Policy Framework has experienced a re-arch of the whole framework, thus enforcing changes in OOF-OSDF to map with these changes and deal with the new policies correspondingly. In this page, we will show the difference between the legacy one and the new one and introduce the changes that need to happen in OSDF.
Comparison between the legacy API and the new API
Difference in URL
In the past releases, we request the legacy API(PDP service) to fetch existing policies and filter for the specific policy we want. However now, we changed to the new API to request xacml-pdp service for policy retrieving and filtering.
#Curl command we used to use curl -X POST \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "ClientAuth: cHl0aG9uOnRlc3Q=" \ -H "Authorization: Basic dGVzdHBkcDphbHBoYTEyMw==" \ -H "Environment: TEST" \ -d '{"policyName": "OSDF_CASABLANCA.*", "configAttributes": {"policyScope": "us"}}' https://pdp:8081/pdp/api/getConfig
curl -x POST \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ --user 'healthcheck:zb!XztG34' \ -d '{ "ONAPName": "OOF", "ONAPComponent": "OOF-component", "ONAPInstance": "OOF-component-instance", "action": "optimize", "resource": { "policyScope": ["vCPE", "US", "INTERNATIONAL", "ip", "vGMuxInfra", "vG"], "policyType": "zone" } https://xacml-pdp:6969/policy/pdpx/v1/decision }
Difference in functionality
There are also changes in the format of policies which brings further changes to how we process them in OSDF. Here first provides two sample policies:
{ "service": "affinityPolicy", "policyName": "OSDF_DUBLIN.Affinity_vCPE_1", "description": "Zone policy for vCPE", "templateVersion": "OpenSource.version.1", "version": "test1", "priority": "3", "riskType": "test", "riskLevel": "2", "guard": "False", "content": { "identity": "affinity_vCPE", "policyScope": ["vCPE", "US", "INTERNATIONAL", "ip", "vGMuxInfra", "vG"], "affinityProperty": { "qualifier": "same", "category": "complex" }, "policyType": "zone", "resources": ["vGMuxInfra", "vG"] } }
{ "tosca_definitions_version": "tosca_simple_yaml_1_0_0", "topology_template": { "policies": [ { "OSDF_CASABLANCA.Affinity_vCPE_1": { "type": "onap.policies.optimization.AffinityPolicy", "version": "1.0.0", "metadata": { "policy-id": "OSDF_CASABLANCA.Affinity_vCPE_1", "policy-version": 1 }, "properties": { "identity": "affinity_vCPE", "policyScope": [ "vCPE", "US", "INTERNATIONAL", "ip", "vGMuxInfra", "vG"], "affinityProperties": { "qualifier": "same", "category": "complex" }, "policyType": "zone", "resources": [ "vGMuxInfra", "vG"] } } } ] } }
Also, according to the payload we showed in last sector, we could find that there's changes in the ways of filtering.