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We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

AttendedProxy (w/ @name)Gov. HolidayDid Not Attend

Attendance is taken purely upon #info in Zoom Chat 


Agenda Items

Presented By



Release Status

Honolulu Release (RC0) - NO GO & remaining M3 tasks (completed)

  • Krzysztof Opasiak reports blocking issue for RC0:
    • I believe that we'll be unable to meet RC0 tomorrow as we've a bug in
      the master branch and we're investigating it together with the
      integration team but until it is found we had to hold off OOM merges so
      that we don't merge code blindly - Need time to solve but no more a blocker
    • Helm Chart v3.0 is causing some issues for some projects
    • Gating not running well since 3/9 - Seems back to normal.
  • Honolulu Milestone Status
    • M3 exceptions - 100% Completion (Projects & Requirements); 
    • RC0 - 76% completion and Requirements Status: 55% completion
  • Honolulu Milestone and Requirements Exception Requests
  • #AGREED the TSC approves slipping the date for Honolulu RC0 and all following milestones by 1 week (March 18) . The new release date for Honolulu will be April 8th.

Next Steps

#1 Honolulu Release Key Updates - Marketing Team is expecting to get feedback from Subcommittees, Req. Owners + Doc, Integration and OOM projects

#2 Do not forget to document the use case, feature and spec as part of the release note by the project (RC1 task?) - Improvement area for Istanbul i.e. Create *.rst file as part of Requirement submission or other suggestion so we do not lose what Req owners provided at earlier stage

  • Action (Doc/Architecture Subcommittees): Define how use case, feature and spec should be documented and be part of the release note

#3 Add RC0 tasks for REQ-400

Requirement Subcommittee to follow-up with requirement owners to clean up their RC0 tasks no later than 11/17 EOD

Istanbul Release

  • Roadmap Proposal
  • A new milestone has been added to address concerns raised by PTLs on 3/4 i.e. M3-Final Code Submission prior M4 Feature Freeze
  • No TSC Vote today but let's PTL/Req. Owners and the ONAP Community to provide additional feedback during the PTL Call on 3/15.

Guilin Maintenance



  • Tickets- Open showstoppers:
  • Tickets- Waiting on Community:
  • Migration Status / Upcoming Changes


PTL Updates


Congratulations to our new DCAE Committers:

Joanna Jeremicz/Nokia -

Tomasz Wrobel/Nokia -


PTL Updates


  • Last week TSC approved that they will initiate the PTL election for Portal.
  • Unfortunately there are no active Committers on the project - all other Committers other than the PTL have also left
  • Is there any contributor that we could promote? <LF Insights Data>
  • Or is there any interest for this component - the community might be using CDS and/or UUI?
  • What do we do? 


Subcommittee Updates


Congratulations to @Byung-Woo Jun for Vice-Chair of the Architecture subcommittee


Task Force Update
ONAP Enterprise

ONAP support to LF OPS 5G project  

  • Amar Kapadia will present test bed in progress being setup so DARPA
  • OPS-5G Use case presentation postponed to March 31st, 2021 at 7am PST (previously scheduled on 3/17)
  • Amar Kapadia upload a PDF of the slides presented today to these minutes  


TSC Activities and Deadlines

Thank you Davide Cherubinifor all your great contributions to the ONAP Community as TSC Member, MAC representative and more !

Remaining Guilin Awards - Congratulations to our Winners !!!

Top Achievement Award: Sylvain Desbureaux

Citizenship Award: ChrisC

S3P Improvement Award: Integration Team


Upcoming Events & Housekeeping

Clock Changes:

  • March 14th, 2021 (US)
  • March 28th, 2021 (Europe)
  • No change in India, China

