to access Swagger for SDC external API's
- in the browser go to http://<ip of the SDC Backend server>:8080/
- in the window that opens, Replace the address with http://<ip of the SDC Backend server>:8080/sdc/swagger.json and click "Explore".
- you will be prompted for a username and password since the APIs have basic authentication on them.
- use the consumer user and password you defined.
- if you want to define such credentials follow this link: Consumer creation
- you will be directed to the following screen:
Swagger conversion to HTML
to convert swagger to HTML you need to convert it first to markup
to do this download
and then run:
java -jar swagger2markup-cli-<version>.jar convert -i <swagger.json> --outputFile <swagger.adoc>
now download asciidoctor
based on the out put you will need to run:
asciidoctor <markup file location *.adoc> -b html5 -a toc=left,toclevels=4,doctype=book,numbered,sectanchors,hardbreak
Swagger conversion to PDF
now download asciidoctor
asciidoctor-pdf <markup file location *.adoc> -b pdf -a toc=left,toclevels=4,doctype=book,numbered,sectanchors,hardbreak