Support Dynamic Policy Updation
User shall be able to deploy policy via PAP at run time. As currently we are supporting only Native policy for OPA, the design proposal is to encode rego file content in base 64 format and provide in the policy field.
For e.g. consider a sample rego file having following contents
consistency.rego package cell.consistency default allow = false # Rule to check cell consistency check_cell_consistency { input.cell != data.cell.consistency.allowedCellId } # Rule to allow if PCI is within range 1-3000 allow_if_pci_in_range { input.PCI >= data.cellconsistency.minPCI input.PCI <= data.cellconsistency.maxPCI } # Main rule to determine the final decision allow { check_cell_consistency allow_if_pci_in_range } ------------------------------ topology.rego package cell.consistency.topology import rego.v1 # Rule to check cell consistency check_cell_consistency if { input.cell != data.cellconsistency.allowedCellId }
{ "allowedCellId" : 445611193265040129, "minPCI": 1, "maxPCI": 3000 }
In the tosca template the rego contents will be encoded and added in policy field
Tosca Definition for OPA tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_1_0 topology_template: policies: - native.cell.consistency.opa: type: onap.policies.native.opa type_version: 1.0.0 properties: data: cell.consistency: eyAgIAogICJhbGxvd2VkQ2VsbElkIiA6IDQ0NTYxMTE5MzI2NTA0MDEyOSwgCiAgIm1pblBDSSI6IDEsIAogICJtYXhQQ0kiOiAzMDAwICAKIH0= policy: cell.consistency: 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 cell.conistency.topology : cGFja2FnZSBjZWxsLmNvbnNpc3RlbmN5LnRvcG9sb2d5CmltcG9ydCByZWdvLnYxCiAKIyBSdWxlIHRvIGNoZWNrIGNlbGwgY29uc2lzdGVuY3kKY2hlY2tfY2VsbF9jb25zaXN0ZW5jeSBpZiB7CiAgICBpbnB1dC5jZWxsICE9IGRhdGEuY2VsbGNvbnNpc3RlbmN5LmFsbG93ZWRDZWxsSWQKfQ== name: native.cell.consistency.opa version: 1.0.0 metadata: policy-id: cell.consistency policy-version: 1.0.0
OPA PDP after receiving the message on KAFKA will parse the message, extract policy, perform base64 decoding and deploys the policy to OPA. OPA PDP will send a PDP_STATUS message with the status of policy deployment.
In the above case, OPA-PDP will create following directory structure and store policy and data files. The “.” mentioned in the policy will translate to subdirectories in OPA-PDP pod. This will also ensure each policy is referenced by the main rego file, this will avoid collision in case we have same library file used in multiple main rego files.
Directory structure
- /opt/policies - cell/ - consistency/ - policy.rego // package cell.consistency will be stored here - topology/ - policy.rego // package cell.consistency.topology will be stored here - /opt/data - cell/ - consistency/ - data.json // data will be stored here
Policy Deployment - In Memory Mode
Policy Deployment - Bundle Mode
Option: 2 Packing both static Data and Policy in the same message.
Create a new Policy Type which includes data field also
tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_1_0 policy_types: onap.policies.Native: derived_from: tosca.policies.Root description: a base policy type for all native PDP policies version: 1.0.0 name: onap.policies.Native onap.policies.native.opa: derived_from: onap.policies.Native version: 1.0.0 name: onap.policies.native.opa description: a policy type for native opa policies properties: data: type: map type_version: 0.0.0 description: The data for Policy required: false metadata: encoding: Base64 policy: type: map type_version: 0.0.0 description: The rego PolicySet or Policy required: true metadata: encoding: Base64
Design Discussion