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Duration 90 minutes -

@3pm CET/10am EST/7am PST/10pm China Time/7.30pm India Time

Agenda ItemsPresented ByTimeNotes/LinksJIRA Tasks

Dublin Release

M3 Follow-up

M4 Preparation

30 mins

M4 Preparation

M4 checklist/M4 Scorecard/M4 S3P Status by April 10th, 2019 noon - thank you

M4 at risk - discussion of moving schedule now vs. later. Proposal move M4 only, assess backend/end_date schedule. TSC vote approved moving M4 to 2019-04-11.

  • El Alto M3 checklist improvements for the security questions. Paweł Pawlak

Architecture sign off planned. Working to present the hi-level arch - M4 requirement. Discussion of where the arch docs should reside - slides?wiki?readthedocs? Dublin plan to keep the discussion in the wiki.

  • Complete the Oom values.yaml or integration repo manifest process description by 2019-03-29 Michael O'Brien

TSC-86 - Getting issue details... STATUS

S3P deferred to PTL

5 Integration blockers - SDNC-701, INT-991, AAI-2267, SO-1674, SO-1675

TSC Activities and Deadlines5 mins

Emergency Casablanca Maintenance Release to address the certification expiration

Need new certificates: A&AI, Dmaap, CLAMP, VID

Final list of projects to be provided on 3/25

Certificate updates ONLY. Critical security fix approved by TSC. Plan on 3.0.2 with impacted area testing only.

Projects to have 3.0.2 dockers ready by 2019-03-25

TSC-120 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Any Infrastructure Improvement/PlanLinux Foundation5 mins

Any LF showstopper

  • ONAP Helpdesk #67450: Jira board for Vulnerability Management
  • #60449 SuperNode for DCAE team - 12G pushes - <testing underway>
  • #69263 - Please help to add Usecase-UI new committers - feedback provided by Tao, still verifying
  • #70014 - Move directories from ccsdk/apps to ccsdk/cds repo <in process>

Help-desk Feedback provided - waiting on submitter

  • #69498 Addressing OOM code transfer to projects - <migration now preserves history - waiting OOM team for verify process>


TCC Update10 mins

TSC to vote on the list of Open Source External Coordinators:

  • Edge computing/automation.
  • AI/ML
  • open RAN/5G

Recommendation: review the proposal on wiki (announced by Alla.Goldner on email) and vote next TSC

Hui Deng Should I continue SDO coordination? YES!

TSC-15 - Getting issue details... STATUS

TSC-19 - Getting issue details... STATUS

TSC-76 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Subcommittee Update10 mins

OpenLab Subcommittee Update

VNF Compliance update

Steven wright5 mins

 Scope of VNF compliance program announcement for ONS pdf

ONS announcement is around ONAP VNF compliance testing. Do ONAP TOSCA templates pass the OVP tests? Steven wright to get reference VNF info in the docs.

Heat is more mature - 3 years of use. TOSCA is newer and higher level. 185 requirements Heat, 26 requirements TOSCA - no parity of functionality. Badge would mean different things based on Heat or TOSCA.

Current tests (Dublin) are inspecting the package - not the functional behavior. 26 tests is not enough for an operator to deploy - good starting point and expected to grow.

PTL Update5 Mins

Committers promotion Requests:

  • DCAE - Role Extension: Jaszczyk, Piotr & Wielebski, Piotr - GO
    DCAE - New Committers: Henrik Andersson B & Murgoski, Zlatko - Missing committers' vote
  • MultiCloud - New Committer: Xiaohua Zhang  - GO
  • MultiCloud - New Committer:  Ritu Sood - Only 4 code submissions to Multi-Cloud - NO GO
DCAE resolved. Defer Ritu for additional discussion.
Subcommittee Update10 minsBuild the agenda for 2019 Silicon Valley Meeting ProposalsFinal agenda will be posted to wiki.
Incoming ONAP Events5 mins

ONAP DDF - San Jose - April 1st & 2nd 2019 ONAP Joint Subcommittees Silicon Valley

