- Use case subcommittee discuses new use cases
- For every use case, Use case subcommittee describes ONAP Platform capabilities desired for the implementation, produces use case flow diagrams, breaks use case into platform requirements (functional and non-functional), provides its view on the foreseen modules introductions/modifications and suggests potential PNFs / VNFs
- Use case and Architecture subcommittees jointly review platform requirements required by the new use case and/or by the release
- Use case subcommittee gets feedback from the potentially effected projects including integration team on feasibility and development time estimation
- Architecture subcommittee evaluates impact of the platform requirements on the architecture and makes updates as required.
- Iterate back to step 2.
- Architecture, Use Case, and Modeling subcommittees discuss and select key platform requirements for the release
- TSC approves the selected key platform requirements for the release.
- In case a new modules or a new functionality to existing modules or a new APIs introduction is foreseen, architecture subcommittee defines the new/modified ONAP flows and the interfaces principles, based on the approved platform requirements.
- Projects define their extended functionality and their external APIs, following those principles
- Detailed per-component flows are defined by the projects and projects write their user stories / implement them; Integration team continuously works with Use case subcommittee to accompany the requirements development, review epics/user stories, answer questions, etc. Use case subcommittee behaves as system engineers for the platform requirements through test start date
- Integration team defines the gating platform requirements based on step 8 and finalizes the PNFs / VNFs selection, with the help of use case subcommittee, architecture subcommittee, PTLs of a different ONAP projects
- TSC approves the gating platform requirements
- Integration project leads (coordinates) effort to get the gating platform requirements tested, repaired, and verified, and the results are documented
- Use case subcommittee along with the Integration team decides which new and complete use cases can be showcased following new platform capabilities introduction
- The defined functional extensions should be as generic as possible to allow re-use of it by additional use cases.