June 5, 2018
- Beijing Status
- Beijing Learnings
- Casablanca Goals with Beijing fixes
- New sequence diagram
Scott Blandford, Prabhu, Matti Hiltunen, Marco Plantania, Shankar Narayanan, Lauren Lewis, Jayant, Scott Seabolt, Randa Maher, Ruchira Agarwal, Ajay.
- Lauren going through email of beijing issues
- Min/max comparison in VID. The values were added to the vDNS model; Values need to be added for all VNFs that want to be scaled
- Missing records in A&AI
- Prov Status
- This is manual step that we fixed by using Robot
- Update User Guide to ensure that provider knows to update Prov_Status
- IP addresses - affected HealthCheck and ConfigScaleOut
- IP Address should be updated in A&AI when SDNC spins up new instance
- They may be in the wrong location of A&AI (Where is the correct location?)
- Very difficult to get the information.
- VID does not have memory of the number of VF Modules that it scales
- Issue being addressed with VID
- VF_Module name appends the instance number
- Need to address this solution for Scale In issues
- Missing payload in APP-C request from SO - Requirements Gap
- Is Config data passed to controller or does controller retrieve it?
- Controller type not being sent correctly from VID to SO
- Controller_type should be in VNF Model (talk to SDC)
- There may be issues with SDC team
- In Beijing SO ignored value from VID and just hardcoded APPC
- Messages not being posted to DMaaP
- Not sure if this a larger issue or if this is just something we stumbled on
- DMaaP says that the topic needs to be created before the message is sent
- Create a Jira item that describes issue we had.
- SDNC delivered partial Scale Out Requirements
- SDNC needs to inherit APPC functionality for Casablanca
Action Items
May 29, 2018
- Beijing Status
Marco Platania, Scott Seabolt, Anatoly (Nokia), Michael Z (AT&T), Lauren Lewis
- Manual Scale Out Use Case is currently being tracked as a possible working Beijing Use Case
- Much progress has been made over the past week.
- Catherine Lefevre has been leading the charge to get the UC included in Beijing
- All VID issues appear to be fixed
- A Work Around is being developed for getting the IP Addresses to APPC for configuration of the VNF
- The IP Addresses are not in AAI. (SDNC will need to add these addresses in Casablanca)
- SDNC will send the IP Addrs directly to SO after assignment
- SO will include the addresses in its ConfigScaleOut() call to APPC/SDNC via DMaaP
- There is still some work to be done:
- SO still needs to construct the ConfigScaleOut() Request and send it to DMaaP
- APPC/SDNC needs to test this request
- Healthcheck still needs to be tested.
- Current status can be found on the Testing Status Page
Action Items
- Testing should continue to be reported on Testing Status Page
May 22, 2018
- Beijing Status
- Who sets prov-status? Should it be SDNC? Yes! Prabhu is looking into this
- VID has disabled the filter
- Forward JIRA ticket to Prabhu
- APPC config data
- APPC is expecting configuration file to be passed from VID through SO to APPC
- Not enough time available to add new features
- APPC does not have enough time to find config data in AAI (Preferred fix). Will need to push to Casablanca
- SO/VID does not have enough time to create pass-through of manual configuration data
- Team to continue to test as much as possible within Beijing and report status on Wiki Page
Action Items
- Testing should continue to be reported on Testing Status Page
May 15, 2018
- Beijing Status
- Creating APPC VNF Template
- Passed a few blockers with VID
- VID Not showing some required options
- APPC should have the VMs needed to do testing
- Need to ensure that VID and SO and SDNC pieces are working
- Used CDT tool to create a good template
- Template works and pushes items to APPC
- Netconf is opened, bu there is a failure soon after it is called
- Could be some issue with Netconf XML
- Is IPADDR include din Payload of ConfigScaleOut request? APPC is modeling it as if it is.
- SO is not including the ip_addrs in the payload. Not part of initial requirements
Action Items
- Schedule meeting with PTLs to continue discussion
May 8, 2018
- Beijing
- Development
- Testing
- Formalize testing???
- Casablanca
- SO
- SO - OOF
Scaling Use Case weekly MTG 180508.pptx
Ajay, David Ho, Lauren Lewis, Marco, Ofir, Steve Smokowski, Michael Z, Pam Dragosh, Sanchita Pathak, Shankar Narayanan, Anatoly (Nokia)
- Many of the Beijing blockers have been fixed. We should be able to move ahead on Scaling tests today.
- Some current problems with APPC
- When does this need to work? RC2 5/16
- Need to formalize testing tracking
- See what Helen is doing for tracking
- Ofir (vid blocked for over 2 weeks) -
- Can we instantiate a VF_Module?
- Marco - Yes, we should be able to do it
- Casablanca
- InstanceName: Needs to be passed or generated by a controller
- Does Cloud Region need to be passed? No
- ModelCoustomizationId, OptionalCloudConfiguration, VolumeInstanceID, InstanceID
- Need to build SDNC interface
- Capacity checks done through Multi-Cloud VERY Basic
- Need to add multicloud to call flow for capacity checks. Not A&AI
- WorkFlow Designer - Not signing up for in Casablanca. SO Code will not be ready for real Use Cases
Action Items
- Send a note to Steve to verify what information needs to be passed to SO
- Send email to Steve about supporting OOF interface
- Start email discussion about Homing request in Casablanca
- Put latest slides on wiki