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DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

API documentationcontinuePam's review is not merged
Working with Marco on test cases, minor addition to code basecontinue
Testing supportTesting support, start with PAP documentation

CSIT for xacml-pdp, test the guard functionality in windriver lab

CSIT and test support with guard functionality test

Fixed issue with latest version of policy not being calculated correctly.Working on adding a policy version field into get() and delete() calls on legacy policies.
Was sick last week. Started adding stability test cases for PAPContinue
Apex documentationContinue

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

API documentationcontinuePam's review is not merged
Working with Marco on test cases, minor addition to code basecontinue
Testing supportTesting support, start with PAP documentation

CSIT for xacml-pdp, test the guard functionality in windriver lab

CSIT and test support with guard functionality test

Checking issue on policy type filter raised by ChenfeiDocumentation
Was sick last week. Started adding stability test cases for PAPContinue
Apex documentationContinue

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

testing support

documentation and testing support

1779 - change in xacml pdp- changes in PAP.

Need to talk to Ram version 10 bound problem (2 digits)

OOO Monday

testing support 

looking into issues yesterday + work with Pramod
documentation preparationcontinueOOO thurs + friday

1754 fix legacy deletePolicy issue



Test guard

Testing and CL meetingscontinueAvailable

xacml csit review from Mike - supportdocumentation

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Artifact Release

Testing support today

TSC Meeting - Today is RC1 (I think we will pass)

Documentation - if time allows

Bump versions of repos - thanks Liam

Update INFO.yaml in all the repos for Jim and Ram

Get ready for Scale Out Use Case testing - Guard is where we need more testing.

Get ready next week for supporting Documentation - we have a lot of work to do for this.

Need Pramod Jamkhedkar to upgrade to AAI 1.0.3 to pull in security fix.

POLICY-1756: OOM - avoid exposure ports completed.

OOM: update latest images, enhancements ports, external jdbc password.


Test several installs with SNAPSHOTs and official images.

Reproduce multiple versions issue passthrough with PAP from Brian F.   

Support + Test scenariosNeed feedback on how to proceed on version passthrough through PAP issue.   Explicitly undeploy in this release.

Looking into swagger API documentation - how it works.

POLICY-1717 - upgrade 1.0.3

Waiting for all the CSIT to come in - tracking them for cherry pick to Dublin Branch

Submitted fix for 1760

Worked with Praveen for fix on 1754 and he provided a code snippet that I need to implement in the policy/engine repo to fix the issue

Add fix for 1754

Work on CSIT tests for xacml-pdp

Support testing

CSIT Help: policy/pap API is not getting the instance IP - so test case fails. Ajith will help.
Support for testing and releasingSupport for testing and releasing, also starting on Control Loop work (Can't make scrum today)

PDP and Dmaap simulator for PAP Stability testingFinish and testing - bring up PAP and see if it works.

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

RC1 checklist


releasing artifacts

documentation + release + admin

Test POLICY-1748 (policies passive mode enable when going to active after PDP-D node bounce).

Verify POLICY-1760 ( for guard in PDP-X in the right place).

Legacy push-policies was successful with latest (through brmsgw)

OOM changes security ports exposed POLICY-1756 (relates to OJSI-107-8,117-8,157,184)

support + test changed oom charts
s3p + documentation support for api componentcontinue
1717 integrated new AAI version.testing w Marco on AAI 


1760: fixed issue with connection, issue with authorization.


work with Praveen - deletePolicy issue 1754.

cist if time

s3p testing for apex doc.  - support china team that will do the testingcontinue
Support Brian F. on integration testing.continue support and s3p
PDP simulator for PAP estability testingcontinue 

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve


Documentation - today is a hackathon for this.

RC1 checklist.

Who can help with artifact release? I think Chenfei volunteered, but need to know who has the most open availability.

Heads up:  INT-1071 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - may need some folks to help Integration team update their testsuite.

OJSI JIRA's for http port exposure must be fixed this week.

test and support + policies in active mode for pdp-d


look into OJSI tickets.

support vfirewall automationsupport vfirewall automation

Worked on xacml-pdp CSIT

Worked on 1754 after getting environment info

Make changes suggested by Jorge for 1760

Work on 1754

xacml-pdp CSIT

I am having an issue with CSIT.  The POLICY_PAP_IP will not populate when executing g" policy-pap" and causes the tests to fail.  I have submitted a review but have not added reviewers yet as I wanted to see it run on Jenkins in hopes that it was something with my local environment.

SupportBenchmark code for apex + support China team
New versions for common, model, synchronization.S3P for PAP
generic pdp simulator in models for estability and performance.continue

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve


Test + Support + Security Issues evaluation - detected 2 false positives when testing against casablanca and master.

Refine API to retrieve deployed policyCreate JIRA for El Alto & S3P test

working on bugs - 1760 &


continue on 1754 & CSITWaiting for decision on 1760
Available for support of testing.Available for support of testing.

Testing support, helping Ericsson folks for S3P setup of apex, helping Ajith on Pdp simulator.

Raised reviews to upgrade repos to released version of policy/parent & policy/commom. 

Continue of upgrading repos & support.
Working on Pdp simulator continue with packaging


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Testing support


JIRA backlog

Testing support

Traveling tonight this weekend - will be OOO on Monday

support and testing + review out to support policies in pdpd in passive state - merged

extension to pdp group filter to retrieve the deployed versioncontinue
1717: security changes for aai schema exclussionscontinue

vFW to accommodate the payload

deploy issue found in integration testing

issue with CSIT from small change on REST PAP API.

work with Jorge testing

Note: OOO next week.

db connection bug + submitted other patch

1754: policyDelete legacy API

CSIT continue

Updated Legacy Operational policies to revert converstion of properties to JSON

Examined the exposed HTTP port JIRAs

Available for support on testing.

estability for pap + helping ericsson team for estability and performance for apex

support debugging

creating simulator for pap - pdp for estability testingcontinue


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Supporting CSIT and pairwise testingContinue supporting S3P tests. Coordinate with Ram on Ajith on the PDP simulator.
Working on POLICY-1717, changing the schemas in POMs to handle security in A&AIContinue on this task.

Working on bug for connection beween XACML PDP and MariaDB, problem identifiedWorking on the fix for this today.
Working on putting in properties, fix for legacy policiesAvailable for helping with testing.
Started looking into stability and performance testing for PAP.We will need a PDP simulator that just consumes messages and tests the flow, deploy/undeploy and state changes.
Testing with latest imagesStarting with documentation and discussing on PDP simulator.


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

test, support, environment set up, restart pdpd not going to the active state issue

fix junit test failures preloading operational and guard policies to match Liam's review.s3p tests + doc work
1729: completed + merged1717: aai security impacts with schema
1684: junits + csit changes into dublincontinue
test supportPOLICY-1752 investigation
csit with dmaap on 1731? debug connection to guard db

policy-type-version fix merged

security code issues

security code issues

actions from CL subcommitteed

testing support + ajith on apexcontinue
apex pdp csit + doc mergedsupport


Pairwise Testing - Must complete ASAP. Today is a checkpoint at the PTL meeting. Push today to work with CLAMP/DCAE to finalize pairwise.

Be ready to test with Integration team this week for Scale Out, vCPE, testsuite

Need the TESTSUITE changes in for healthcheck etc.

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve



NOTE: I will be in mandatory training starting this afternoon through Wed midday.

Testing + Support

Testing + Support
Testing + work on issue with storing stringContinue
Changes for issue with certificates + additional custom query changes.


work with Jorge in certs.

1684: apex-pdp healtcheck, environment variables in robot healtcheckscontinuewaiting for changes from Ajith/Ram.

Supported testing

Investigated db connection error on pdpx - logs were wiped so I was blocked here

Worked on CSIT tests for xacml-pdp

Work on deploying the dmaap simulator for CSIT tests in xacml-pdp

Support testing




DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

finish checklist for RC0

continue rc0 checklist

documentation planning

Difficult to do pairwise testing with CLAMP being out

new images testing, found problem with latest drools apps cl image, transitive dependency complaint, capabilities 1.4.0 through models and 1.4.0-SNAPSHOT.   Review

continue testing
Fixing sonar issues

s3p tests investigation (look at casablanca) 

AAI problem with certificatestried solution talked out with Jorge.
working on own environment for integration and robot tests.   Work with Brian.Continue.

Finishing bug on xacml pdp

run csit, decision is passing

Supporting in CSITSupporting on CSIT.
testing, 2 reviews raised, rearranging groups, oom changing replica count back to 1

continue testing.

working w Liam.

csit test cases using dmaap simulator using hypervisor.continue

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

release policy models

working on checklist for rc0

work with integration team on api calls.

testing drools apps, focused on vcpe use case.

put code review out for noop sinks to aid debugging and testing

work on testing with team 
s3p start workingsonar issues

Updated custom query with AAI.   Issue with matching parameters in model.

AAI custom queries certification error.

work with Jorge, continue working
1684: set up environment for robot framework.   Work with Brian Freeman.continue
looking at logs windriver, problem in sending excessive update + state changes messages to apex.submit patch and testing
termination message being sent to the PAP.



support team for csit + sonar issues merge job failing - check it out
test xacml and pap registration

test deployment of policies with Jim and Jorge

work on policy distribution on tosca parser

CSIT, timing issues resolvedworking on dmaap simulator using docker container

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Started releasing final components

Working with Integration team to get Testsuite up-to-date with new policies/api

Testsuite work

More releasing of components today

Finish documentation


I am sick as a dog - please help me make things smooth the next few days.

Alpine + CSIT changes - all CSIT passing now I believe.

Test, install lab with new images.

Support misc. activities.

Haven't done much testing with drools apps because support activities, alpine changes breaking load, csit, etc .. need to block out a solid block of time to go through it.
Verified code for API post for some JIRA tickets created for the Integration team.Plan testing of the API for JMeter tests.