Next LFN Developer  Event - the week of June 7th, 2021

Zoom Chat Log 

05:49:43 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : # topic rollcall
05:59:19 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : #info Catherine Lefevre AT&T
06:00:01 From Andreas GEISSLER (DT) to Everyone : #info Andreas Geissler, DT
06:00:05 From Dong Wang (China Telecom) to Everyone : #info Dong Wang, China Telecom
06:00:21 From Ranny HAIBY (Samsung) to Everyone : #info Ranny Haiby, Samsung
06:00:45 From Fernando (Fred) Oliveira to Everyone : #info Fred Oliveira, Verizon
06:01:11 From Timo Perala (Nokia) to Everyone : #info Timo Perala, Nokia
06:01:21 From Alla Goldner to Everyone : #info Alla Goldner, Amdocs
06:01:36 From Olivier Phenix (Bell Canada) to Everyone : #info Olivier Phenix, Bell Canada
06:03:12 From Ciaran Johnston (Ericsson) to Everyone : #info Ciaran Johnston, Ericsson
06:04:16 From to Everyone : #info Bin Yang, Wind River
06:05:08 From Eric Debeau to Everyone : #info Eric Debeau, Orange
06:05:53 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone :
06:06:47 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : Nice updates
06:10:48 From Krzysztof Opasiak to Everyone : 2021-03-11T13:16:14,221 | WARN | qtp783698231-2248 | AbstractAuthenticator | 147 - org.apache.shiro.core - 1.3.2 | - | Authentication failed for token submission [org.apache.shiro.authc.UsernamePasswordToken - admin, rememberMe=false]. Possible unexpected error? (Typical or expected login exceptions should extend from AuthenticationException). UserName / Password not found
06:11:46 From Krzysztof Opasiak to Everyone :
06:16:26 From Krzysztof Opasiak to Everyone :
06:19:41 From Vijay Venkatesh Kumar (AT&T) to Everyone :
06:32:12 From Eric Debeau to Everyone : Can you please send the link to the wiki page to be filled for marketing ?
06:32:53 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone :
06:33:16 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : @eric ^^
06:39:35 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : suggestion to document the feature as part of the release note by the project (RC1 task?)
06:46:04 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : Team - I have captured this as an improvement area - if req owner can capture it as rst file when he submits his requirements then win win
06:46:34 From Eric Debeau to Everyone : I propose to organize a meeting between Documentation and Architecture sub-cmmiittee
06:46:43 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : yes - action noted too
06:49:48 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : Action (Doc/Architecture Subcommittees): Define how use case, feature and spec should be documented and be part of the release note
06:56:43 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : @byung, Fred - about REQ-400 - we noticed that RC0 tasks were not released but since you were in a good shape based on status on REQ-400 - we should be good except for documentation
06:58:02 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : #AGREED the TSC approves slipping the date for Honolulu RC0 and all following milestones by 1 week (March 18) . The new release date for Honolulu will be April 8th.
07:04:10 From Benjamin Cheung to Everyone : for the R8 RC0 tasks one of your Jiras is to update the MARKETING UPDATE PAGE … does someone know where that page is?
07:07:22 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone :
07:12:08 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : OPS-5G Project:
07:23:35 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone :
07:31:27 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : time check
07:34:36 From Timo Perala (Nokia) to Everyone : For some reason I can see two ONAP Enterprise WG calls on Thu March 17th: starting 14:00 UTC and 14:30 UTC.
07:34:41 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : Congrats Integration !!!!!
07:35:02 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : Congrats Chris !!!!
07:35:06 From Catherine Lefevre to Everyone : And Sylvain !!!!!
07:35:32 From Eric Debeau to Everyone : Congrats !
07:35:36 From Eric Debeau to Everyone : Well deserved.
07:35:38 From Andreas GEISSLER (DT) to Everyone : +1
07:35:41 From Timo Perala (Nokia) to Everyone : +1
07:35:48 From Chaker Al-Hakim to Everyone : onrats to ever
07:36:25 From Ciaran Johnston (Ericsson) to Everyone : Congrats
07:36:32 From Chaker Al-Hakim to Everyone : congrats to everyone

Zoom auto-transcript service - These are often translated incorrectly and can be misleading. They are NOT Authoritative!   Information as to why .
They are included here as a time stamp cross-reference for the recording only!  The notes above this line and the actual recordings are authoritative.

