Pamela Dragosh
Vimal Begwani
Paul Bartoli
Rich Bennett
Jason Hunt
Magnus Buhrgard# Ericsson
Yoav Kluger
Stephen Terrill
Parviz Yegani
Anatoly Andrianov (Nokia)
Ranny Haiby
Bin Hu
(97252) 659-2438
Chaker Al-Hakim
Magnus Buhrgard (Ericsson)
Chaker Al-Hakim
Chris Donley
- see Goals
- ARC is not a decision-making body (that is reserved for the TSC), but will provide recommendations to help facilitate alignment between projects.
- Team will also document terminology and naming
- clarify interfaces
- Architecture team will be available for consultation on new functionality
- We will document key principles, a future target functional architecture, and the components that will be included in this release
- The target architecture may be ahead of what can be delivered in a current release. The ARC team will document both the target and any expected deviations.
- We will also document external interfaces
- Architecture consensus and advice will be documented on the wiki
Open Issues
Next meeting, Mailing list, & general logistics
- Mailing List
- We will try to have a breakout meeting in Beijing during the Face-to-Face (focusing on formative topics, not decision making)
- Recurring meetings: Tuesdays, 1500 UTC (subject to confirmation with wider community) starting June 13