Changes for SONA fixes for common/models/papAvailable to help with testing today.
CSIT and testing to external DMaaP.Address open issues that Ram identified, and continue CSIT testing.
Docker file for the DMaaP simulator.Available to help with testing, release.
Raised a review for registration and for fixing the OOM (AP/API).Add the XACML support in the same review, continue with testing.
CSIT testing for PDP-A, mostly finished.Need to resolve some timing issues. Will continue to do end to end test with DMaaP simulator.

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Sick today - will be doing limited code review etc.

Need to start releasing some of the components: parent, common, and models first.


Alpine + CSIT changes + Support

Documentation for APIs. JIRAs will be assigned by Pam.

GET and PUT queries to lab working with POSTMAN, but when doing via code it does not work due to authentication failures.  We'll take a discussion on Rocket Chat after scrum on this.

Issue causing PDP-D not to pass, was able to identify and fix those issues, there were some merge problems that need to be resolved to get the fixes in. Need to merge with changes that Jorge is working on so will handshake with Jorge today.
POLICY-1645Removing statics from PDP-X. May change the semantics of the registration somewhat. Looking at pdp-X common module to see if some statics should be fixed.

CSIT, issue with creating Maria DB solved. Tests not passing but nearly there now. Remaining issues with PDP-X registration will be examined today.
We'll look at ways of testing locally between PAP and PDP today, this should speed up the debugging.

POLICY-1643DMaaP simulator, refactoring and clean up.  Help with CSIT where I can.

Algorithom for PDP registration, looking for all PDP groups for an incoming PDP and deciding which PDP group to register a PDP to.
Also testing simple deploy and group deploy. Group deploy is working fine, simple deploy issue being discussed with James Hahn
Continue with this work.

Working in CSIT, full chain test case for PDP-AContinue.

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

verified security fixes

administrative work


JIRA backlog

CSIT - jobs are broken but not due to our changes.

drl and misc changes + testing + changes and changes for additional docker simplification (making volume usage optional)

continue dev as mentioned

support other team maintenance activities - portal + merge jobs failures

Pairwise testing with CLAMP - Sebastien.   Found bug.Continue.  Performance test.
Info from Marco, lab to test the queriescontinue
Work with Chenfei + S3P + healtcheck robots Continue

Change to send policies with an empty list instead of null.

Tests in xacml pdp

1673 fix and ready + csitContinue + stability testing
OOO till Monday

Catching up after vacationscontinue
POLICY-1674 - fixed plus review continue with csit

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

documentation pulled in for review - reorganizing doc under our parent repo.

security fixes

continue both doc + security

may be look at the bugs

casablanca manintenance release - vFW debugging with integration team + documenting workaround to bypass portal in release notes.

telemetry api enhancements for lifecycle apis - under review

testing adding/removing tosca policies from drools working memory.
working on Intel lab to work with pairwise testing with CLAMP.continue
waiting on a)  feedback on AAI modified response, b) some queries not workingcontinue

review plus monitoring tests
OOO + POLICY-1673PDPX - PAP ticket POLICY-1673


csit test cases - healthchecks - facing ssl issues

got access windriver lab


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Documentation - started getting the foundation in place. Moving existing documentation out of policy/engine into appropriate repos. Working on JIRA's to assign to folks for doing documentation.

Documentation - continue

Security Checklist follow up - waiting for other team to respond

Casablanca Maintenance Release control loop issues

  • Stabilization of components - please ensure they ready for pairwise testing.
  • BUGS - please address asap
  • CSIT - please finish these up

Testing pdp-d, some code changes on the pipe.

Put a few inspections out in a few repos

Follow up on casablanca support for integration.

Verify API working with Bilal's help.


Update wiki.
Worked with Marco on interface.   GET not working and PUT is working.   They happen in a single method.   Waiting for AAI modified custom query for the SO to work.continue
Work with Chenfei verifying API.    Looking into test plan.continue
monitoring tests, going through list of tasks and tackle them.

Worked on CSIT briefly and POLICY-1630 most of dayOOO Personal day but will work on POLICY-1630 in the morning to submit a patch for the review addressing Jim's comments


back from vac., looking at csit testsgetting set up for csit.

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Security Checklist and Working on Security Issues

Security Issues

RC0 Checklist

Documentation JIRA's

Folks to please finish CSIT, begin work on S3P Stability tests.

Be aware for JIRA's for documentation of each component

Spent sometime looking at the refactoring of alpine base images and reviews.   Made proposal on specific packaging separation for Policy OS and components and benefit of such.

Rerun some lab tests, see "issues" box.

Set up policy account in VM (standalone VM install) for easier testing of operating with policies on PDP-D site.

work on template

Need ownership for this ticket.

POLICY-1673: PDP-X-PAP Registration unsuccessful - Mike/Jim

POLICY-1674: PDP-A-PAP Registration unsucessful - Ajith

Should probably create one for API about 500 Policy Type creation

Put version in metadata bug fixdo testing and demo for policy team.
Run queries on AAI database - got empty results.   Work with Marco in root cause, got a different lab IP to try out.continue and 1673

CSIT development

Test lab
CSIT work + write testcontinue CSIT and 1673OOO tomorrow - 4/23

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Finished Casablanca Maintenance Release

Security review work

Security review - finish up wiki and work on JIRA's that may be addressed in Dublin.

JIRA backlog organization - Documentation JIRA's

Please let me know of any upcoming vacation plans - we need to have coverage for testing.

POLICY-1663: oom api nodeport under review

POLICY-1664: docker-compose - old heat redo with new drools-apps image, review submitted, but may affect csit, need to figure out side effects before inviting folks to review.

POLICY-1651: csit from Pam rework and new drools csit - made a few changes to pull in new pdpd-cl image.

follow procedures to get set up with windriverwork w Jorge to take a look at lab
AAI test + meetings - feedback from AAI team.   Looking at data for correlation.continue

Junit tests, found a bug

continue + CSITs.
CSIT Tests, work with Jim on environment issues.continue + 1/2 day off



DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Casablanca Maintenance Release

Drools/Drools-apps CSIT work - Jorge Hernandez will need help from you and Bilal Anwerto finish.

Casablanca Maintenance Release

Drools/Drools-apps CSIT work

Security review - may result in high priority tasks

CSIT - please continue to finish these up.

Help with Portal-554, work with Yang (integration) and Utkarsh - moved to Dublin (instead of Casablanca).

OOM latest - all components seem to go active message wise based on what I see over DMaaP topic.   However, there's some data in the database that couldn't correlate to the PDPs going active.   Need PAP subteam to look at it.   In general, we should all be looking at if its assigned component works as expected in the windriver lab to make sure.  

Minor change in OOM api chart, still have to push it through w OOM to make the helm API an external port (reachable from other windriver tenants for pairwise testing with CLAMP).

Look at CSIT work in the drools area from Pam and Bilal.

Support Pam in Casablanca Maintenance Release if needed.

Look at "usecases" templates and modify.

developmentoom external access and pairwise testing.
work with new output from AAI continue and test interface with AAI.

look at database and why not all pdps are registered

end-to-end tests.

continue end-to-end tests and csits.
csit tests continue csit tests (docker-compose).
dmaap sim up and running - tested with pap and apex pdppoc with ccsdkvacation next week
OOO until Tuesday


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Casablanca Maintenance Release

Drools/Drools-apps CSIT work

Casablanca Maintenance Release

Drools/Drools-apps CSIT work

Security review - may result in high priority tasks

Stabilize and TEST!!!!

OOM Status - images running ok, passing healthcheck. Apex resolved.

XACML PDP - registration ok. Drools PDP - problem, not giving state change back. Open review on this. Apex PDP - will look at again to see if it goes active.

POLICY-1655 -

More testing - look at the template in more detail.

API working in CSIT - fixed an issue.

Preload policy types more efficient db call

Validate the lab instance is working and then work with CLAMP team.
Working with Marco - sort out the A&AI missing data call for custom query.

Finish the rest of the test cases to ensure they run properly with new output.

Setting up environment for CSIT.

Done with CSIT for API - small issue.Can help with CSIT - will help Pam/Jorge with Drools PDP
Helping out with test issues today

Working on JUnit that resembles CSIT
Working on the CSIT testscontinue

How to deploy?

Use java model provider api to make REST call to create policy

1643 - Dmaap simulator - moved into models, forgot to configure pap.

subgroup doesn't work (yet)

will check in - be gentle!!need cambria message to be more sophisticated

Fixes for Apex PDP bouncing issue - OOM. Working.Working on CSIT - understanding how they work.
DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Tried to help Jorge with CSIT, but could not get environment up-to-date.

Ready to submit the ci-management jobs for them.

Casablanca Maintenance Release artifact release.

Who can help Jorge finish the drools-pdp and drools-applications CSIT?

POLICY-1630: generate 1 year certs, cherry pick to casablanca release where they are needed for the new release.

OOM Test with latest patches, report problem in PAP with description message. Apex-pdp has bouncing issue. PDP-X is OK estable.

POLICY-1647: junits failure bc changes of models

PDP-D Usecases template, additional changes needed.

checked in last review - fixed issue in compilation.

preloading policy types

csit tests with Bilal

preloading policy types and reduce overhead
aaiscale out call
csit testscontinue
finished sonar changes

work w Ram, and look into csit tests that don't need simulator
working on sonars and perhaps look into csit tests for deploy/undeploy although blocked by dmaap usage.

continue working csit tests that don't require dmaap (decision api)

taking afternoon off today for family matter. CBR: 630.234.8676 if needed

some csit blocked by dmaap simulator.

dmaap simulator

code fix to allow null

work w ajith on bouncing issue and testing the dmaap simulator from Liamwork w ajith - oom charts plus clean up.vacation coming back on tuesday
apex: work on bouncing issuetest with the fix

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

POLICY-1639 - fixed bug in guard policy time-in-range

POLICY-1645 - XACML PDP design issue

Casablanca Maintenance Release issue - Jorge Hernandez you may have to generate certificates for this as June is not enough of a timeframe for that release.

Having 5 open reviews for the OOM slows them down. They validate them one-by-one and do not do so quickly. Please consider consolidating them ALL into one review.