06:04:19 Start bearing.
06:04:19 He old agenda.
06:04:23 What about release status,
06:04:27 touch on any religious issues if there's anything there. Couple of ppl updates to deal with
06:04:39 Vice Chair for architecture I actually just sent that email out
06:04:46 a few minutes ago to the vote list. So the polls out there.
06:04:51 I will cut and paste that into the minutes right now so folks can do that while we are proceeding.
06:05:14 We'll talk about the task force
06:05:10 and the remaining violin event. I'm sorry, not advance violin Achievement Awards, and then talk about things that are ongoing and upcoming so well I was talking I see Ben and Eric came in.
06:05:21 Thank you very much.
06:05:22 I will stop my screen sharing and
06:05:32 links, not screen sharing and David can take it away.
06:05:37 Thanks Kenny.
06:05:39 What note about the task force update.
06:05:43 Amar sent me a note, and said that he would be joining late, so we just need to check to make sure that he's on the call.
06:05:52 When we get to that point.
06:05:56 You know, there is one other thing that I wanted to mention I forgot about it. Um, I wanted to give a shout out to Olivier.
06:06:07 And note that George's Canarian from Bell Canada has been elected to the LFN governing board.
06:06:14 As the gold member representative for this year so.
06:06:27 Congrats, they'll cannon.
06:06:23 Thank you. Thank you, Kenny and then for the, for the short story George's my new George's my new director, so a bit of movement within bell.
06:06:32 So, that speaks to the commitment of belted to this project. Overall
06:06:40 News.
06:06:42 Yeah gradually update.
06:07:02 Kenny, could you enabled me for share screening, please share screen screen sharing.
06:06:54 Share screening.
06:06:56 You came in on hosted.
06:06:58 It's a new function that is shared screening
06:07:08 should be good to go. Okay, thank you.
06:07:13 Alright, welcome everyone thanks for attending today.
06:07:18 This is a reminder.
06:07:20 The TASC made a decision. I think about two or three weeks ago now.
06:07:28 To change the.
06:07:30 The TASC meeting focus more on strategy, discussions, and to decrease emphasis on discussions about release status, and the exception to that was for milestone dates.
06:07:50 And so today we do have a milestone date. Honolulu RC zero so that's, that's why we have an agenda item here for release status. Whereas, normally, going forward, we will not, I will just be sending out a weekly update.
06:08:11 But we do have our Caesar of this week.
06:08:15 Alright so, Honolulu RC zero.
06:08:20 So, I received an email from Christoph
06:08:27 yesterday afternoon my time, indicating that there was a blocking issue for our seas zero Kristofer you on the call.
06:08:40 Yep, I'm here. Okay. Could you fill us in the background on the issue and, and just update as since your email from yesterday.
06:08:54 Yeah, so the problem is really simple in nature, and that it is that our end to end tests are failing, all in master branch.
06:09:05 So what I'm currently doing I'm trying to investigate and isolate the continent, which really broke our master. Unfortunately, turns out that it's probably not a single comment.
06:09:18 So, what we managed to achieve since yesterday, is we found a point in history enables around 18th of February, where we can have a reproducible successful, and to end tests on master branch.
06:09:36 So now we are trying to find comics that are breaking that state.
06:09:43 And that's it it's really hard to estimate that this point, how much time we will need for that. It all depends on the luck, I would say.
06:09:54 So what more got into logs managed to find that.
06:09:59 Usually we are failing basic VM test. So with a rebirth of one, so call me.
06:10:06 We have 80% of success. Only the basic VM is failing. And it's failing because of some weird error log in as the password is somehow incorrect
06:10:27 morally and if you are on the call please, please correct me if I'm misunderstood something
06:10:36 is the standard here I've seen that I don't think ca na password it's, it's a little confusing because they refer to AAA as their thing.
06:10:44 The are there we've seen that for a while, which is some components somewhere every 15 seconds is sending a request. There you go. you're sending a request to SDN see that hasn't authentication header and has the correct username, you can see in the error
06:11:00 message there refers to admin that's the username but has the wrong password.
06:11:06 So that's been going on for a while. And unfortunately, because of it it floods the logs and someone is a real problem you can see what the heck is going on.
06:11:16 Okay, so you say that this logs probably unrelated Right, yeah. The probably although will be helpful if we could isolate that get rid of it. I've never seen that on my local lab so what I'm going to try and do is see if I can bring up a local copy of
06:11:32 everything, and start, you know, knocking things down one by one to life until it stops happening and then we'll know.
06:11:39 Okay, so if you want to try to investigate I can send you. I will post a link to our review that there are taking results, which give us 80% of success.
06:11:53 So, only.
06:11:54 You know, it's very interesting for us because basic cnn is successful, and basically me failing. So, if you can try to go through as DNC leaks and if you find anything interesting, please let us know.
06:12:08 Sure. Thank you.
06:12:13 All right, great. Thank you. I'm in there. Any other comments about this issue questions.
06:12:23 All right, and then I see a note here about Helm chart be 3.0, is that related issue or is that something else.
06:12:39 With the team. I got some feedback from team members that they have been facing some issues since we have integrated with the credo.
06:12:52 And then I was looked when I got the feedback I wasn't sure if it is related to the problem that you were highlighted kicked off, or if it is something else, and we need the full set of the womb.
06:13:16 was before. Who can ask to the PTS to provide additional information. And if you try to talk you are maybe on mute.
06:13:22 So, Katrina, if I make, provide the shirt feedback on that from Dion perspective.
06:13:28 So, as know this release we migrated from Helen vj to hell retreat that was basically a second recommendation and it was the right thing to do.
06:13:37 Helm v2 in any version is no more supported there is no security fixes for that. So, for staying v2 compatible was pointless from our point of view, because he shouldn't use software that is unmaintained.
06:13:56 And that's why we just broke v2 compatibility and now all Emmys healthy tree only here but I'm not challenging the fact that we have migrated to the veto.
