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The 72 hour Stability Test for PAP has the goal of introducing a steady flow of transactions initiated from a test client server running JMeter for the duration of 72 hours.
Setup details
The stability test is performed on VM's running in OpenStack cloud environment.
There are 2 seperate VM's, one for running PAP & other one for running JMeter to simulate steady flow of transactions.
All the dependencies like mariadb, dmaap simulator, pdp simulator & policy/api component are installed in the VM having JMeter.
For simplicity lets assume
VM1 will be running JMeter, MariaDB, DMaaP simulator, PDP simulator & API component.
VM2 will be running only PAP component.
OpenStack environment details
Version: Mitaka
PAP VM details (VM2)
OS:Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
CPU: 4 core
HardDisk: 40 GB
Docker Version: 18.09.6
Java: openjdk version "1.8.0_212"
JMeter VM details (VM1)
OS: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
CPU: 4 core
HardDisk: 40 GB
Docker Version: 18.09.6
Java: openjdk version "1.8.0_212"
JMeter: 5.1.1
Install Docker in VM1 & VM2
Make sure to execute below commands in VM1 & VM2 both.
Make the etc/hosts entries
echo $(hostname -I | cut -d\ -f1) $(hostname) | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
Make the DNS entries
echo "nameserver <PrimaryDNSIPIP>" >> /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head echo "nameserver <SecondaryDNSIP>" >> /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head resolvconf -u
Update the ubuntu software installer
apt-get update
Check and Install Java
apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jdk java -version
Ensure that the Java version that is executing is OpenJDK version 8
Check and install docker
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add - add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" apt-get update apt-cache policy docker-ce apt-get install -y docker-ce systemctl status docker docker ps
Change the permissions of the Docker socket file
chmod 777 /var/run/docker.sock
Check the status of the Docker service and ensure it is running correctly
service docker status docker ps
Install JMeter in VM1
Download & install JMeter
mkdir jMeter cd jMeter wget unzip
Run JMeter
The above command will load the JMeter UI. Then navigate to File → Open → Browse and select the test plan jmx file to open. The jmx file is present in the policy/pap git repository - jmx file path
Install simulators in VM1
For installing simulator, there is a script placed at script file path
Copy the script & all related files in virtual machine and run it.
After installation make sure that following 4 docker containers are up and running.
root@policytest-policytest-3-p5djn6as2477:/home/ubuntu/simulator# docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 887efa8dac12 "bash ./" 6 days ago Up 6 days>6969/tcp policy-api 0a931c0a63ac pdp/simulator:latest "bash" 6 days ago Up 6 days pdp-simulator a41adcb32afb dmaap/simulator:latest "bash" 6 days ago Up 6 days>3904/tcp dmaap-simulator d52d6b750ba0 mariadb:10.2.14 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 6 days ago Up 6 days>3306/tcp mariadb
Install PAP in VM2
For installing PAP, there is a script placed at script file path
Copy the script & all related files in virtual machine and run it.
After installation make sure that following docker container is up and running.
root@policytest-policytest-0-uc3y2h5x6p4j:/home/ubuntu/pap# docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 42ac0ed4b713 "bash ./" 3 days ago Up 3 days>6969/tcp,>9090/tcp policy-pap
Install & configure visualVM in VM2
visualVM needs to be installed in the virtual machine having PAP. It will be used to monitor CPU, Memory, GC for PAP while stability test is running.
Install visualVM
$ sudo apt-get install visualvm
Run few commands to configure permissions
$ cd /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/ $ sudo touch visualvm.policy $ sudo chmod 777 visualvm.policy $ vi visualvm.policy Add the following in visualvm.policy grant codebase "file:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/lib/tools.jar" { permission; };
Run following commands to start jstatd using port 1111
$ cd /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/ $ ./jstatd -p 1111 &
Run visualVM locally to connect to remote VM2
# On your windows machine or your linux box locally, launch visualVM
Connect to jstatd & remote apex-pdp JVM
- Right click on "Remote" in the left panel of the screen and select "Add Remote Host..."
Enter the IP address of VM2.
- Right click on IP address, select "Add JMX Connection..."
- Enter the VM2 IP Address (from step 2) <IP address>:9090 ( for example - and click OK.
- Double click on the newly added nodes under "Remote" to start monitoring CPU, Memory & GC.
Sample Screenshot of visualVM
Test Plan
The 72 hours stability test will run the following steps sequentially in a single threaded loop.
- Create Policy Type - creates an operational policy type using policy/api component
- Create Policy - creates an operational policy using the policy type create in above step using policy/api component
- Check Health - checks the health status of pap
- Check Statistics - checks the statistics of pap
- Change state to ACTIVE - changes the state of PdpGroup to ACTIVE
- Check PdpGroup Query - makes a PdpGroup query request and verify that PdpGroup is in ACTIVE state.
- Deploy Policy - deploys the policy in PdpGroup
- Undeploy Policy - undeploy the policy from PdpGroup
- Change state to PASSIVE- changes the state of PdpGroup to PASSIVE
- Check PdpGroup Query- makes a PdpGroup query request and verify that PdpGroup is in PASSIVE state.
- Delete Policy - deletes the operational policy using policy/api component
- Delete Policy Type - deletes the operational policy type using policy/api component
The following steps can be used to configure the parameters of test plan.
- HTTP Authorization Manager - used to store user/password authentication details.
- HTTP Header Manager - used to store headers which will be used for making HTTP requests.
User Defined Variables - used to store following user defined parameters.
Default Value
PAP_HOST IP Address or host name of PAP component NA PAP_PORT Port number of PAP for making REST API calls 6969 API_HOST IP Address or host name of API component NA API_PORT Port number of API for making REST API calls 6969
Screenshot of PAP stability test plan