PORTAL-554: latest casablanca release certificate investigation - Portal regenerate certs with different names, prevents GUI to work properly.

OOM: test with all patches under review: API, PAP: OK. PDP-X, and APEX-PDP bouncing. See windriver lab.

POLICY-1611: BRMSGW: dealing issues that show up from Alpine and drools-applications to models refactoring and code move. Few reviews out over the last few days.

POLICY-1642: under review, The latest move to models and AAI jaxb libraries caused a few issues on PDP-D CL APPS. It does not come up.

Continue wrapping up these.Support is consuming most of my time, CSIT tests need help to provide a basic framework for M4.
API charts

debugging OOM - consolidate all changes in one review.

Preload policy types in API server.

Work with Bilal, authentication issue, CSIT.

CSIT tests for AAI interface. Feedback from Bilal in CSIT. Feedback from Marco on AAI testing.

Continue on testing.
CSIT tests with Chenfei (API, PAP).

Work with Chenfei POST problems.

CSIT tests.

Finished - Group REST APIs. Fix version matching filters.

Minor changes to PAP.

Statistics and sonar issues.

PDP-X review in OOM

continue, need some changes to in xacml-pdp packages.

work on sonar issues and Junits in xacml-pdp

fix to remove version from pdp group.

review for dmaap simulator, it is in pap, may be put it dmaap?

Continue - JIRAS and clean up.

Docker + OOM helm charts

Looking into apex pdp restart issue.

Test DMaaP simulator, debugging some REST calls.

changes in oom to support pdp-a.

fixing the bouncing issue



DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve


JIRA Cleanup

1440 - Statistics and adding Blacklist guard policy, sonar cleanup

CSIT tests need to be built

Lab Testing - please make this a goal today

oom testing w latest: problems: a) usecase not working, model move, b) brmsgw not working, ticket open.

apps changes

continue working on it
junits + db configurationwork with Bilal + oom charts + preload databilal help with pap in csit
upload code event manager + aai simulatortesting with Marco
pdp-x csit tests + waiting for db configpick up changes + csit for policy apisif can help drools after api work is done in csits
group operations with validatation of incoming data

continue group /- junits
csit fix w Bilal + pdp-x reviewdatabase integration + oom
reviews for clean up and misc. itemscleaning up and looking at security tests
db config and initial group under reviewlooking at registration for pdp-x supported typespdp-x will send optimization, guard and monitoring supported types.
oom changes for apex-pdpcontinue
DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

M4 Checklist

JIRA Cleanup

Code review help

Explain why we are not ready for M4

Database setup - please resolve this today. Get the name right, configured.

CSIT - start helping Bilal with these.

Final Helm Chart changes also

deploy - latest fixes

drools applications

hope to get apps repo working with tosca policieis

reload images in oom - latest status of things

changes to event manager + changes to make it configurable to aai cq.

changes in simulator.

csit tests + db for policy api testscontinue

double map issue that Pam reported.

undeploy provider

going over Jiras - 1444

group operations and broadcast, deciding what to do next.

csit failure for pdp-x

deploy/undeploy review

need to add a few things to the deploy/undeploy.

csit test

fixes for policy-id + version.

misc. reviews tidying

going through JIRAS, security, reviews, etc ..
basic infra for pdp group/subgroup in PAPcontinue
packaging pdp-a -done - review outcontinue
DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

done w models work (move to apps)

decision api working locally

work w Mike

m4 checklist

delete from apps (models redundancy)

need review merged decision api

By EOD - close JIRAs for M4 prep.

1455: undeploy completion

switch to apps repo, new changes to support ToscaPolicies

reload lab with latest images, see where we stand

fixes + swagger api - testing locallyunit tests
custom query checked in (some collisions with other contributions)work out collision w teammatevamshi contribution fixes some issues, should merge

csit test failing in pdp-x

csit - api tests - written

csit tests pdp-x, apineed guidance from Mike

junits for refactored request maps

finish up delete (= undeploy API)

group deploy/undeploy APIs

1441: got policies loadedcontinue - send back policies and put out the review
junits modelling (dao , providers) + reviewsminor db changes + work w Chenfei and RamWork out review comments about DB params

testing registration + group + state changes apis

some reviews going - configuration

work on reviews

oom charts config

testing apex-pdp w pappackaging for apex
clc reviewclean up code in apps guard
DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

POLICY-1264 - drools-applications code. Need to pull in client submits



M4 Checklist - not looking good

M4 is Thursday


undeploy + use case

API operations + policy type.

Problems with queries.

Continue.Need to show problems to Liam

request map to disable pdp + refactoring

deploy + undeploy + csit test issue (bilal)deploy + undeploy
unit testsprovider tests + should be done with essential work to do.
test registration - final review + provider group queryjunit test casesQs about installation
apex-pdp tests with Ramcontinue

all patches for POLICY-1274 are submitted.

run s3p on pssd on new policy forwarder and in multi-thread cases.

need review for

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

POLICY-1264 - models (what a mess - I will open JIRa's for El Alto to clean it up)

POLICY-1440 - Mike please help with this review today.

POLICY-1264 - clean up of drools-applications models etc.

POLICY-1440 initialization of applications and getting a decision

M4 Checklist

Please look at jenkins - a lot of the jobs are failing.

M4 is Thursday - close JIRA's, need CSIT tests created.

Please TEST!! Create policies and have them deployed to the PDP's. That must be working by Thursday.

1624: support for policy deploy


need final changes in drools-applications and migration to models in terms of reviews and changes, before doing development there.

there's cyclic dependencies between drools-pdp and models, need to resolve.

Issues with AAI dependencies in models and applicationscontinueIssues with dependencies in drools-applications, since new AAI code is in models.

Misc. reviews - latest version (filters), ref. message appliesTo method, and other reviews
undeploy junits.
pdp-x reviewjunits and 1451
junits + jpa + changes to version + filteringmore junits
pdp registration flow (issue with filter version - fixed from Liam under review) and state change testingstate change issue +update + rest apis
comments + testingtesting the flow - problem with policy type
Finished adding coordination code, along with a bunch of other items along the way (documented in commit msg) and submitted review.Cleanup/refactor of guard/coordination-related code between drools-applications, xacml-pdp, and modelsWill first fix/update code in drools-applications to match what I've done in xacml-pdp. It sounds like there is a bunch of stuff already in progress, especially involving models. Should I attempt refactor code across models/xacml-pdp/drools-applications, or just leave that for now?
DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

1440 - started working off Mike's review to get decisions routed appropriately to applications

Drools-applications submissions to move the code

1440 - continue packaging

drools-applications reviews -

1408 - enable in emage lifecycle api

oom lab - latest install, see my email about some issues with some images bouncing.

continue 1408
use filters, review in but won't compile until model review is mergedtraveling - will check in this afternoonLiam: need 2 query calls. 1) filter to lookup PDP groups to get what is deployed, 2) filter to lookup policies by deployed policyid/version.

checked in changes per Jorge suggestions

Marco sent info on new query

Finish A&AI manager code using new query

Finish JUnit tests

Made the changes per scrum discussion

Wrote up the Undeploy Policy API code

Get the JUnit done

Will need to incorporate filtering changes

Comment: Probably want exact matches on the filters rather than regexp.

Per Liam: Ok to go ahead and change it to equals.

Pushed changes to address Jim's comments Register/UnRegister and application manager

Push changes

Will work on the update listener

Prefer for loops ?? - per Jim yes

Finished coding

fixed bug for Chenfei, policy type yamls seem to have problems

Fix merge conflict and yaml's

JUnit tests

Do statistics post-M4

Jim, Ram, Chenfei - please look at filtering classes to make sure they are what you want.

Created MariaDb - tried creating group/sub-group in DB. Problem with TOSCA Policy, max column length.Test registration in local Dmaap and MariaDbLiam will help with max column length
Pushed code for PDP state changeWill work on Jim's comments

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

1440: working - error + decision response

applications installed, up + running. junits + code coverage.

Should merge code review soon so Mike can continue

1608: a) state machine reviewed and merged, b) review out - update messages

1608: comments update message + deploy/undeploy policiesQ: how to undeploy a policy from protocol standpoint?

junits AAI new custom query calls + review changescontinuelatest moxy version gives an error - check with other eclipselink dependencies in parent module.

1542: junits + making updates as models change

continue + broadcast support for update/state-changewaiting for Liam's changes
1449: review comments + junits, looking at Pam's review.1449: continue
Filtering .. on API to access model data (was getting bit untidy). Use version object.continue working on filters. Work on statistics.look at review for filters.
pap: registration handler and heartbeat listenercont. junits + providers for rest apis to integrate db infoQs with unregistration flows.
apex-pdp: state change handler - review coming out sooncontinue

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

POLICY-1440 - Decision API REST - got POSTMAN working. Thanks James Hahn !!

POLICY-1440 - Decision API REST - creating a static class to manage applications.

Just need Michael Mokry to keep reviewing code and let me know his status.

1608: Review for basic state machine for lifecycle api

Supporting vFirewall demo

Continue on 1608
Development to hook db providers and test cases.Continue

Finished work for operational manager

Unit test cases done

Created new classes and kept old one as it is

Work on A&AI manager

How to check-in the new classes?

Vamshi waiting for review to be ready

A&AI data is not there yet

1460: Performance test for PAP

1458: Performance test for API

Continue to work on performance test for Xacml-pdpPAP & API builds were failing yesterday.

Junit tests are almost done for deploy

Changes based on recent discussionsPdpStatus message contains both PdpType & PdpSubGroup
1449: Worked on unit test casesContinue to work on comments
Implementation of PAP providersContinue

1443: pdp registration + heartbeat listener & handler review merged yesterday

review for deleting pdp-common from policy/common is merged

review for adding pdpHeartbeatIntervalMs in PdpUpdate message is merged

1443: continue to work on left over comments in the previous registration review.

Create PAP models as per proposed over email.