ONS NA - San Jose - April 3rd to 5th -

Hackathon "Documentation" Virtual Days organized by the Documentation project:

  • April 10th, 2019
  • May 8th, 2019

Additional HousekeepingLinux Foundation

Daylight saving time 2019

  • in the US will begin on Sunday, March 10, 2019,
  • in Europe will begin on Sunday, March 31
  • in Australia will begin on Sunday, April 7, 2019,

No Clock change in China, India

TSC Calls

  • From now until April 1st, 2019 - TSC call is planned @3pm CET/10am EST/7am PST/10pm China Time/7.30pm India Time
  • From April 1st, 2019 – TSC call will be organized @4pm CET/10am EST/7am PST/10pm China Time/7.30pm India Time

Zoom Chat Log 

07:04:35 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic Dublin Release
07:05:18 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : no integratioon blockers
07:05:42 From Susana (VF) : #info Susana Sabater, vodafone
07:05:59 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : S3P- move to PTL Meeting
07:06:00 From Murat Turpcu,Turk Telekom : #info Murat TURPÇU,Türk Telekom
07:06:04 From Timo Perala (Nokia) : #info Timo Perala, Nokia
07:06:28 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : @susana, @murat @timo seen. thanks
07:07:39 From Jimmy Forsyth (AT&T) : AAI-2267 - release build is running now
07:07:58 From Michael O'Brien(OOM,Logging, Amdocs) : Update: in the past the anonymousCoward default user email for the CD system caused an issue in onap - now I know where the default user came from - so it was a default that was fixed - thank you
07:08:02 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #integration blockers do exist
07:08:05 From Munir Ahmad(Bell Canada) representing Alexis de Talhouet : #info Munir Ahmad (Bell Canada) Proxy for Alexis de Talhouet
07:08:06 From Keong Lim k00759777 : @jim were you showing the Amsterdam page? maybe that's why it shows zero
07:08:22 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : @munir thanks
07:08:48 From Michael O'Brien(OOM,Logging, Amdocs) : Michael OOM/Logging/POMBA will be offline at scrum at 1030-1045
07:09:23 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : alpine changed packaging upstream
07:10:24 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : using alpine 3.8, picking up patches. could use a . . release
07:12:29 From Brian : Can we ask CIA team for help ?
07:12:51 From Srinivasa Addepalli (Intel) : #info Srinivasa Addepalli, Intel
07:13:15 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Aldolfo says CIA team can assist
07:13:29 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : @srini thanks
07:13:40 From Lingli : +1
07:16:53 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Sonar was turned off for javascript
07:17:15 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : M4 in 2 weeks.
07:20:07 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic discussion of M4 push 1 week
07:20:46 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : M4 occurs during ONS - impacted by ptl travel
07:23:22 From Michael O'Brien(OOM,Logging, Amdocs) : For TSC-86 (docker tag source of truth) right now because of the investigation by Sylvain of Orange - I recommend we run the integration manifest for now - it is the latest - see his table in in - in the future we may retrofit the csv's into the oom repo as top level values.yaml overrides that override the tag versions distributed in the charts - this is on hold until Mike gets back on monday
07:25:57 From Brian : Recomend move M4 by 1 weekand move delivery by 1 week to maintain same testing intervals
07:29:05 From Ahmad Khalil (Tata Communications) : I think if developers need 1 more week, that means testing will need more time and that means maybe the scope should be smaller for next releases, otherwise we will miss release date
07:29:42 From Lingli-office : Agreed not to absorb the testing time.
07:30:37 From Michael O'Brien(OOM,Logging, Amdocs) : 80h week (jonathan?) is too much except for a couple times a year - that sounds unsustainable - should ideally be 50 - 60 (myself these days) - Java8 lambda/streaming is causing myself to feel very good these days
07:30:51 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Does the TSC agree to push the M4 milestone to April 11? +1, 0, -1