06:14:12 I confirm that was the right decision. I just wanted to bring here that some project team have noticed some issue. Since we have moved, and I was asking for war who the weekend debugging faster so I'm not challenging the decision to move is the right
06:14:30 things to do. But unfortunately, there is something not happening well for some projects.
06:14:37 And that's what I wanted to relay the message.
06:14:41 And then, yeah, I can add some details of this of this day to the messaging. So, what is lacking is the documentation update, in terms of it based on the current environment of owner, the labs, what is necessary to migrate to include a new community worship
06:14:57 new hardware ocean and the ocean deployed because right now, the challenge we're having is most of the window lab setups, have been probably on the older release 117 and promotion, and we're just now.
06:15:12 And we're just now. Anytime we we try to fetch something from the om, it's not going to work there unless the upgrade and enter environment, again there are steps and directions for that discuss on the discuss list, and some part of the wiki someone to
06:15:24 read the dark, but it's not. it's all over the place. I mean, we don't have clear instructions, again for not just me I think for any member or member to replicate and deploy for him from master the stage so that next big challenge there.
06:15:41 You mean documentation how to set up a built in charge, build environment for Helen Vietri or anything else.
06:15:52 And and the environment where there is a specific dependency on the communities now and also the helm version, I don't think the dogs are going to most current plenty of data that that there are some discussions on that I have some the killings.
06:16:06 Again, I'm yet to replay them again I had some work on a few weeks back and I had some others on that but I noticed there was still open discussion, he will be in discuss on the discuss the specialist for him as well so I don't know if they're completely
06:16:20 resolved, or if they're still destiny open.
06:16:25 Okay, so what I can share is definitely that there is a guide for using can be three. And you're right that for environments that we have currently in the labs.
06:16:37 We didn't prepare any, let's say, detailed detailed instruction how to migrate them to to be To tell the truth, sorry.
06:16:50 And personally, I believe that the cleanest way would be to just re install them with Helen v3 only support.
06:16:58 But I hope that this is going to happen somewhere around I receive zero and as you know we are no crossing their zero, because we have issues in the master branch.
06:17:12 Right, and also yeah i mean i don't know forgiveness integrate but yeah I think in the past I mean typically we have at least one integration tenant and when we were up to date with the software version, I think that, I mean the support on that has been
06:17:26 not up to date. I know Morgan has mentioned resource constrained to support it, but he had that's one of the things related to it. I mean as the oil is progressing.
06:17:37 We need to make sure there's at least a integration environment in Wind River is up to date as well i mean that that would help teams to validate as well.
06:17:46 I think right now. What, What we have shifted though is each of the product and hence we are having a separate installation, and we maintain doing the testing so it works fine as long as it's independent but but now that we are in a price testing scenario
06:18:00 and face, it is sort of slowing us down in terms of power and how we coordinate and get the test done.
06:18:15 I didn't know what I could say, I mean, if there are resources constraints then someone has to solve that, that that's all they can. Sorry.
06:18:27 No, I understand I think the key is at least if the yeah I think they could start with the documentation and making sure it is completed.
06:18:35 Exactly. We are less dependent on on on help from integration not om that we can we can progress on those there.
06:18:46 Yep, sure.
06:18:48 If there are any boxing in this documentation that I sent you.
06:18:51 Please just let me know or just opening tickets for a while, and we'll do our best to fix it as quickly as possible but as you probably expect fixing master branch is our priority for now, because it's blocking like 40 or 50 batches that are waiting in
06:19:07 a queue.
06:19:16 to make you understood, but and yeah so here I think the document link what you shared is what I follow that in two weeks notice some changes done but the key is the underlying software requirement, I think we have more did everything for guided does
06:19:24 nothing for master yet so since we have migrated to master. I think that having the details also added in that reference Wikis would would help.
06:19:41 Yeah, I was suffering to this link, I just posting it here.
06:19:50 You said the Christopher, you need to keep some programs, please send them to me to maybe the gun.
06:19:58 Yeah, sure.
06:20:00 Yeah.
06:20:01 I'll reach out to them.
06:20:07 Just I call PJ Cobra all the problem associated to the am sure, so we don't need diesel, what am I understanding in the feedback from Kiska, we don't really need a walk home.
06:20:22 There is no other concern I just wanted to be sure that we address all the concerns.
06:20:34 Like, there is no need to have them. Okay, so it's let's say is that what I was thinking, which is good.
06:20:44 And then the other point I believe it may be related to the environment Drummond, we noticed that the gating was not wanting more oil, since probably.
06:20:58 So a Tuesday or Wednesday morning.
06:21:05 I don't know if it was only during the US time zone that it was noticed.
06:21:13 I didn't think this morning if it was better.
06:21:26 So, I believe it's quite well now, there were some transit issues but at least I'm testing for a lot for last like 36 or 40 hours I'm testing patches around these master issues that we discussed and usually everything works fine for me apart from maybe
06:21:40 one or two runs that fail due to some issues.
06:21:58 Yes, I can feel my case I've read some programs you to to get runners. Nice he knows better but I'm not sure everything is okay Katrina.
06:22:03 Mobile companies up to that but I can check with seen but I think we are was to fix some, some issues in Mr.
06:22:15 Okay, again it's something which was notice, I will be honest, I didn't check.
06:22:23 Last night and this morning. So I was just adding.
06:22:38 I would say sample people and all
06:22:33 accepted somebody on this call, believe it, no more tricky.
06:22:38 Thank you.
06:22:44 All right, thank you. Any other questions or comments about the blocking issue for RC 01 microscope is probably the one which is challenging, and I want to be sure that the advantages top of all the support that they need.
06:23:09 Yeah I discussed
06:23:13 this before the meeting I think he.
06:23:23 Okay, I agree that he's under control and maybe Krista, you can confirm it.
