removed with get pods , get pv, get pvc, get secret, get configmap for those pieces you dont want to preserve
cd /root/oom/kubernetes
make robot
make onap
helm upgrade -i dev local/onap --namespace onap -f /root/integration-override.yaml --set robot.enabled=true
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o=wide
# to check status of a pod like robots pod
kubectl -n onap describe pod dev-robot-5cfddf87fb-65zvv
pullPolicy: Always IfNotPresent option to allow us to
### Faster method to do a delete for reinstall
kubectl delete namespace onap
kubectl delete pods -n onap --all
kubectl delete secrets -n onap --all
kubectl delete persistentvolumes -n onap --all
kubectl -n onap delete clusterrolebindings --all
helm del --purge dev
helm list -a
helm del --purge dev-[project] ← use this if helm list -a shows lingering releases in DELETED state
if you have pods stuck terminating for a long time
kubectl delete pod --grace-period=0 --force --namespace onap --all
# of NAME=dev release
helm upgrade -i dev local/onap --namespace onap -f integration-override.yaml
To test with a smaller ConfigMap try to disable some things like:
helm upgrade -i dev local/onap --namespace onap -f /root/integration-override.yaml --set log.enabled=false --set clamp.enabled=false --set pomba.enabled=false --set vnfsdk.enabled=false
(aaf is needed by alot of modules in Casablanca but this is a near equivalent)
helm upgrade -i dev local/onap --namespace onap -f /root/integration-override.yaml --set log.enabled=false --set aaf.enabled=false --set pomba.enabled=false --set vnfsdk.enabled=false
Note: setting log.enabled=false means that you will need to hunt down /var/log/onap logs on each docker container - instead of using the kibana search on the ELK stack deployed to port 30253 that consolidates all onap logs
## Slower method to delete full deploy
helm del dev --purge
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o=wide
# look for all Terminating to be gone and wait till they are
kubectl -n onap get pvc
# look for persistant volumes that have not been removed.
kubectl -n onap delete pvc dev-sdnc-db-data-dev-sdnc-db-0
# dev-sdnc is the name from the left of the get pvc command
# same for pv (persistant volumes)
kubectl -n onap get pv
kubectl -n onap delete pv pvc-c0180abd-4251-11e8-b07c-02ee3a27e357
#same for pv, pvc, secret, configmap, services
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o=wide
kubectl delete pod dev-sms-857f6dbd87-6lh9k -n onap (stuck terminating pod )
# full install
# of NAME=dev instane
helm upgrade -i dev local/onap --namespace onap -f integration-override.yaml
# update
# robot/resources/config/eteshare/
# cd to oom/kuberneties
Remember: Do the enabled=false BEFORE doing the make onap so that the kubectl processing will use the old chart to delete the POD
# make robot; make onap
# helm upgrade -i dev local/onap --namespace onap -f integration-override.yaml - this would just redeploy robot becuase its configMap only
Container debugging commands
kubectl -n onap logs pod/dev-sdnc-0 -c sdnc