Setting up your development environment
Clamp is built using maven and is mostly composed of java code. Please follow the instructions under the Setting your development environment page to prepare your machine for developing clamp.
Cloning CLAMP code
CLAMP code is located in a single git repository named clamp
it is accessible via HTTPS :
or SSH : ssh://
Please make sure to review the ONAP Development Procedures and Policies to understand how to interact with the gerrit/git repositories.
Project structure
CLAMP is composed of a main pom.xml and is structured in only one maven module, there is no sub-modules. It's composed of a back-end written in java, and a Designer UI frontend writtent in HTML/javascript (with angularJS).
The backend code is stored in the standard java locations "/src/main/java", "src/main/resources". And all the backend tests are located in "src/test/java", "src/test/resources".
The frontend code is stored in a sub folder of the backend code in "src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/designer".
Unit test
The unit tests are composed of 2 different types:
- The standard unit tests, testing obviously the class and methods
- The Spring integration tests that really starts Clamp (using @SpringBootTest) and that can make use of everything in the code, like the database, the http connection, etc ...
Those tests must have a specific filename pattern: **
The code coverage is done by Jacoco and the reports are configured to provide unit tests and integration coverage.
Location details
Path | Content |
Docs | |
/docs | The documentation in .rst files |
Docker | |
/extra/docker/clamp | The docker compose file to start clamp and the Mariadb |
/extra/docker/mariadb | The mariadb conf files used by docker compose |
/extra/sql | The SQL file containing the CLAMP schema, Clamp Stored procedures and Camunda schema |
/src/main/docker | The Docker file + the scripts to start clamp that are used to build the image |
Code | |
/src/main/java | The back-end and front-end code + resources |
/src/main/test | The unit tests and Spring integration tests to validate CLAMP code |
/src/main/scripts | Groovy scripts used by maven build |
/src/main/resources | The default CLAMP configuration files + the Front end code |
/src/main/resources/bpmn | The bpmn files used by camunda engine |
/src/main/resources/clds | The Clamp specific configuration files |
/src/main/resources/xsl | The xsl used to convert BMPN XML to JSON (from designer UI) |
/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources | The front end code |
/src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/designer | The designer front code (HTML + javascript) |
Building CLAMP
Testing CLAMP
We created CSIT (Continuous System and Integration Testing) tests for clamp as requested for each ONAP component. This use Robot Framework. See this wiki page for more information: Creating a CSIT Test
The tests are created in the integration repository:
For Clamp we have created 2 test plans that test:
- The APIs to create templates, close loops,...
- The UI to login, click on menus, create templates or close loops manually, set properties,...
This is testing Clamp standalone and thus cannot validate interactions with other components (sdc, policy...). This still require some manual E2E testing.