06:23:31 Yeah, we just needed time, you know, it's nothing that you can, you know, check out call me and run a build or tests and have results in like half an hour.
06:23:41 No, you need to fire gating and wait for maybe six hours if you're unlucky to get the result, like, right.
06:23:51 So, unfortunately, we are not that small. See a Lie too but the big application that takes and number is amount of time to be deployed.
06:24:05 All right, thank you.
06:24:07 Okay, take you to look at milestone status.
06:24:11 So you might recall that the TASC approved him three with some exceptions. We had a handful of milestone tasks for both projects and requirement owners that were still open and so the the exception said that in three was approved conditionally upon those
06:24:40 issues being resolved by RC zero. So the good news as you can see 4am three four projects, and also for requirement owners, all of those have been closed so that condition that conditional approval of three has been satisfied.
06:25:05 Looking at RC zero. You can see that we are still lagging a bit.
06:25:13 So we have
06:25:17 roughly three quarters of the tasks for projects have been resolved and
06:25:31 looks like.
06:25:32 Just, just over half of the issues for requirement owners
06:25:43 are there. Are there any particular issues here that anyone wants to call out.
06:25:51 I noticed in particular looking at the requirement owners.
06:25:55 We have some that have not made any progress at all. So, this 5g service modeling requirement.
06:26:11 pm data control improvements.
06:26:15 Those two in particular stand out as having made no progress are anyone associated with those requirements can you comment on that.
06:26:29 Okay, Well, I will. I'll follow up with those requirement owners.
06:26:34 Looking at the projects.
06:26:37 As I said, roughly three quarters of them have been closed.
06:26:45 So we have a number of that are in progress.
06:26:49 Quite a few in the delivered or submitted category,
06:26:55 any issues in particular, here that any of the ETS would like to raise.
06:27:03 I think David Darrell so some feedback and
06:27:08 middle.
06:27:13 Okay, um, yeah. So what we talked with was even the BT and was a we understand completely the om is under stretch, because suddenly they have a lot could commit to review.
06:27:31 So that's why we move to the deliverable states.
06:27:35 When the pitcher was submitting the container. And we asked them to update the integration with trouble with Yes, ready for integration. When the container will be created, of the wise.
06:27:51 The rest, we want to suggest to to the few people who have not yet completed the 3d ski update, which is the wiki page where we talk information for the marketing to update.
06:28:06 There was no task associated to em integration and the doc theme.
06:28:13 To complete the marketing, but it does not mean that what they are doing is not 11. So, I want to invite them to provide feedback about the great improvement they have been doing like the the shift to em version three, and also the plan that Morgan is
06:28:34 thinking to do about some additional tests for the city. So take a moment to really add the adding value. Same for the documentation team there have been a lot of improvement as well.
06:28:48 So, even if you don't have a task I just want to invite you to update the marketing page, the marketing team wanted to have an update by the end of this week, we can always have some other ones, but not too many concerning the requirements if there is
06:29:08 no and sin, still, still we are on this page. I also want to bring to the attention to the requirements owner. It's good that the documents.
06:29:21 Then he qualifies as part of the release note, I noticed this feedback.
06:29:27 When we were reviewing the the task for the requirement. But it's still important ideal that you point your release notes here, but it's still important to document the benefit.
06:29:42 On this wiki page, because the marketing team will not start to review all the NSP fine. Right. They are really building the marketing messages over the release, based on the key items, which will be added to this wiki.
06:30:02 And I really want the subcommittee team, we have not received anything from the subcommittee at this stage.
06:30:09 You don't have any official task, but it's part of your activities to provide your feedback as well.
06:30:19 And again, we go to a deadline of by Friday LD. Please do your maximum to complete at least this as a first priority.
06:30:32 So they can kick off their work as well as some of you are working on OVBC Stu close 90s.
06:30:44 Again, it's important that you document what you have been doing through this course for less cost relationship as well.
06:30:53 Otherwise, it will remain silent and nobody will get benefit from the artwork you have been doing.
06:31:04 Yeah. Along those same lines I also noticed that our subcommittees have not provided any updates so all a shocker other sub committee chairs.
06:31:22 If you could update that this page, that would be helpful.
06:31:29 All right.
06:31:36 Another feedback from the requirement owner or a lot of them was asking were to update the FCC horoscope gap.
06:31:45 So I was thinking maybe we can open a requirement and show exactly how can they do it. We provide information in the ticket, but maybe it's not clear enough so you can just open a requirement in two ways the field.
06:32:00 It might help people to complete their task as well. And I hate here because only one team will bring that up. It's several ideas we have polling to understand the request.
06:32:13 Yeah. So, if we look at this.
06:32:17 5g service modeling requirement as an example.
06:32:24 And then if I click.
06:32:32 You need to login.
06:32:34 Actually Catherine while we're on that. I did find to field eventually but I wasn't actually quite sure when you can set it to green
06:32:45 to quell that as well please yeah the, the intention is to set the scorecard at them on the milestone date or just before the milestone date. So we're trying to understand from the perspective of the requirement owner, where they think they are at the
06:33:04 milestone.
06:33:06 Yeah, I was kind of hesitant to set it to green until my application was was March with om and given the pending issues you know what am i what i wasn't sure we could set it yet.
06:33:21 It's more. Yeah, I think Catherine told me as well you submitted that so in a way to go to but I wasn't sure.
06:33:28 Yeah, so I just understand that the design here a little bit so you'll note that, you know, all of these, you know, mm to through am three, you know, are all enabled here.
06:33:48 But we, we used our CS zero in some instances, and in other instances, we did not so I set up the custom field for the RFC zero scorecard.
