- Casablanca goals are being defined here
Sireesh, Hima, Robert, Lorraine, Saravana, Naveen, Farhan
Discussion Items:
1.Sireesh started setting up local environment for robot test and reviewing test cases from previous release.
will contact Leimeng to know new features;Hima will help setup the Portal in local testers machine.set up new test casesfound some bugs, to work out with the development teamenvironment set up; scheduled call on this for this afternoon- For PORTAL-173 : 24 test cases from before, added 12 more , will check in test case scripts this week into gerrit
- JIRA ticket is in progress state
- some cases are failing, discussing with Sunder, needs latest code in docker image
- Sireesh will commit the cases to gerrit
- Issue: not able to test - BLOCKED system not up, cases not committed, in touch with Sunder to bring up system
2.vm11 test environment to check the bugs and to perform testing - Sunder/Leimeng discovered issue where new function code introduced, but not in DML script. - Lorraine will check
- new JIRA ticket - PORTAL-209 was opened to replace Portal-175. - in submitted state, will close when merged
- waiting in review, ask Sunder to merge
3. AAF integration with SDC - help Micheal Lando - Sunder/Leimeng Leimeng will send document to partners (check with Sunder too) ASDC descoped AAF integration
- plan to integrate with portal only, just got details about a running instance, next action item is to test it, needs info from Sai
- will decide whether to include in Beijing
4. Portal-182 - CLI integration help - Leimeng to setup a working session - Sunder Tattavarada/Former user (Deleted)
- Start working on Jan 31st – Leimeng will organize a call with Sunder/CLI team on Wed 9:00am (Sunder could not join the meeting, when is the next meeting?)
- Another working call was made and Making progress - check with Sunder
- this ticket is in reopened state
- Naveen will close
- Closed
5. Security issues status from CLM (Nexus IQ) - Sudeep - this is Portal-155
- pull request made, fixed in portal; but not SDK, new pull request for SDK will be made for what is working
- ETA today for pull request - SDK
- merged in portal/sdk - done
- sdk onap issue working
- this ticket is in open state
- Farhan and Sudeep working on it
- wiki page for pending security issues - Farhan -Portal Platform Security/Vulnerability Threats - updated wiki
- made some changes, working on new issues
6. Extend Portal-119 to split DB for Portal and SDK - Robert - design session pending and ETA on dev tasks. - Robert working on it now
- Robert is using VM3 for this effort. → 70% done by Robert
- Update the deployment scripts with docker image name changes -
- demo repo (heat templates) - done
- integration repo (CSIT test deployment scripts) - done
- OOM deployment - Michael O'Brian
- JIRA ticket is in progress state
- Robert will work on it
7. Sent grep scan on "master_dev" branch to check if "ecomp" appears in Portal - done - Hima will be cleaning up - ETA 1/10.
- ECOMP keyword in license text - followup with Catherine - Manoop ETA 2/16 ==>
still pending- resolved check email java class names - we can leave it as is- * ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property. ---------- Can be removed
- Catherine suggested via email: I would suggest to remove it in the License.txt file posted on the root repo. Then later on, change in file you are updating
- assigned to Hima ECOMP trademark; will assign to someone else
- Lorraine to run grep scan for ecomp keyword 3/28/18
8. JUnit /Sonar coverage to 50% on SDK and Portal. - Deadline March 15th for SDK
- SDK - JUnit test coverage reached 19.7% - Hima (pending code review and push to gerrit) - Code need to push to gerrit - - PORTAL-161Add the JUNIT plumbing for PortalSDK Delivered
- Shireesh will coordinate his team with Hima and Kishore Gujja - done
- Local version is up to 24-25%, planning on pushing today - Sitharaman
- 26.1%
- Saravanan now 37.7%
- JIRA ticket is in delivered state; I recommend reopening and putting in in progress state until 50% is reached
- 49.6*
- 50%+ Hima will close
Portal - target 30% to 50% - Girish/Hari team will continue from Gerrit - - PORTAL-136Raise JUnit test coverage ONAP Portal to 50% for Beijing Open
- Hari is coordinating the remaining code coverage on Portal (right now it is at 48.7%) - Kishore,
Manoop to followup with Gildas on the Sonar upgrade issue which got 2% down for portal form 40 - 38% (this is due to change in sonar calculation with new upgrade).- 50.2 close ticket
- now 50.5 Portal-136 should be Closed, it is still in open state
- delivered state - Hima will close
9.Discussed remaining JIRA items in great details → portal-151
a.(assign priority from items in wiki page to JIRA by Leimeng)
b. JIRA ticket is in open state
c. Garima and Lorraine should over all JIRA tickets
- delivered and not closed followup to get closed
- items not assigned to our team, if not addressed in a timely fashion week add comment
10. MUSIC integration - add JIRA epic/US - Sunder to provide the % complete
- Development is targeting to complete by 02/28
- Leimeng to coordinate a meeting to share the MUSIC integration details with testing teams to plan the test strategy for these features.
- on-track, couple days to wrap up development
- Robert 80% finished; needs more testing
- 100% done, needs verification - Sunder
11. Defect tracking of Critical and Highs - Naveen and Shireesh to coordinate with Leimeng/Lorraine to test and close them and raise as concern if cannot be closed.
- automated testing making progress on VM11
- Sunder will refresh VM11 environment
- looking at test cases
- will set up separate meeting (if needed) for critical and high issues
- will contact Lorraine if there are any road blocks to closing any
- Naveen not getting updates from team - Sunder should set up call with Sireesh and Naveen if possible; Sireesh says they need help with local setup - having call on it with Sunder
7. 1 critical still open
12. Need to:
- to release SDK & release docker artifacts inprogress
- documentation - release notes - Lorraine
- critical JIRA ticket
- test-automation scripts
- Beijing Release Planning:
M0 - dev kick-off, Nov 16M1 - planning Jan 16M2 Functionality Freeze→ fill in the contents by Manoop & Leimeng - doneM3 API/Data Model Freeze- M4 Code Freeze