PdpUpdate & PdpStateChange handler are partially doneContinue with handlers
POLICY-1471 refactor common code in prep for adding coordination pip , part way done with adding coordination code to guard applicationfinish adding coordination code and submit review. then cleanup/refactor of guard/coordination-related code between drools-applications, xacml-pdp, and models

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

POLICY-1273 - Closed - please pull this in today

POLICY-1440 - Decision API REST - will push a draft once 83460 is merged.

Michael Mokry - please get your code review in. I believe that we will be touching similar code.

1668: support for state-change + junits - review shortly

casablanca demo issues - push-policies + gui access

cont.reference on how pap would push the legacy policies?
1441-2: dev providers under reviewcontinue
junit for new Actor classescontinuefollow up w chenfei on actor classes

1/2 reviews - modify existing codes for models.

junits for deploy ..

continue today
1449: review out! - junitscontinue, start 1441.
pdp subgroups into DB => jpa annotations working1095: continue - comply comments + cont. in pdp groups
1443: review ongoing ..1443: continue
pdp-update handler + pdp-statuscontinue + pdp-change
DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Will finish this review today for guard policy work:

Michael Mokry - we need to get the Decision API working from end 2 end (smile)

rename "casablanca" controller to "usecases"

put inspection out for registration
1441-2: api policy/policy-types providers -continue integrating with Liam's code
AAI custom query - integration with use casescomplete dev + start testing

1542: junit tests for policy deploy
1542: continue
1449: dev.1449: junits.
put reviews out over weekendpdpd and pdps data modelling
rework registration and heartbeat handlerscontinuework with Liam
work in review commentscontinue and pdp-update handler

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve



Some reviews + new hardware

laptop replacement
addressing coments in review in provider.continue provider functionality + guard, operational.
changes in custom querycontinue
1458: healtcheck + statistics api1458: continue w scripting
modified mapper + deploy codecontinue deploy + junit testswaiting for providers to be ready to integrate
1449: set up listeners - pdp update + heartbeat status + junits1449: goal to have review out
1195: restructure + work with Chenfei + pdp persistence1195: continueWork out interface to PAP with Ram/Jim
1443: PDP Heartbeat Handler1443: cont, integration dao provider + test cases

1452: pdp-status,

start working in pdp-update handler

continue pdp-update handler

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve



POLICY-1608: dev

OOO - computer replacement
POLICY-1441/1442: Wrap up the end points.POLICY-1441/1442: Address review comments today.

POLICY-1266: Looked at all A&AI classes that has to change.

Created new classes and not changing the old ones.

POLICY-1266: Working on event manager class.

Still cannot query A&AI DB.

POLICY-1542: Creating Mapper classes

POLICY-1542: continue dev
POLICY-1449: Refactored xacml-pdp, created listener for update & status message from PAP.POLICY-1449: Continue with devUnderstand listener.
POLICY-1095: Raised Review for legacy operational policiesPOLICY-1095: Start working on PAP models provider
POLICY-1443: PDP Registration Handler is almost donePOLICY-1443: Starting with PDP Heartbeat handler
POLICY-1452: Sending PdpStatus for registration is donePOLICY-1452: Start working on handling PDP_UPDATE message coming from PAP

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Got stuck on bringing in the PIP for guard - the JUnits are still an issue

Code reviews (don't wait for me) and PIP when time permits.

If anyone can give quick insight on my code review, that will be helpful.

1608: refactoring + dev.

1608: continue
1441-2: development - use tosca pojos + swagger + use error response1441-2: implement providers to hook up to Liam's provider.concerns with scope for m4, start minimum needed functionality.
AAI custom query - work on review commentscustom query integration with actors.
1458: performance tests for api component and others1458: writing tests for api componentchenfei requested help for csit

1542: deploy dev.
1542: cont + unit testsdao dependencies - Liam would provide today
1449: listener work1449: continue
1495: model policiespersistence from policy groups + policy types
registration - listener + handlers - using db providerscontinue
apex pdp - status handling dev. cont.continue

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

guard/optimization code and tests.

Sonar/comment issues, the merge failed on JUnits I will look into that.

Trying hooking the Decision API to the applications.

test oom install with Friday images - push failed on BRMSGW: POLICY-1611

OOM PDP-X remove NodePort configuration : review out.

OOM PDP-D-CL new image - simplification of helm chart: review out + PDPD APPS small change

1608: Junits.

Now that OOM merged, change integration docker manifest

POLICY-1611: assigned to Mike?
rebased code, finished up serialization code, came up with planned pojos to resolve swagger issues/mappers - waiting for reviewwrap up API endpoints, include Liam's error response class and provider functions. Test swagger.

will work on gerrit review - Jorge recommend using static for Jaxb context once to avoid performance cost.Use of gson

1542: JUnit tests for the PDP group

will continue today
Register/unregister code written - was using PDP status from old repo. Switched to policy/models and restructured.

BRMSGW push bug due to Alpine - probably is a configuration problem. Default libraries look into the wrong place. Java code will have to change to look into the right place.

prioritize the register/unregister review

Where is the version for the PolicyTypeIdent object??

operational policies working with provider, should work through REST.

review: takes policies of a type, puts into DB and tests output.

will get guard policies, and then work with Ram/Jim on the PDP groups
writing the listeners and handlers for registration flowwill continue today. Would like to use pieces of Jim's communication handler.
Done with Apex basics in following PAP-PDP bootstrapping - pushedWill move onto handling PDP status message to PAP

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

POLICY-1471 - Added guard and optimization applications creating policies and rendering decisions.

released xacml 2.0.1 - fix annotation handling of null values

POLICY-1273/1471 - Handling errors or empty results.

Michael Mokry - How to hook the guard PIP into the new PDP?

NOTE: I am OOF March 27 - April 3. Jorge/Liam - please run the Wednesday Policy meeting - I will give you host key for recording. I will be able to do code reviews and answer email. We'll see how much dev I can contribute.

1608: registration / skeleton lifecycle dev.

1608: junits

oom: pdp-x: tackle changes from review + test.

oom: pdpd-cl: switch image + test

oom: bring up with very latest.

serialization/deserialization for policy-type + unit tests

look into next steps based on Liam's email.

build provider functions

after - db interactions.

1266: completed all methods for custom query response - now can choose any element you on how to use the custom query infrastructure in use cases
issues with pdp-x csit solvedperformance tests for policy api and other components

1542: dev. deploy functionality
1542: dev. cont.

discuss q's at end of meeting

1449: register/unregister + status message1449: junits
dev. policy creation donecontinue working on dev. in model area.
handler of pdp-registrationcontinue dev.
apex-pdp cont.

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

POLICY-1607 released casablanca maintenance artifacts


POLICY-1273 - I think I am almost finished with the requirements part.

POLICY-1471 - Finish guard contents and add in placement application. Consolidate code and fill in the TODO's.

POLICY-1440 - If I have time this weekend I will hook in the Decision API.

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

1607: casablanca maintenance release

1607: finish maintenance release

1293: work on error/warning message models

work with Bilal on Xacml CSIT failure

Please just bring in right now - I will target filling in the blanks Friday-Monday

1608: development

1608: dev. continue

check healthcheck in pdp-x

1441-2: serialization for policy-types1441-2: cont. dev.
1266: Checked in AAI Custom Query GeneratorCont. dev. - data required for use cases.
CSIT health issue - able to reproduce the problem.


check w Jorge - test in oom lab

1542: infra + write code for deploy
dev. cont.
1449: register - code written + testing1449: dev. cont. + junits.

1495: refactor - models .. reviews out.

got DB populated !!

1495: dev. cont.

Work with Ajith on Apex PDP support

Looked into infrastructure for DMaaP communication for Registration.

Need to work with Liam to access policy related info in the DBNeeds DB part working

Worked with Ram on TOK

continue dev.
DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

1273: Meet w Mike + Josh - progress on pdp-x

1404 + 1471 : pdp-x

continue dev. on 1273

casablanca release new artifacts

csit pdp-x concerns

1608: development

1608: hope to complete the reg. process
14441-2: serialization/deserialization tosca policy+policy-types. Junits.1441-2: continue ser/des + junits.
UT + Ser/Deser. AAI output from custom queries - conversion to response objects. Checked against schema.Dev. continue using these objects in the context of use cases.

1449: initial registration1449: dev. continue.
getting policies in database (persistence) + serialization/deserialization + work w Chenfeicontinue
REST - API Provider for query and state change - donecontinue work - start w registration

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

POLICY-1273 - requirements are actually done. Just need to add more test scenarios for Monitoring application to ensure it works with multiple policies. Thread-safe access is also something that needs to be ensured that is working properly.

POLICY-1404 - Task 1602 - Looking at the various Decision request/response payloads for the applications and getting that settled before hooking API to the applications.

POLICY-1471 - technically started progress on guard application. Josh Reich will work with me on this. (Michael Mokry - please sit in with us so you are in synch)

Sonar issues with my Xacml submission and adding request/response decision payloads.

Schedule meeting with Josh to go over POLICY-1471 and his coordination work.

Casablanca Maintenance Jars

CSIT for XACML - what's the status?? (smile)

POLICY-1436 : completed OOM testing with PDP-X patch - all working - waiting for OOM team to merge.

POLICY-1608: Registration Start for PDP-D in progress, one review out for TopicClientSink.

POLICY-1608: continue

POLICY-1459: integrate new cl image into OOM

POLICY-1441-2 Serialization/Deserialization code for reviewContinue serizalization/deserialization for Tosca policy type.Issue: how to render the payload correctly in swagger.
POLICY-1266: Worked on generating Java Classes for Cq Queries, with classes in conformance with A&AI schemaWrite JUNIT tests, and test the marshaling and unmarshaling of CqQuery response into POJOs
CSIT issue failing with PDP-X - 500 error comingContinue working on CSITpolicy master healthcheck failing today because of pdp-x test
Pulled into a different area.

