At the moment, the update of the properties in the cache at migrate time happens as soon as the participant receives the call. The participant may need to be aware of both the old properties and the new while it is carrying out checks and other processes.
public void migrate(UUID automationCompositionId, AcElementDeploy element, UUID compositionTargetId, Map<String, Object> properties) throws PfModelException {
Current implementation
- properties parameter contains the properties from migration POST
- contains the properties from migration POST
- The properties into elements that could be fetched by getAutomationComposition() method are the merge of old properties and properties from migration
Solution 1
Just using to hold the old properties.
- properties contains the properties from migration POST
- contains the old properties
- The elements that could be fetched in cache are the merge of old properties and properties from migration
Solution 2
Hold the old properties in cache, and participant has to send an update methods for the merge with the new properties.
- properties contains the properties from migration POST
- contains the properties from migration POST
- The properties into elements that could be fetched by getAutomationComposition() method are the old properties
- participant calls a method to merge migrate properties