06:34:07 And you see it has this this option of not used for this release, and that was just so that we could have the option of not
06:34:17 using it in the, in the releases were, you know, we chose not to use. So, anyway, it's it's in here.
06:34:28 And it's basically, aside from the not use for this release option the other options green, yellow and red are all the same. So, So it's in here.
06:34:39 Yeah, actually I realized now as well that it wasn't aware of that you use to edit the edit button and you get this extra extra explanation, I just clicks trade on the field and all I see was yet, red, yellow and green.
06:34:52 So, I know now at least when I click on Edit I see better explanation of the, of the fields and how to populate them so that as helpful as well. Okay, good.
06:35:02 All right.
06:35:04 So, and one. Again, don't, don't take it personally because we got
06:35:14 quite a lot so I so let's take two minutes and show.
06:35:16 Because if everybody is not there at us it is recorded and people can see as well. And then finally, the, the other requirement, which requires the attention of the equipment owner.
06:35:29 It's really to update their own Hades integration testing speakers. It's a page, under the integration.
06:35:42 Get the building integration project, there is one for for the project team, where we were attacking the Fenway system, and there is one to track the evolution of the testing of the end to end, use case itself.
06:35:58 So, nothing has changed completely subsidies, but we know we have a lot of new requirements owner.
06:36:06 Previously you were all in on key to this page what we asked you to do is to keep updated this page in alignment with the progress of your testing.
06:36:25 So, we have some feeling about ofa you are with testing as one.
06:36:28 Yes.
06:36:30 Yes, we missing greetings to be true that are the recommendation of the new features are really looking at either in the values device project.
06:36:58 by an app user. Yes, that's what we were trying to track on the marketing update the market.
06:37:04 Not enough.
06:37:06 Yeah, but not getting enough this is great but we need also to be sure that if one
06:37:17 use case, I created some new features.
06:37:22 This feature on it.
06:37:31 You've looked under the project. So we need to be sure that the project of looking at either this new feature.
06:37:36 I don't really think
06:37:42 we have I think I understand you're saying that, not just in the marketing update but this is the issue that we ran into with Waylon right where the.
06:37:52 We had new use cases, but there was no documentation that described the use cases. So, and I think the format.
06:38:06 It's not only new use cases it's also when we have new, a new feature a new evolution from, from India, any project.
06:38:17 We need to be sure that this new feature is well documented in the documentation.
06:38:24 Yeah, and I think the protocol that we discussed was that it would be there would be an entry in the release notes with a link to a more detailed description in the documentation.
06:38:40 Exactly. Yeah, but this was still not done in Berlin, and let's see and hope that it will improve in Honolulu.
06:38:52 So that we would have done these kind of links and as Eric said that we have been links really to the documentation of this specific component all of the use cases, what their improvements are in Honolulu.
06:39:07 Yeah, maybe. This is really, really important. I mean, you know folks if, if you want to draw attention to the great work that you've done.
06:39:19 I mean you guys put in hundreds of hours to develop these use cases and features. And if they don't get documented, then very few people know about them.
06:39:33 So, you know, give yourself some credit and get these features and use cases documented is stated another way quite simply, if people don't know it No one's going to adopt it.
06:39:52 Yeah, I mean if you you develop this this great use case of this you that's great feature. And then, it, it doesn't appear that anyone's using it in and you haven't documented it adequately.
06:40:08 You know, that's that's a problem.
06:40:10 You have to look to yourself.
06:40:13 Hey David. There's a shocker just to give you my perspective on this name. I don't mean to speak for the PDF files or the use case owners.
06:40:25 But the documentation for the use cases parks or new features actually takes take place, early on in the process when the requirements are being created.
06:40:39 And when we do architecture reviews. So the PDF files, do put together a really nice package or nice packages, documenting to the lowest level of details.
06:40:52 The new capabilities or the new features.
06:40:57 So I think what we need to do is we need to be able to point to these documentation ones.
06:41:11 And not create new ones. Well where where is that being documented. So just to give you three between yes yes, no, because we need to have a clear.
06:41:29 Place Order for the documentation on we decided to be original Docs or right, is ready somewhere, using the wiki we have also some tools to transfer them to receive nice.
06:41:50 Congrats on this we could we
06:41:41 could maybe improve things here Shukor by by updating your process so that instead of on a wiki, or in some form or whatever. The, the requirement owners, put that documentation together in rst files that eventually will go into read the docs, that that
06:42:08 would satisfy your requirement for architectural review and also give us a leg up on the documentation of the use cases and features for the end of the release.
06:42:22 Well, as was stated though we, there are conversion out there that can be run against the wiki to produce that.
06:42:33 Yeah, well wait why why do it twice. Why do it twice. Just do it to it once and use it directly write it in harvest t files and then we are done I mean we can put it down into the into somewhere.
06:42:48 We'll do the best location than where we can find it and then it's that we have everything in place. Why exactly.
06:42:55 Yeah, but it might be different types of documentation I think the documentation submitted to the architecture subcommittee at the beginning of the work is different from.
06:43:05 I think what Eric was mentioning, more of documentation for the end users. And I had cases where my colleagues wanted to use on them for different use cases like network slicing and they had a hard time finding the documentation of how to get it to work.
06:43:21 So I'm not sure sending them to read the design documents of 5g slicing would have helped.
06:43:28 So I'm not sure it's as simple as converting wiki to rst or whatever. So different type of documentation that the end users expect.
06:43:41 I do agree, I agree with you.
06:43:45 Ronnie.
06:43:48 It's just that we, we need to be Chris
06:43:52 for the use case owners or to the sponsors of the,