Continue working in PAP
POLICY-1449: development workPOLICY-1449: dev. cont. using TopicSinkClient.
POLICY-1995: development workPOLICY-1995: Work in real policy provider and use the database.
POLICY-1541: development workPOLICY-1541: Continue REST PAP provider work

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

POLICY-1440/1602 - decision Api started working on the models for that API

POLICY-1273 - Building up guard application, common code between applications and some utility methods.

POLICY-1273 - Continue consolidating application code. May build an abstract class to share code instead of interface.

M4 checklist

CSIT broken jobs - I will raise this at the PTL meeting this morning to see if global-jjb changes are effecting it.

POLICY-1604: openjdk8 not installing some libraries.

Test OOM Mike's patch, changes on top for review.

Complete testing w OOM

Registration w PAP (from PDP-D)

Serialization/Deserialization for API payload using Liam's plus legacy Policies APIs.Continue today.
Request/Response for Custom Query APIContinue working today with dummy response.

1642: code to manage update requests - no broadcast messages

continue working on 1642.

algorithm to allocate policies to PDPs.

1449: register/unregister PDPX - PAP1449: continue


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

1560: cl images, code review out

design discussions

more tests db, etc .. with new image + oom (w. mike's)

pdpd registration

support legacy policies + serialization

got feedback from Pam/Liam

continue working on legacy serialization

disgest Liam's code

Updated version AAI tests (with modelId, vfModule data, ..). Started work AAIManager ..Continue AAIManager work
CSIT for pdpd - merged.Continue w CSIT.

1542: classes for simple rest apis - ready to merge

stubbed api - deploy/undeploy ready to go

how to do locking discussion

continue 1542

1439: dmaap register/unregister1439: dev. cont.
1495: model, meeting work, policies serialzed/deserialized to pojos1495: cont.
Met w Jim - dividing PAP work - developmentMove on to DB Models for PAP

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

M3 Checklists - we look to be in good shape!

Thanks Jim Hahn for the updated swagger and Bilal helping to clean up the CSIT page!!

POLICY-1273 - more work to get Decision API working for DCAE/Guard and how to plugin Coordination

How do we get a SNAPSHOT available to CLAMP to do create/read??

I will work on getting SNAPSHOT available to DCAE to do Decision.

Please keep in mind that for M4, ALL CSIT must be implemented and working.

Scrum should be ending today - please close all JIRA's if possible.

Testing + Design discussions + Reviews

Put review out for PDPD-CL and replace in docker project for CSITs.

Try modified OOM helm charts from Mike in Labs.

Follow up additional design discussions.

Conversion of guard and operational policies - conversion to tosca.continue on the same areas
Worked with Marco - looking at test output to obtain all info for all use cases.continue working with Marco to integrate in apps
submitted 1 csit tests for drools-pdp + wiki documentationsubmit review for csit tests + performance tests for policy api
1542: dev. continuation

1542: dev. cont.
1436: work on OOM helm chart, 1440: start1440: dev. cont.
1195: models + worked on comments. Started serialization.1195: cont.
Worked with Jim on APIs. Designed Plan work proposalPAP work discussion and moving on dev.

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

API test examples for Liam

xacml 2.0 ready for onap usage

new json ouputs for Liam's work

finialize design discussions and csit planning

AAF meet

Design/Review discussions

Set up OOM lab with latest (healtchecks passed, dmaap problem persists). Tested Mike's under review patch for pdp-x, issues in the chart, will follow up today.

Follow up with PDP-X OOM chart

Testing new PDPD-CL image, put review out.

code review + designdev. cont.

AAI custom queries for control loop analysis - Need to add PUT method

Got AAI ouput test data to test custom queries on our side

Test with test data provided from AAI to test custom queries

1542: blocked until we resolve in group name

1542: cont.

Solved CSIT test issues + helm chart

Swagger API PDF Generated

1440: Decision API

PDP-X helm charts

1440: Decision API

1195: unit tests model based packageUnit test for model DAO POJOs will be submitted this afternoon. Then work on serialization commences.
POLICY-1541: Working on PAP REST API'sPOLICY-1541: continue

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

POLICY-1273 - rebased, made suggested changes, added guard project.

Release xacml 2.0.0

Fixed casablanca CSIT

Architecture Review

M3 checklist

CSIT tests

POLICY-1273 - will consolidate more code. But I have a lot of meetings today.

I must have swagger pdf TODAY!!!

I ONLY have from Chenfei latest swagger.

Please start adding more CSIT - drools and drools-applications have none. Can these easily be added?

Catching up Design work + reviews + admin work

bring up lab w latest images, verify.

work on PDP-CL image.

continue design discussions.

test helm charts from Mike


Q for Liam : Operational Policies follow up after conversation with CLAMP team.
1441, 1442: Code reviews + generated swagger1441, 1442: cont. dev.
1266: dev. contGet details on Custom query

Identify CSIT tests that can be done from PAPWaiting from team for feedback on CSIT tests can help
1542: pushed some infrastructure, discussion on API issues and resolution.

Generate Swagger PDP for deploy/undeploy.

1436: helm charts


follow up on helm charts.

Swagger Decision API PDF for Pam.

1195: unit tests model based package

1195: tosca model unit tests - accessing DB (pojos, and write to h2 db).

Serialization/Deserialization of json.

1541: created models for pap rest under review1541: cont. dev.Blocked on REST API decisions.

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

POLICY-1273 - worked out how XACML Rest controller can communicate with policy type applications.

Trouble with Cucumber Tests - JUnit classrule was not being called for some reason.

POLICY-1273 - Re-organize the code for re-use and add exceptions.

Goal is to get the monitoring application to load a new policy and make a decision on it.

Should applications be a singleton??

Release Xacml PDP 2.0.0 today

I must have swagger pdf TODAY!!!

Test components to verify certificate expiration date (onap request). Some components, apex-pdp, api, distribution didn't come after https request, not sure if they may be configured with http instead.

Investigate CSIT failures, two problems: (a) stuck waiting for port 9091 and gets killed, (b) casablanca csit job points to master.

Problems from Alpine move:

PDP-D Applications code does not get loaded, amsterdam, and other features. There are differences in sort, grep, timeout, .. between Ubuntu and Alpine. POLICY-1577: should correct at least a first layer of these errors.

PAP does not come up, stuck waiting for mariadb (which is up), need to use nc as telnet used before behaved a little different in terms of output.

Continue looking at CSIT tests (all) + image brought up for Drools and PE (legacy PAP, PDP-X, brmsgw) to see if they come up clean.
1441, 1442: dev. cont. looking at Pam's and Liam' review.1441, 1442: dev cont.
1266: dev. cont. AAI schema1266: continue research in AAI area and how can be used

1542: pap deploy/undeploy dev. cont. - pushed review.

1542: dev. cont.
1436: addressing comments + helm charts1436: finish helm charts + csit tests for https + pam's reviewlaptop problems, stuck waiting for IT support
1195: continue tosca model1195: continue tosca model
1541: pap rest apis, look at Jim's review1541: continue
DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

PTL work

POLICY-1273 - The Policy Design

Would like to meet with Mike today to show where I am going with this.

1560: tweaks for ci to trigger build creation against latest pdp-d.

1551: Alpine test run in OOM - healthchecks. Needed to do changes in docker and OOM for PDP and PE for JAVA_HOME.

CSIT tests.

1560: cont. dev.

1441-2: rest apis, started dao implementations1441-2: dao work, interface to policy types
NAwork on use schema service - AAI
Worked w Chenfei - CSIT tests that could be donepolicy/api csit tests

1542: deploy/undeploy -push stub api - filling swagger api
1542: dev. cont.
1436: review comments + helm charts

1436: cont. review comments + REST API headers

Tosca models/dao

Tosca models/dao continue.

Same provider interface.

1541: apis for pdp group query - REST1541: dev. cont.
DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

1560: 2 reviews docker image, beefing up docker cl

1560: cont.
1441, 1442: put reviews for support api cvs response header + request id in headerdao, tosca model modifications.
using aai schema, no fields in custome query

start looking at it with custom query empty responses.

waiting on aai data to be prepopulated.
write csit tests with api.

performance and stability tests.

need to wait a couple days to write csit tests in components (as components make progress on apis)

1542: pushed reviews, refactored in tests in separate pieces.
1542: continue.
1436: solved the https issue

1436: addressing review comments.

work on helm charts.

1443: common client code under review

1541: started

1541: dev cont.


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

POLICY-1273 - The Policy Design

POLICY-1273 - The Policy Design

API versioning

Bilal - work with you on external lab job.

1560: getting rid of calling docker-install file at container initialization

1560: continue

POLICY 1441, 1442: Code review on Liam's reviews

POLICY-1270 will be closed

1441, 1442: Add API versioning headers and Logging headers

A&AI released schema service

No VNF's in database

Will try to use A&AI schema Java dependency and create the custom classes.

Test with NO VNf's in database

Submitted patch POLICY-1461 + csit policy-apiWork on CSIT for policy/api
POLICY-1542 - cont. dev. rest api on pap for deploy/undeployPOLICY-1542 - cont. dev. rest api on pap for deploy/undeployNeed responses to be defined in the API Draft
POLICY-1436 - worked on HTTPS to get the work.POLICY-1436Stuck on HTTPS - cipher suite showing unsupported
POLICY-1995 - have the module finished - needs testing

POLICY-1995 - testing with JSON in/out

NOTE: Tosca maps of keys can be tricky.
POLICY-1443 - created review

POLICY-1541 - need api's done by M3

Will go back to POLICY-1443

POLICY-1176 - catch the review items from Casablanca identified.POLICY-1176 - catch the review items from Casablanca identified.Waiting for POLICY-1471
DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

POLICY-1273 - The Policy Design - waiting for foundation to be merged.

Working on the PDP engine loading and deciding what the XACML policy will look like

POLICY-1273 - Finish XACML root policy and how TOSCA policies are translated/interpreted.

Thinking that the design application should use meta-data so the PDP knows what policy-type(s) it supports and can send that information back to PAP.

The PDP must be able to know what applications to load also - from a properties/environment injection.

Perhaps a protected directory that holds this information in a property file. XACML has this functionality already.

