Prerequisites on CCSDK, SDNC, OpenDaylight
1. feature:install odl-netconf-clustered-topology
2. feature:install odl-restconf-all
Mount request
- Accept: application/josn
- Content-Type: application/json
{ "node": [ { "node-id": "ipv6-device", "netconf-node-topology:reconnect-on-changed-schema": false, "netconf-node-topology:password": "admin", "netconf-node-topology:username": "admin", "netconf-node-topology:sleep-factor": 1.5, "netconf-node-topology:port": 12600, "netconf-node-topology:tcp-only": false, "netconf-node-topology:connection-timeout-millis": 20000, "netconf-node-topology:max-connection-attempts": 0, "netconf-node-topology:host": "::1", "netconf-node-topology:between-attempts-timeout-millis": 2000, "netconf-node-topology:keepalive-delay": 120 } ] }
Please note the "host" - "::1" is localhost in IPv6 format.
## Check Connection Status
- Accept: application/xml
- Content-Type: application/xml
### Expected result body
"node": [
"node-id": "ipv6-device",
"netconf-node-topology:unavailable-capabilities": {
"unavailable-capability": [...]
"netconf-node-topology:available-capabilities": {
"available-capability": [...]
"netconf-node-topology:host": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1",
"netconf-node-topology:clustered-connection-status": {
"netconf-master-node": "akka.tcp://opendaylight-cluster-data@"
"netconf-node-topology:connection-status": "connected",
"netconf-node-topology:port": 12600
Note: using ipv6: fe80::20c:29ff:fef8:337c worked as well.
# Docker and IPv6
# Docker-compose an IPv6
Please note: version: "2.4" works fine but 3.x not - see
... and the following not (2019-12-21):
If IPv6 addressing is desired, the enable_ipv6 option must be set,
and you must use a version 2.x Compose file.
IPv6 options do not currently work in swarm mode.
# Kubernetes and IPv6
Please see:
Currently (2019-12) dual-stack is just in alpha version.