Lorraine A. Welch, Deven, Sireesh Chintamani (Deactivated), Leimeng Shi, Sunder Tattavarada
request Sunder to review the open gerrit reviews; Sunder's team is going to review the gerrit commits and if good, we will merge
Sireesh to update on his testcases; Sireesh is working on it
- Sireesh will ask Saravanan about his Angular changes and get back to us; we need to find his code, ng-app - how to trigger this page
Older issues:
PORTAL-330Getting issue details...
- Deven and Saravanan started the userstories. - Action item - Manoop review and push to next release - update: still in progress
- - PORTAL-507Getting issue details... STATUS - Saravavanan to explore the new screens to identify best screen to upgrade polymer. - update: still in progress
PORTAL-516Getting issue details...
- Deven upgrading the springboot - starting with os, common (might not be needed) overlay projects to load the file. - update: still in progress
- all springboot dependancies were found and code is getting complied
- properties files (19) put in one folder: [portal/sdk.git] / ecomp-sdk / epsdk-app-os / src / main / resources /
- hibernate update needed to be compatible with springboot 2.1.3 - might possibly use jpa
- identify properties across app, where should they be put (should load at runtime) ; 2 ways to do it external configuration or property placeholder configuror
- app-os needs properties - need to combine from different file of different project - this will go in the resources section of app-os
- in spring.xml there will be a property placeholder configuror section
- spring application json is the other way - looking at it
- converting to springboot needs appl context has to be created from one class; discovering how to do this
- annotations or xml (or both)
- usually a java class to implement (starting point of springboot application ) application context - needs more info on this concept
- will look at sample application to figure how configuration is stored
- started a sample springboot app - Deven still working on this
- all springboot dependancies were found and code is getting complied
PORTAL-508Getting issue details...
- Saravanan was working on Angular and Polymer - update: still in progress
- Last discussion was on to use Polymer or not - status??
- Roles page -example is in Gitlab
- Deven worked other projects this past week, will try and spend time this week on this - Deven not working this now
- Robot scripts will be updated in Dublin - update: still in progress
- Sireesh Chintamani (Deactivated) - adding new robot tests for Dublin release
- top menu change for 5G use cases, see if they broke the current robot test for top menu - code change was made in [portal.git] / deliveries / Apps_Users_OnBoarding_Script.sql therefore it is not used; fix for El Alto
- Highest and High Defects:
All portal bugs
Dublin Release (May 2019)
- M1 Release Planning
- M2 Functionality Freeze
- M3 API/Data Model Freeze
- M4 Code Freeze
- RC0 Checklist
- RC1 Checklist
- RC2 Checklist
- Release Delivery