[integration] ONAP 2, Wed UTC 12:00
[integration] ONAP 2, Wed UTC 12:00
Meeting Informations:
Link to calendar: https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-discuss/viewevent?repeatid=11067
Owner: Michal Jagiello
IRC: http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=onap-int
ZOOM: https://zoom.us/j/94119598949
Note it is only suggestion..so feel free to amend...
- An agreement with LF about pipelines:
- Pipelines code will be stored on Gerrit and mirrored into GitLab
- So we are going to have several new repositories on Gerrit
- GitLab doesn't support EasyCLA so the code has to be hosted on Gerrit
- Wait for LF decision if we can GO with Orange pipelines configuration migration into GitLab (if License is OK(
- Pipelines code will be stored on Gerrit and mirrored into GitLab
- New version of ONAPSDK - 10.0.1 and 9.5.1
- Bugfix for relationships creations for A&AI OwningEntity resource
- New version of data-provider
[Data provider] Release 0.6.0 version (I0b8074bd) · Gerrit Code Review (onap.org) - Check on pipelines ONAP OOM install step if the change of the OOM charts version change will break test execution
[COMMON] Bump ONAP version (Icc0e0839) · Gerrit Code Review
Meeting Information:
Link to calendar: https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-discuss/viewevent?repeatid=11067
Owner: Michal Jagiello
IRC: http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=onap-int
ZOOM: https://zoom.us/j/660849669
Note it is only suggestion..so feel free to amend...
- Lab status
- AAI bench tests Christophe Auzizeau A&AI load test plan V03.pptx
- Lab status
- Lab status
- DCAE tests cloudify → helm status Krzysztof Kuzmicki
- Remove Former user (Deleted) from the commiters list
- data-provider release - Green light from the DT
, multiple selections available,