This was the first meeting POMBA, a subproject of the Logging Project
- Sharon provided a basic introduction to POMBA and our current status
- Additional Notes
- Proposed Meeting Format
Status & Stucks
Technical Deep dive
Includes demos, when available
ONAP demos, even if just in code review
- Status and Stucks
Seed code in progress
Some checks and code reviews already
Current issues with Linux Foundation - CLM job refactor – wars and jobs not getting pushed Nexus
Common jar not up, 5 other containers are now blocked
Once fixed, should unblock code
Updates made, but perhaps not fixed yet.
Other components are also not getting latest version, but may not notice
Michael and Prudence are working this
- Technical Deep Dive
- There was discussion on the different between the context aggregator and A&AI Enrichment
- Enrichment combines information about a given resource from multiple sources into a single representation
- Context aggregator combines information about a given resource, but keeps them separate to facilitate comparison
- Common Model
- POMBA has its own model, but plans to migrate to the common model when available. The versioned API will help this transition
- Sharon will ensure that model members are familiar with our current model
- There are plans for a common data management platform for Dublin
- There was discussion on the different between the context aggregator and A&AI Enrichment
- Making the PTL Happy
- Not this week
- Proposed Meeting Format