1270: policy-api oom helm - merged.

1558: pdpd oom config helm - merged.

1459: Dockerfile - install all in image now that most hard install dependencies have been removed.
1441, 1442: liam's code studycont. code review

1461 + csit polilcy-api1461: dev. work

1444: infrastructure dmaap
1532: cont. dev. rest api on pap for deploy/undeploy
1436: able to run csit tests - under review1436: dev. https issue - cont. issue.there are some api changes that need to be merged in
1995: modeling dev. 2/31995: cont. development.blocked by jenkins CI problems
1443: create pap-pdp infrastructure in pdp-common for pdp to send messages to pap -1443: cont. development - planning to raise review for this.
DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

POLICY-1273 - The Policy Design

POLICY-1273 - The Policy Design

ONAP Architecture Review for tomorrow

Install oom mini lab in windriver. All existing images come up OK. Issues with DMaaP.

Tested PDPD-CL image, some issues inheriting form PDP-D latest image.

Continue working on OOM and PDPD-CL image.

I'll pull Chenfei's change in OOM to debug.

1441, 1442: DAO review and Pam's code foundation code. Helm chart issue.Reviewing code, and dev. policy-type creation

Look at AAI schema and writing java classes but just looking at schema.

Consult with Liam, may be able to provide feedback for xsd to pojo conversion.

1461: docker image xacml pdp testingtry out xacml pdp health check
1444: pap-pdp

1542: deploy/undeploy rest api stubs - pap, pdp (dmaap).
1436: csit test, working on image issues1436: csit continue working
1195: model more dev. work

1195: tosca model working with DAO.

work with tosca models from Pam

1443: common out for review1443: continue dev.
POLICY-1173 merged and JIRA closed

POLICY-1176 - Getting issue details... STATUS

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

POLICY-1547 - lombok

POLICY-1556 - INFO.yaml

Main Focus:

Will try to finish POLICY-1456 (Documentation) and start

POLICY-1273 - The Policy Design

Copious spare time: POLICY-1507, POLICY-1539

Place under review:

POLICY-1543: PDP-X image build problem

POLICY-1524: pretty much complete with base refactoring efforts in PDP-D

POLICY-1543: PDP-D APPS use env variables set up by PDP-D for environment access.

POLICY-1459: testing with the new PDP-D-CL image and removal of some OOM scripts

POLICY-1270: Helm Charts for API

Work w Jorge - helm charts testing

Reviews, and catching up with code


Look into CSIT tests and evaluate coverage.

Learn about robot framework and technology behind csit

Work w Chenfei on it

POLICY-1444: reviews outLook at other related JIRAs for PDP-PAP communication.
POLICY-1543: Worked in PDP-X Docker imageCSIT tests once PDP-X image gets built

POLICY-1195 The DAO code is submitted and the Models repo is structured into modules to separate the base/DAO/TOSCA models.

Checkstyle error introduced:

Fleshing out the TOSCA objects and annotating them with JPA annotations to do the schema. WIll work on it over weekend.

Plan is to move to gson based annotations that Jim put together

POLICY-1443: review for common PDP.

Add lombak info in

POLICY-1443: working in comments

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

PTL and Chair work

Lots of meetings today:

Work on small issues:




1548: topic configuration

1524: env. PDP-D waiting for review

cont. new CL image
1270: helm charts api

1270, help addressed comments

Understand Liam's code - models

1266: worked with Marco

building knowledge in existing code

1266: work with Marco
1462: change dir. structure review

1461: cont.

understand csit tests

waiting for docker image to build

1444: pushed couple review
1444: continue dev.
https/aaf review for feed back

work on csit

1436: creating images

blocked on https issues

need help on pdp-x image

1264: dao annotations for the model1264: cont
1443: common module pojos1443: continue

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Finishin up security

Porting to casablanca

Good DCAE team meeting for Decision API architecture

Tackle security issues, lombak

M3 template

Need to present Thurs in architecture subcommittee - Work with Liam, Jorge.

Work with Bilal, implement CSIT tests, since 50% need to be implemented.

POLICY-1524: lab testing (installation restructuring including JVM settings, including memory)

Closed on Registration

POLICY-1524: cont. testing

POLICY-1454: PDP-D Register/Unregister

1515, 1441, 1442: addressed comments in API repoPOLICY-1270: start working on helm charts
1266: AAI dev.

Work on Custom AAI integration in PDPD apps and potentially in models.

All 4 queries replaced by 1 , custom AAI.

POLICY-1462: understand dependencies for policy-distribution for performance and stabilityPOLICY-1462: cont.

POLICY-1444 - submitted some code for review
POLICY-1444 – will be addressing a review comment to move some of the code to policy/common.  In addition, planning to write and submit more code that will provide a base for several related JIRAs
POLICY-1436: https running into problems, problems with ciphers in junits - committed draft

POLICY-1436: cont.


https ciphers issue

POLICY-1264: Working on Models. DAO Model working

Blocked review still open

Continue DAO support in Chenfei's work


PAP-PDP interfaces

PAP-PDP interfaces development


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve


Start prep for ONAP Architecture Review

DCAE uS Model questions - Confirmed that there will be NO version for policy types.

Many meetings today to further refine requirements for Scale Out and Model Driven Control Loops.

API Page - Adjust the metadata per requirements

POLICY-1538 - cherry pick to Casablanca Maintenance (YES we are being asked to do this)

Testing: Verify Policy instantiation and policy deployment with latest load. Amsterdam controller comes up with new policies.

POLICY-1524: dev. work.

Registration discussions

Close on basic registration.

POLICY-1524: hopefully can close on PDP-D.

Initiate discussion on how to retrieve policies (post registration)

POLICY-1515, 1441, 1442: API work, models ..Continue addressing comments, if time for helm chart.

Registration work.

POLICY-1444: deploy/undeploy dev. work

Close on Registration work.

POLICY-1444: deploy/undeploy dev. work

POLICY-1516: under review.

POLICY-1436: waiting for 1516 merged.

CSIT running in local VM issues.

Registration flows.

POLICY-1516, POLICY-1436: cont.

CSIT tests.


POLICY-1264. Modelling.

Bringing JPA to model project, ported from APEX.

DB schema not needed.

Continue POLICY-1264 for modelling.

Continue architecture discussions.

POLICY-1483: helm chart for PAP.

Looking at API review from Chenfei.

DB schema, piggyback on Liam's work.

Start looking into PAP/PDP exchanges.

DB schema, piggyback on Liam's work.


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve


Security + Decision API's + Architecture Review Preparation

Ram/Jim/Jorge - please finalize flow between the Client ↔ PAP ↔ PDP, finalize how those API's work between clients (CLAMP/Integration) and PDPs. Make sure the JIRA's are correct.

Architecture review

Registration Proposal

POLICY-1524: PDP-D core: use dyamic environment vars when possible instead of installation ones.

POLICY-1529: PDP-D: APPS: use dyamic environment vars when possible instead of installation ones.

Work with team APIs

POLICY-1459: continue development

Will set additional time after scrum for team to discuss design and API resolution issues.

Let's start with the simplest sunny day scenarios and evolve from there.

POLICY-1515: POJO for models repoPOLICY-1441, 1442: wrap code for POJOs. Wrap up code for API repo.Simplify package name for POJOs

POLICY-1266: Code review.

AAI updated schema and will update custom query code early this week.

POLICY-1462: code review estability/performancePOLICY-1461

POLICY-1444: dev: PAP deploy/undeploy. DMaaP.
POLICY-1444: continue dev.

POLICY-1436: https/aaf subtask

POLICY-1516: decision api -

POLICY-1436, 1516: dev, trying to submit

PDP-X: CSIT failing looking into it.

POLICY-1473: updated wiki, naming, restructuring, kubernetes clean up

Looking at modeling, found tosca library for java, need to look if can incorporate it.

Tosca library in ONAP uses javascript. ONAP found artifacts don't seem to fit the bill.

Decide tosca approach in Java

POLICY-1480: review - jjb for csit

POLICY-1483: helm chart - reviewers pap

Work on DB creation on PAP.Cucumber tests missing, if remove can close story. Question for Pam.

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

POLICY-1538, Security pages

Security issues + Architecture + APIs

POLICY-1537: ci changes, POLICY-1534, POLICY-1517: merged

POLICY-1459: continue development

PDP Registration

POLICY-1515,1441,14446: swagger annotations for endpoints, REST APIsFocused on POJOs
POLICY-1266: cont.POLICY-1266concerns with AAI delivery, no responses
POLICY-1458, 1460: mergedcontinue distribution, pdp-x

POLICY-1444: dev.
POLICY-1444: cont

POLICY-1516: plugin experiments

POLICY-1436: https + aaf

POLICY-1473: architecture

POLICY-1540: sec jars, zookeeper, apex

Architecture + Modeling

POLICY-1480: swagger + csit ready

JJB + helm charts

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Sonar coverage policy/engine

Security wikis

Chenfei - finalize CSIT wiki

POLCIY-1537: ci changes

CSIT changes

POLICY-1534, POLICY-1517: waiting

POLICY-1459: continue development

POLICY-1515: entry points and POJOS under models for policy-types - development

CSIT wiki

POLICY-1515: continue dev. model repos
Looking at codebaseLooking at codebasePOLICY-1266: Waiting on AAI

POLICY-1458: pushed changes for review

POLICY-1460: almost done, waiting for other review to be pushed.

XACML PDP healthcheck work


POLICY-1444: PAP deploy/undeploy

code reviews

POLICY-1516: Decision API - commit review. Workon swagger annotations. Started to work on plugin functionality.


POLICY-1516: continue
POLICY-1473: architecture documentation doneStart looking into Modeling

POLICY-1480: swagger to PAP API under review


Jenkins Jobs

Helm charts

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Security wiki page and team interactions

Security cont.

Look at sonar coverage for M2

Go through Architecture, API pages

Need to finish CSIT page for M2.

Look at how we will do Cucumber tests from high level system view.