07:30:58 From Brian : +1 ATT
07:31:02 From Lingli-office : +1
07:31:06 From Munir Ahmad(Bell Canada) : +1 Bell Canada
07:31:08 From Stephen Terrill : #vote +1
07:31:09 From Jason Hunt : #vote 0
07:31:11 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #vote Does the TSC agree to push the M4 milestone to April 11? +1, 0, -1
07:31:13 From Srinivasa Addepalli (Intel) : #votre +1
07:31:14 From Chaker Al-Hakim : +1
07:31:18 From Pawel Pawlak : +1 Orange
07:31:18 From NingSo : #VOTE 0
07:31:23 From Andreas Geissler (Deutsche Telekom) : #vote +1
07:31:29 From Lingli-office : #vote +1
07:31:29 From Bin Yang (Wind River) : #vote +1
07:31:38 From Alla Goldner : #vote +1
07:31:43 From Murat Turpcu,Turk Telekom : #vote +1
07:31:48 From Timo Perala (Nokia) : #vote +1
07:32:09 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #endvote
07:32:48 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #agreed the TSC approves moving the M4 milestone to April 11.
07:34:33 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Seccom will provide more detailed requirements for the M3 checklist for El Alto
07:35:21 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Dublin release requirements will be covered in the PTL meeting
07:39:17 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Architecture Deck - will improve documentation in the wiki and pull into the deck.
07:40:19 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Q: use readthedocs to start with? Too fluid now, may make sense to use in the future.
07:40:54 From Michael O'Brien(OOM,Logging, Amdocs) : michael oom/logging back online
07:44:30 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #casablanca emergency maint release
07:47:56 From Keong Lim k00759777 : will certificate generation become part of a release checklist?
07:48:18 From Michael O'Brien(OOM,Logging, Amdocs) : #topic: OOM helm transfer - I understand LF/Jessica has prototyped git history preservation (oom-clone test branches removed) - now the hold is from the oom team on finishing the prototype with AAI - specifically how the Orange based CD build will kick in the deploy to test (switching from oom trigger to aai trigger for example) - another one that needs Mike Elliott to drive for next week
07:49:31 From Michael O'Brien(OOM,Logging, Amdocs) : Task: OOM RTD will need to move to 3.0.2-ONAP tag - doc task - could also use a values.yaml override of 3.0.1-ONAP as long as there are no oom helm changes beyond just tag versions
07:50:17 From Michael O'Brien(OOM,Logging, Amdocs) : OOM Mike Elliott is critical - back monday
07:52:14 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #agreed only individual project releases of certificates and critical security fixes in 3.0.2 with impacted area testing only.
07:54:37 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : #topic LFIT
07:56:49 From Kenny Paul (LFN) : Must drop to start a Board workgroup meeting.
07:58:00 From Yuriy Malakov : Yuriy will send the meeting request for the ccsdk ms to cds repo
08:22:45 From Michael O'Brien(OOM,Logging, Amdocs) : michael oom/logging offline for 5 min meet
08:27:02 From Victor Gao :
08:47:37 From Lingli-office : Please continue.

Zoom Attendance Log  

TSC Members Attendance based on Zoom Chat Log: xx%

Alla Goldner
Brian Freeman, proxy for Catherine Lefevre
Bell Canada
Alexis de Talhouët
China Mobile
Lingli Deng
China Telecom
Yan Chen
Andreas Geissler
Stephen Terrill
Chaker Al-Hakim
Srini Addepalli 
Timo Perala
Eric Debeau
Reliance Jio
Ning So
Tech Mahindra
Milind Jalwadi 
Turk Telecom
Murat Tupcu
Viswa Kumar Skand Priya
Susana Sabater
Bin Yang

TSC Decisions  

2019 TSC Decisions

Action Items:

  • (Jim) Follow-up on remaining M3 Action Items:
    • Check with SDC if they are using the modeling parser - modeling-toscaparsers-javatoscachecker otherwise we should deprecate
    • Follow-up regarding M3 scorecard
      • Yellow Items
      • xNF communication security enhancements
      • Locale/Internationalization language support
  • (Jason) Follow-up with Mike E. concerning S3P - Provide Upgrade Capabilities PH1 (non functional reqs)
  • (Brian/Stephen): Work together on Helm Chart procedure for the ONAP Maintenance Release

  • No labels