- POLICY-3886Getting issue details... STATUS
Grafana docker image: grafana/grafana-oss:8.3.4
Prometheus docker image: prom/prometheus:v2.32.1
Running as standalone:
Start the policy components on HTTP mode (so no trust/key store). Collect the IPs of applications.
Edit the prometheus configuration YAML file. (update here the file)
Run Prometheus
docker run -d --name=prometheus --network=host -v /path/to/prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml prom/prometheus:v2.32.1
Run grafana
docker run -d --name=grafana grafana/grafana-oss:8.3.4
Navigate to localhost:9090 to check if targets are up and running.
Navigate to localhost:3000 to open grafana. On configurations, add a new data source. Use Prometheus. Inform the localhost:9090 and change to Browser support instead of server.
Save and test to check if Grafana can connect to Prometheus.
Remember to stop/remove containers to run the commands again.
Running with docker-compose:
Clone the docker project.
Run ./csit/start-grafana.sh to start all the policy components (except for clamp) or run ./csit/start-grafana.sh ${component} to start per component. (i.e ./csit/start-grafana.sh pap will start pap and its dependencies only)
Prometheus and Grafana endpoints are shown at the end of script execution. Navigate to ${prometheus}/targets to check if all apps are up and connecting to the service. It takes a few minutes.