06:44:01 of the parks and so on so forth as to how it should be documented right how all these things should be documented and where they should be stored. And how should they be either similar or different than what they have provided.
06:44:22 And the documentation is either for the requirements or for the architecture subcommittee. So David, can you give me a presenting right for a second. I just want to illustrate the point, because it's a good topic and then let's read as to whether this
06:44:37 is you know what the approach we want to use.
06:44:39 So well can start this process early on. Can we shocker I think you make a great point. And I think it's something that we need to look into but we still have a number of things we need to get through so could, could I ask you to submit that for a feature
06:44:58 meeting, as I go. Please, please, I think we should have a discussion on because that was a competition team so I think the best ways maybe to for us to add this meeting with documentation team, and then we can share our vision to the community.
06:45:15 I'll just say that it seems to me that if I mean that's it, on the one hand that's good news what Chuck was saying is that all this great documentation is being prepared for the architectural review.
06:45:29 On the other hand, it's a real loss of work product. If you know when the architectural review is done, and satisfied that we lose that that documentation just kind of you know fades into history and does it doesn't get captured into the documentation
06:46:02 we provide with the release that seems like a real loss to me so that that seems like a key point to work on how do we transition that that documentation from the architectural review into the final documentation
06:46:05 Oh yeah. All right. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. And then if you, if you in your spare time if you have a minute, go to the architecture reviews forum logo and click on the JIRA ticket associated with each and every part of park or use case.
06:46:20 And once you get through JIRA ticket then the documentation is to be reviewed section as a link to all the documentation that were presented.
06:46:30 to get through JIRA ticket then the documentation is to be reviewed section as a link to all the documentation that were presented. So I think it should, it should be, I'm not suggesting that what's there is complete. But what I'm suggesting is, let's
06:46:38 take a look at what has been provided and collectively decide how we should transform it from whatever format that is in to something that is common, that can go into read the docs.
06:46:53 and everybody would have access to it.
06:46:57 Again, I would like to comment that sometimes those architectural review are too much of a sausage factory, and the end user doesn't need to be overwhelmed with all this information they need a different type of information.
06:47:10 Okay, so then let's let's figure it out and again I'm agreeing with you, Ronnie so let's let's figure out what other information that we, the end user or end users would require.
06:47:23 And let's make sure that we have a template that we provide to all the sponsors, so they could transform, if you will, the detailed documentation is into something that is probably one or two levels higher.
06:47:39 So the end users can use it.
06:47:42 Yeah, sure. That's a great idea and I will, I volunteered to take part and I will volunteer to and I will volunteer my friend Eric to work with us as well.
06:47:50 Right.
06:47:52 I'm willing to do whatever we need to do to make sure that the sponsors understand that what's being provided for the architecture subcommittee should be the base for something that is higher level, and I will include the template that they need to do,
06:48:09 or they need to fill out.
06:48:11 As part of the architecture review so they could work on it early on process in that way into the tail end of the process and now the details are under pressure to deliver something in a very short period of time.
06:48:29 convince the exotic woman owner to consolidate input so we can remove offload from the video. But nevertheless, you are the key actors, I just had an action
06:48:41 for the architecture and doc subcommittees to do the Find the possible for anybody else have people like honey, you are welcome to be part of the discussion.
06:48:52 I would not say let's set up a task force because maybe in one of two cool, you will fix the problem but we have an action.
06:49:00 Thank you for all the feedback.
06:49:03 Okay, good.
06:49:04 That's I think we uncovered a key point there.
06:49:08 But we do need to move on. We're starting to run a little bit short on time we saw quite a few more things to discuss. So, All right, so what are we going to do about about Honolulu So
06:49:28 David, sorry.
06:49:30 I want to back up for a second, I heard you mentioned my name earlier, In terms of attraction in action item, and I didn't have audio at that point, I had one way audio so I couldn't answer your question.
06:49:48 Release the checkpoints.
06:49:51 I don't recall mentioning your name it might have been someone else. Okay, fine.
06:49:57 I don't maybe it
06:49:59 isn't, maybe me I just said, as an action item the documentation and the architecture subcommittee, and anybody who would like to participate to the conversation should meet on in order to define all use case feature and spec should be documented, and
06:50:18 be part of the release notes. Right, so that's what I've capture as an action item. It's an important area that we can implement for assembled.
06:50:30 All right.
06:50:33 So, so we're, we're blocked on RC zero.
06:50:37 Currently, so let's path forward so I had a chance to get together with Kenny and Catherine yesterday and we discussed this. And so what we're proposing is a, a one week slip to RC zero and subsequent milestones so that pushes RC zero out to the 18th
06:51:01 that's one week from today.
06:51:03 And then the subsequent RC RC to and sign off also push out so that makes sign up out to April, 8 was originally April 1 so basically a one week slip to these four milestones.
06:51:24 Does anyone disagree with that.
06:51:29 Baby, I believe that we may have some challenging between, because now we are around, we are doing our sign up and they were seated around Easter.
06:51:44 Say, so I expected may be challenging for people to complete the tasks.
06:51:51 What I would suggest that we give you my son from milestone Easter is the first week of April, I realized that, but let's see at least if we can meet at the zoo NFC one.
06:52:07 And then, if they unpractical sec one sec one.
06:52:11 We pulled up the Wi Fi discuss on the 25th. Okay, considering where we are and eastern front covers, and also Passover, in some countries and and other activities in other countries.
