Meeting Logistics
Day | Time | Meeting ID | Zoom Link | Join by phone |
Tuesday | [vid] Team ONAP5, Tue UTC 13:00 / China 21:00 / Eastern 09:00 / Pacific 06:00 | 238 536 430 | | Or iPhone one-tap : |
Meeting Attendees
- Ali Fouladger
- Min Yoon
- Piotr Darosz
- Krzysztof Kurczewski
Agenda & Minutes
Review open action items from last week
Agenda | Minutes |
Status | Provide development status of the current in progress user stories |
Estimations | Provide estimations for delivery of committed epics |
Q&A | |
Action Items
- Ofir Sonsino sql init file
- Ofir Sonsino asking for service model for PNF
- Ofir Sonsino docker image version to 3.0
- Ofir Sonsino AAF certificate
- Ofir Sonsino ask Stephen about VPN accounts
- Piotr Darosz Share estimations for scale out
- Ofir Sonsino new UI in side