CSIT doc. changes

POLICY-1534: decouple actual topics from template topics - under review

POLICY-1517: moving installation configuration to environment variables - second review

CSIT + Architecture wiki reviews

POLICY-1517 additional changes

POLICY-1515: address Ram's comments in review.Create REST models in policy/model repo.

POLICY-1266: communication with AAI - they will provide library jars

Looking at existing code

Looking at existing codewaiting for delivery from aai
POLICY-1458: submitted patch, jmeter testsPOLICY-1460: dev. cont.

POLICY-1516: decision policy stubbed out, issues w swagger against reference API component. Legacy PDP-X uses spring framework to render swagger html UI.

POLICY-1516: swagger cont.

POLICY-1473: Architecture + finished API page;

CLM issue - apache zookeeper library in APEX

POLICY-1473: Architecture page cont.

CLM zookeeper resolution.

may need to port security changes to casablanca maintenance release
POLICY-1480: jjb for docker image for pap + docker, looking at swagger on api reviewPOLICY-1480: cont. and swagger cont.
POLICY-1173 response to reviewsPOLICY-1173 fix issues and submit patch
DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

M2 security checklist - some CSIT

Too many meetings today: PTL, Scale Out, Models, DCAE, A&AI, SDC, etc etc

CSIT Wiki !!!!

Out of Office

POLICY-1515: Adding swagger annotations to APIContinuing on POLICY-1515, needs to create some models for the returns.
Not on call

POLICY-1458: looking at running JMeter tests from maven, the tests are not realisticRemote test requires setting up of VMs remotely. For now will follow the approach used in drools-applications.
Ram provided some explanation on how the current CSIT tests run, RAM/Chenfei/Bilal will discuss offline

POLICY-1429: Final pieces done
Working on POLICY-1444 today, deploy/undeploy for PAP
POLICY-1516: prototype for the Policy decision API (PDP-X)CI Management change for docker images for the PDP-X and continue with POLICY-1516
POLICY-1473,  architecture and APIs, API page readyRevisit the Architecture page and clean up.
Reviewed API page, comments to Liam. Added CSIT tests for PAPLooking at Swagger for PAP, annotations on the Java are the best approach. Looking at where the Swagger output is sent to. There is a plugin for this, we need to check the license, it seems to be Apache 2. Ram will check with Pam.
Ram, Chenfei and Mike will discuss this offline and come back with a suggestion to this group.

Policy-1173 initial code submitPolicy-1173 code review follow up
DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Finish wiki pages for M2

Finish security and csit pages

Decision API

Meet w. SDC, DCAE teams

Add column to CSIT page to integrate with open external labs continous integration.

Need to be done by Wed.

Arch doc. review - API documentation, CSIT

POLICY-1524: move install configuration to env variables.

Continue arch doc. review
POLICY-1524: cont.

POLICY-1515: swagger for api entry points: development. From swagger spec json, create html.

POLICY-1515: continue dev. swagger.

Refactoring code

Section 3.2.1 API wiki clarification
POLICY-1266: Interacting with AAI, v16 - they are going to release POJOs from schema - put it in v1.0.0Integration of AAI in drools-appswaiting for AAI team to release v1,0.0 artifact with java classes from xsd.

POLICY-1429: template demos was referencing Jackson -fix.

POLICY-1007: mostly done, minor changes in properties left

POLICY-1429, POLICY-1007: finish

POLICY-1444: deploy/undeploy

POLICY-1516: swagger for decision API on new PDP-X

POLICY-1516: continue and finish swagger

POLICY-1436: Finish https implementation

POLICY-1473: arch. API workWork on Internal APIs
API doc. review, work done last weekJenkins job for CSIT testshelp w cucumber tests.

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve


Preparation for M2 next week


Policy R4 Dublin CSIT/External Lab Functional Test Cases

  • Need PAP tests to be defined - so the other PDP's can define theirs
  • Need Drools to create own test
  • Need Apex to add
  • Need Xacml to add
  • API almost done

Need API swagger definitions for api and xacml

Integration Daily Staging Lab global issues - policy

Orange Lab ticket: POLICY-1520: submitted

POLICY-1459 story cont.

POLICY-1459 story cont. - migrating using env. variables in properties files.

CSIT test definition

sick, POLICY-1270: CSIT entry doc.POLICY-1270: continuation CSIT, fix creation of api images in nexus repository.
POLICY-1266: Work with Jim and Marco, look at code, AAI.POLICY-1266: cont.still waiting feedback from AAI team
POLICY-1458: under review, tests from mavenPOLICY-1458: cont.figure out how to run tests automatically, consider if they have to be embedded in image. PDP-X not finding image
POLICY-1431: gson → jackson work

POLICY-1431: cont.

POLICY-1444: dev. deploy/undeploy PAP

POLICY-1436: https + aaf -

issue testing rest new pdp-x server test

POLICY-1436: cont, focus on https testing issue

Work w Pam on CSIT page test definition - decision api

POLICY-1473: architecture doc.POLICY-1473: continue, work on Registration Internal API
POLICY-1173POLICY-1173Ran into issue compiling most recent master code, emailed Pam & Jim.
DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Reviewing Documentation

POLICY-1518: restructure work for better docker images

POLICY-1459: continue ..

POLICY-1520: orange lab ticket


POLICY-1266: custom queries investigationPOLICY-1266: continueblocked by AAI not ready with custom queries yet
POLICY-1458: finished healthchecks api + pap + updated wiki pagesPOLICY-1458: continue + work with Jorge

POLICY-1436: finished healthchecks + docker under review, start with AAFPOLICY-1436: AAF, csit
POLICY-1473: architecture continuePOLICY-1473: continue

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

tagged maintenance release artifacts

POLICY-1456 - examining DCAE component spec policies for Decision API.

Working with Scale Out and Model Drive CL team to clear up outstanding issues.

Cleaned up some XACML 2.0.0 code

IN TRAINING TODAY - will be monitoring code reviews

Liam - please take another look at the wiki. There are still some cut-n-paste errors in section 3 and extra tables lingering around.

Community support in rocketchannel

Run of latest Dublin - oom install uses casablanca drl - POLICY-1517 - submitted

POLICY-1514 - merged

POLICY-1459: cont.

Review arch. docs

POLICY-1270: code under review, csit, ci ..POLICY-1270: cont, POLICY-1515: dev.
POLICY-1266: AAI waiting for feedback, xsd conversion to POJOsPOLICY-1266: cont.waiting for feedback on AAI
POLICY-1458: healthcheck + statistics for jmeter - long duration run.POLICY-1458: cont - focus on PAP

POLICY-1428: gson in policy-commons, last review today in commons.

POLICY-1451: gson conv. in pdp-d.

POLICY-1454: swagger for deploy/undeploy api for PAP

POLICY-1436: finished comments + AAF supportPOLICY-1436: cont.
POLICY-1473: Architecture Doc. - ready for review.POLICY-1473: statistics API definition, finished doc.

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

POLICY-1456: prototype schema decision api, align dcae policies

POLICY-1456: cont., section 3 arch. doc.

LF: tag repo maintenance release

Wed, Thurs. in training limited time available.

POLICY-1514: support env vars in properties for better docker image support. Lib changes

POLICY-1514: cont.

Community support in rocketchat from onap-discuss.

oooPOLICY-1270: https, csit cont.need to generate beta version swagger apis
POLICY-1266: Contacted A&AI for problem with generating Java classes from xsdPOLICY-1266: waiting on feedback
POLICY-1458: new vm policy api, brought up docker containenr from chenfei's api image, wiki pagePOLICY-1458: continue.

POLICY-1007: under review

POLICY-1444: PAP api

POLICY-1007: close on that

POLICY-1436: review comments - healthcheck, docker image packaging.POLICY-1436: cont. docker images, aaf, https
POLICY-1473: arch. cont.POLICY-1473: arch. cont., APIs.

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

PTL - security page update

Policy R4 Dublin Security/Vulnerability Threat Template

only listing security vulnerabilities, not the license issues.

POLICY-1456, POLICY-1473

Decision API

POLICY-1459: submission and analysis of restructure of installation suitable for docker and kubernetes

POLICY-1459: continue
POLICY-1266: developmentPOLICY-1266: developmentPOLICY-1266: binding error problems with AAI class generation
POLICY-1458: jmeter testsPOLICY-1458: jmeter tests
POLICY-1429: reviews, POLICY-1393: switching classes with assertj and put into parent pomPOLICY-1429: waiting for comment for review, POLICY-1393: cont.
out sick--
POLICY-1473: architecturePOLICY-1473: continuation

Alpine initial look

POLICY-1480: csit, under review. Testing.

Cucumber, and helm pending.

POLICY-1480: continueTue-Fri out

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

POLIPTL security review


POLICY-1456, POLICY-1473

PTL - security review

POLICY-1459: pdpd-cl image out revie

POLICY-1459: continuedetermine if domain/model information should be in the Operational Policy or not
POLICY-1270: all submitted, CSIT issuesPOLICY-1270: CSIT reviewMon. out
POLICY-1266: AAI working into error converting xsd to POJOsPOLICY-1266: continuation
POLICY-1458: 2 VMs setup and estability+ performance tests runPOLICY-1458: run more tests - build tests for Policy API
POLICY-1429: gson convertionPOLICY-1429, continue, clean-up dependencies inconsistencies
POLICY-1436: comments reworkPOLICY-1436: rework completion + dockerization
POLICY-1473: arch doc. cont.POLICY-1473: arch doc. cont.

POLICY-1346: logging + docker build

POLICY-1485: https+aaf statistics

POLICY-1478: packaging of pap with dockerTue-Fri out

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

PTL work

POLICY-1456, POLICY-1473

PTL - security review


POLICY-1502: resolved ticket healthcheck integration lab

POLICY-1459: testing

POLICY-1459: continuation
POLICY-1270: almost done with comments + csitPOLICY-1270: continue
POLICY-1266: continuationPOLICY-1266: continuation

POLICY-1007: gson mostly done
POLICY-1444: PAP deploy/undeploy
POLICY-1436: comments + dockerPOLICY-1436: continuation
POLICY-1473: arch - tosca, POLICY-1456POLICY-1473: continuation

POLICY-1346: flexlogger → slf4j, review docker failure

POLICY-1482: done statistics

POLICY-1485: aaf, https

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

POLICY-1456: architecture roadmap, working w dcae - feedback decision api

POLICY-1456, POLICY-1473 (prototyping policy types for dcae ms and guard policies.

