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This section describes Business Drivers for this Use Case.

Executive Summary - PNF software updates are routine for network upgrades to support new features, improve efficiency or increase capacity on the field, and to eliminate bugs. This use case positions ONAP as a vantage point in orchestrating and managing PNF software upgrades inline with the business and service objectives.   

Business Impact - Deployment and orchestration of new network services over both VNFs and PNFs in a model and software driven way simplifies the network management. As 5G networks will host a large number of PNFs from multiple vendors, streamlining service upgrades that involve PNF software changes through ONAP will reduce the OPEX substantially.  

Business Markets - Carriers both in the mobile and fixed-line space host PNFs at the edge of the network. New 5G deployments as well as legacy 4G systems in the mobile carrier space should be considered as target markets. 

Funding/Financial Impacts - Orchestrating PNF software updates via an ONAP deployment will enable better service planning, faster introduction of new network services over field-deployed PNFs, and reduce the operational costs.

Organization Mgmt, Sales Strategies - Harmonizing PNF and VNF software management in a model and workflow driven manner is essential in 5G systems where PNFs will continue to exist in large numbers and they are expected to have more frequent software upgrades (as they will have more capabilities that can be controlled or upgraded via software). Thus ONAP can be the "go-to" solution if this harmonization can be done successfully.

Current Status of PNF Software Upgrade

PNF in place software upgrade is supported in Casablanca and updated in Dublin

  • With the support of an EM​
  • Ansible protocol only ​
  • Plan to use LCM API with existing SO building blocks
  • Impacts on SDNC only (not E2E solution yet)

More details, 5G - PNF Software Update & 5G - PNF SW Upgrade (Casablanca carry-over items)

PNF Software Upgrade Scenarios

There are 4 scenarios are proposed:

  1. Using direct Netconf/Yang interface with PNF
  2. Enable service level LCM operations
  3. Using Ansible protocol with EM
  4. Using Netconf/Yang interface with EM

Common Tasks for all scenarios

SO workflow Example to upgrade one PNF instance

LCM evolution with API Decision Tree

Development Status


key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution


PROJECTPTLUser Story / EpicRequirement




CC-SDK Epic #1: PNF Software Upgrade
  1. Support LCM API / self service API for downloadNESw and activateNESw actions
  2. Provide CDS blueprint for downloadNESw and activateNESw


External API


Multi-VIM /





SDN-CEpic #1: PNF Software Upgrade
  1. Support LCM API for downloadNESw and activateNESw actions
  2. Provide ansible playbooks for downloadNESw and activateNESw
SDCEpic #1: PNF Software Upgrade
  1. support generic workflow design
  2. CBA association enhancement to support PNF upgrade. Impacts on PNFD AID model
  3. CBA association enhancement to support VNF upgrade. Impacts on VNFD AID model
SOEpic #1: PNF Software Upgrade
  1. Support generic PNF CM workflow, including SO building block shall be extended to support PNF LCM actions
  2. SO API extension: PNF software upgrade with target software version
  3. SO BB for downloadNESw, activateNESw, preCheck, postCheck
  4. API (LCM or CDS SS) selection within the same BB
VIDEpic #1: PNF Software Upgrade
  1. trigger PNF Sw upgrade workflow, providing corresponding parameter values
VNFRQTSEpic #1: PNF Software Upgradeupdate the PNF/VNF upgrade requirements 

CDSEpic #1: PNF Software Upgrade
  1. Provide CDS blueprint for downloadNESw and activateNESw
  2. API (LCM or CDS SS) selection within the same BB

List of PTLs:Approved Projects

  PNF software upgrade with direct Netconf/Yang interface with PNF

key summary type created updated assignee reporter priority status resolution subtasks fixversions

 Enable service level LCM operations


 Enhancement on the PNF upgrade using Ansible protocol

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

 PNF software upgrade with Netconf/Yang interface with EM

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

Test Status



ONAP Controller Evolution Consideration - LCM APIs 

Discussion Materials

This section is to review slides for discussion.

PNF Software Upgrade Proposal for Scenario 1 Controller to PNF Interface

Version 2 with updates from Aug 8 2019 meeting

PNF SW Upgrade Proposal v2.pptx

PNF Software Upgrade Proposal for SO Building Blocks


Meeting Schedule for Impacted Project Discussion

The meeting schedule is to present this use case slides to the impacted projects.

Planned DateRelated Project/UC Meeting HostOther
July 15SDCOfir Sonsino
July 11CDSYuriy Malakov
July 10Use case RealizationBen
July 10Change ManagementAjay
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