Help in architecture/design pages.

POLICY-1459: image testing

POLICY-1459: review, POLICY-1502: healthcheck issues
POLICY-1270: comments + csit testingPOLICY-1270: continue
POLICY-1266: continuationPOLICY-1266: cont
POLICY-1458: VM set ups and run estability/performance testsPOLICY-1458: cont
POLICY-1007: dev + testing

 POLICY-1007: testing
POLICY-1436: dev, comments, and docker imagesPOLICY-1436: continuation
POLICY-1473: arch, POLICY-1456POLICY-1473: architecture

POLICY-1346: distribution logging under review

POLICY-1482: stats endpoint

POLICY-1482 cont, and packaging

Use lombak annotations for POJOs ( <= JDK 1.8 version)

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

POLICY-1475 - Began work on the Policy Lifecycle API's and the Decision API.

POLICY-1475 - need to meet with other teams and use case owners to understand scope of Model Driven Design.

I need folks to help vet what I did yesterday and work on the Lifecycle API - tie together the Platform Object Models with the TOSCA Models.

POLICY-1459: Started new image inheriting from PDP-D

POLICY-1459: Continue
POLICY-1270: CommentsPOLICY-1270: ContinueREST API versioning per ONAP
POLICY-1266: Meeting with A&AI to decide on the format of custom queriesPOLICY-1266: Work on A&AI xsd files

POLICY-1007: Pushing gson changes
POLICY-1444 - deploy/undeploy entry point for PAP
POLICY-1436: comments reviewPOLICY-1436: continue + docker
POLICY-1473: ArchitecturePOLICY-1264: Development
POLICY-1477: completed healtcheck (under review)POLICY-1346 : change flexlogger to slf4j

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

POLICY-1475 - Created schemas for Control Loop DCAE and Guard Policies. Began work on identifying issues with current API for DCAE Policy Handler so that the re-design of the new Decision API will work more smoothly.

Current API Limitations with Respect to DCAE mS Policies


Need to work through how the onap.policy.* models expressed in the schemas become "available" for Creating Policies and Deploying Policies. How they tie into the PDP's.

Can I schedule a meeting for Tuesday  at 10am EST (4pm IST)?? Yes, all available

POLICY-1474: embed domain (model) knowledge in kbase (review soon)

Architecture and comments

POLICY-1270: worked in comments from reviewPOLICY-1270: CSIT
POLICY-1266: AAI Windriver TestingPOLICY-1266: call with AAI, work with XSD from AAI.
POLICY-1458: Working on set up VMsPOLICY-1458: Continuation
POLICY-1007: clean-up on gson migration

POLICY-1007: put together code review
POLICY-1436: issues w checkstylePOLICY-1436: remove FlexLogger + docker
POLICY-1473 (architecture)POLICY-1264 (models development)
POLICY-1477: healthcheck endpoint from common, and architectureContinue

Go to start of metadata

<Delete me after today's meeting: Remind Liam Fallon to mention about hack to get OParent Checkstyle working properly in Eclipse and about how to connect Eclipse SonarLint to the ONAP Sonar>

DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

POLICY-1475, POLICY-1468, Coordination and Architecture with other teams.


OOOPOLICY-1474: Developement
POLICY-1270: code review policy/apiPOLICY-1270: follow up review and CSIT
POLICY-1266: windriver lab access

POLICY-1266: look at windriver lab

POLICY-1458: lab work, problem with floating IP addresses in VMs (windriver)POLICY-1458: continuation
POLICY-1007: Jackson → GsonPOLICY-1007: Continuation

POLICY-1436: Junits

POLICY-1436: Packaging + Docker
ArchitectureArchitecture Continuation

POLICY-1476: Completed

POLICY-1477: healthcheck




DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve
Pamela Dragosh



I need the PAP and PDP Platform Models scoped out to help finish the flow of API's for control loop.

Jorge Hernandez (out sick)

POLICY-1270 - Finished JUnit test.POLICY-1270 -package and docker images and CSITFigure out CSIT and AAF.
POLICY-1266 - Requested access to Windriver lab to test A&AI queries

POLICY-1266 - continuation

Looking at Policy code

POLICY-1458 - Trying to get Wind River access. emailed Jorge to get his setup.Will set up Jorge's setup on his machine.
POLICY-1007 - Converting Policy Management from jackson → json, tracing a lot of inconsistencies.
Taking a different tack, using more Jackson-like emulation in GSON
POLICY-1007 - continue

POLICY-1436 - Development - Completed coding, xacml pdp - healthcheck, statistics

POLICY-1436 - continue with JUnit, docker packaging
POLICY-1473 - Architecture.POLICY-1473 - continue, discuss with Pam/Jorge

POLICY-1476, POLICY-1481 - Review for PAP created, sent an email to Chenfei on CSIT

POLICY-1476, POLICY-1481: continuation and going through
the architecture.




DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Control Loop Architecture (AAI clean up for scale out case). Handoff to Pramod.

Platform models including DCAE.

Architecture work, going through Registration scenarios

POLICY-1474 - Development start on persisting operational policies.

Architecture Documents


POLICY-1270 - Followed policy-distribution model - Development.POLICY-1270 - junits, package and docker imagesFigure out CSIT and AAF.
POLICY-1266 - Meet w Marco, expoloration through AAI: control loops, network services in csar ..

POLICY-1266 - continuation

Looking at Policy code

POLICY-1007 - REST API work migration from jackson → jsonPOLICY-1007 - continue

POLICY-1436 - Development - Code following policy-distribution, xacml pdp - healthcheck, statistics

POLICY-1436 - continue
POLICY-1473 - Architecture.POLICY-1473 - continue

POLICY-1476, POLICY-1481 - New PAP basic structure, Infrastructure

POLICY-1476, POLICY-1481: continuation



DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

POLICY-1456 - Getting issue details... STATUS

For the Policy Platform models, the designers of PAP, API and PDP software need to use common models to represent policies, domains and PDPs, etc. I took a stab at them on the wiki, but need folks to help work on vetting those platform models going forward.

POLICY-1447 - Analysis

POLICY-1383 - Analysis

Architecture Documents


POLICY-1270 - AnalysisPOLICY-1270Understanding AAF
POLICY-1266 - Meet w Jim Hahn for AAI Orientation


Meeting with AAI team

Need to understand move from AAI named query to custom query
POLICY-1458 - Setting up environmentPOLICY-1458 - continue
POLICY-1007 - Analysis work jackson → jsonPOLICY-1007 - continue

POLICY-1436 - Analysis

Architecture Document Review

POLICY-1436Laptop issues
POLICY-1473 - WritingPOLICY-1473

POLICY-1271 - Analysis

Architecture Document


POLICY-1173 - Getting issue details... STATUS - initial draft of yaml format, code to ingest yaml in progress

POLICY-1173 - Getting issue details... STATUS


DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

Aligning resources for Model Driven Control Loop work.

Working with Pramod on Scale Out custom query replacement and generalizing the Scale Outs so they do not require a dummy VF-Module.

POLICY-1456 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Again, we need to ensure we have Platform Policy Models aligned between the API, PAP, PDP, and Domain Policy writers that are shared and consistent. This needs to be in place so I can write the Decision API for XACML PDP.

POLICY-1459, POLICY-1474 : continuation of analysis.

Reviewing Architecture


Discuss PDP registration in architecture page

Further refine Registration and policy retrieval from PDP-D.
POLICY-1270: API Service: usage of SLF4J, HTTPS, and AAF configurable.


Statistics Provider API Service.

Try to make docker image.

POLICY-1266: Analysis and Met with AAI for custom queries

POLICY-1266: Meet Marco perhaps Pam - continuation.

POLICY-1458 : set up VM and work with Marco for labPOLICY-1458: continuation
POLICY-1007: selection on the approach to take with the jackson-to-gson migration and am continuing forwardPOLICY-1007: migration of policy-management

POLICY-1436: Analysis continuation

POLICY-1436: Development
Architecture page, working with Ram, integration of feedbackContinuation of architecture work

POLICY-1481: understanding architecture, revising

POLICY-1476: structure new PAP component

POLICY-1481, POLICY-1476 continuation.

POLICY-1173 - initial draft of yaml format, code to ingest yaml in progress



DeveloperWhat I've DoneWhat I'm going to work onIssues need help to resolve

POLICY-1456 - Getting issue details... STATUS - began progress. Created a sub-task to produce a flow:

POLICY-1475 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Policy Design and API Flow for Model Driven Control Loop

POLICY-1456 - Getting issue details... STATUS

For the Policy Platform models, the designers of PAP, API and PDP software need to use common models to represent policies, domains and PDPs, etc. I took a stab at them on the wiki, but need folks to help work on vetting those platform models going forward.

POLICY-1447 - Analysis

POLICY-1383 - Analysis

Architecture Documents


POLICY-1270 - AnalysisPOLICY-1270Understanding AAF
POLICY-1266 - Meet w Jim Hahn for AAI Orientation


Meeting with AAI team

Need to understand move from AAI named query to custom query
POLICY-1458 - Setting up environmentPOLICY-1458 - continue
POLICY-1007 - Analysis work jackson → jsonPOLICY-1007 - continue

POLICY-1436 - Analysis

Architecture Document Review

POLICY-1436Laptop issues
POLICY-1473 - WritingPOLICY-1473

POLICY-1271 - Analysis

Architecture Document


POLICY-1173 - Getting issue details... STATUS - initial draft of yaml format, code to ingest yaml in progress

POLICY-1173 - Getting issue details... STATUS

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