06:52:24 We might be addressed in films like so far that we probably will finish everything what we have to do miss a plane. But I would say, let's, Let's check milestone after milestone because now with to read the period where we cannot say we the commission,
06:52:44 we cannot say, it will be for the next series, we need to stabilize the code, and we need to finish those you need, whatever it is.
06:52:53 So, we we stopped to have a high focus.
06:52:59 My son de hi so but I would suggest let's see if we succeed early to reach FC one by the 25th.
06:53:07 And as you said Christophe I'm pretty sure that we will need to be addressed.
06:53:11 Because we might lose a lot of team members, you to the different holidays in different countries across the globe. Okay.
06:53:22 Yeah, I'm perfectly fine with trying to rehearse this event next week that that that should be real.
06:53:29 I hope at least we do, but I know the team is under threat.
06:53:36 And I wonder, do you feel comfortable because we go having this container ready we cannot finalize the end to end this this thing with containers, we are pretty close to what we will deliver had the end, it doesn't mean they will be not additional container
06:53:58 to be delivered because we are hitting the time where we will discover issues related to, to the use case but let go by step by step.
06:54:10 And then, since we are on the planning. I know there may be one or two points about, oh no need to be discussed.
06:54:17 Can we also look at this stumble.
06:54:23 Probably and dive off on that for a moment, Catherine.
06:54:28 Cool.
06:54:28 Alright. So, are there any objections to the proposed Honolulu schedule update.
06:54:36 If not, Kenny can we get up pound agree on.
06:54:41 On the Honolulu schedule on the green.
06:54:47 Any other questions, comments about the schedule here and it's a one week slip for RC zero through sign up with sign off on April eight.
06:55:00 All right.
06:55:03 Okay, so.
06:55:06 All right.
06:55:08 We talked about scorecard. We talked about testing status.
06:55:15 I think, I think I'm going to hold off on the exception discussion.
06:55:23 All right, yeah so any, any other remaining comments, questions about Honolulu.
06:55:34 All right, so let's talk about this stem bowl.
06:55:41 So,
06:55:44 myself and Katherine Kristof discuss the schedule.
06:55:49 Last week and we presented it to the ppl on Monday, and some of the feedback we got we got into a discussion about,
06:56:02 well, what was formerly what we called em three feature freeze. And this differentiation between container delivery and code reviews and so the suggestion from the PTS was to add an additional milestone, which I've, which I've done here.
06:56:27 So, we have a new am three, which I've tentatively called final code submission.
06:56:34 But I'm open to suggestions there.
06:56:39 So this is.
06:56:41 So this is the proposal for a stand bull. So the kickoff would be on April 1.
06:56:51 And then we, the, the cadence that Christoph described actually has em one a little closer to the kickoff. But we agreed because of Easter week that we wanted to push it out a little bit to give projects enough time to get there, get their work done,
06:57:15 and for the requirement owners to be prepared.
06:57:18 So, that puts everyone out April 22.
06:57:25 And then finally sign off. This puts us out into late July.
06:57:32 The one concern about that is course.
06:57:36 A lot of folks have their vacations in July, so I'm a little iffy about about about this but I'm, we decided to go ahead and propose it and so I'm open to feedback.
06:57:53 How does the TSP feel about the schedule.
06:58:00 Good question.
06:58:01 I see that you have to know that we will add a new milestone before him three. So just wanted to be sure that the team knows it is not last.
06:58:11 But, lack of time we didn't update the plan but if you look at the change block
06:58:20 you yeah Catherine you might not have heard me earlier.
06:58:25 So, the that milestone is here so it's, that's this one that Sam three.
06:58:33 So now we have, what was what was it am three feature phrase is now m four and so we have this new milestone of em 311 week prior to what was originally m three.
06:58:51 That's good to know. You probably say so. But unfortunately, my brain does not work.
06:58:59 Okay.
06:58:59 And what we also plan to do is probably communicate today to mobile to give awareness to the owner community and above that we really need peak of April 1, so we would like to avoid that everybody has everything ready after first, so we want to bring
06:59:22 our awareness that
06:59:26 we come the ladies at least, even if we are still working because the photo requirement owner. As soon as he took to the architecture team and the requirements it committee to better.
06:59:37 So formalizing, the kickoff is important.
06:59:42 And there is no task associated to the PDF for the N zero, and just want to remind her that as well.
06:59:51 Okay, any questions or comments about this schedule.
06:59:56 No, I think it's good job is very aggressive schedule because we stop as already as a prime.
07:00:07 Want to finish by the end of dry wider. I think a lot of European contributor will be in vacation.
07:00:13 So I don't know if I'm the only one to share this concern but
07:00:19 I'm afraid that in two fingers back and the drives are very challenging.
07:00:26 Scattered scared.
07:00:29 Yeah, I think, a we we we discussed that, when we were putting the schedule together and we recognize that it's a concern. I think the alternative would be to probably we would have to push this out to, like, late August or into September, so that that
07:00:49 would be the alternative.
07:00:56 So we could maybe we can maybe have this milestone of RC zero.
07:01:03 In July, and then push, push these other three milestones out to, we may be late, late August.
07:01:14 In September, something like that. But then of course we would lose that time, but that's course up to the TASC.
07:01:22 Maybe I will show my remark rated with the entire plan as a feedback from the climate owner.
07:01:33 Because in fact we have short time, since let's say they're a nice group of states to the code freeze, or the feature.
07:01:44 Freeze, in general, so this is less than females, let's say, and, of course, we are not ready to start development and we are going to have permission to start development before the architecture, let's say, review and the permission from there.
07:02:01 So in fact there is a very short time.
07:02:05 When we can really provide some code changes right.
07:02:08 So it was already challenging, from the perspective of the of this release, and not be easier Next one.
07:02:17 so I have an impression that will reduce the time for code development in general and we spend time on other things.
07:02:38 But, if I may provide a feedback on that.
07:02:42 So, actually, because we are now. This is the first release with a new release process and this is going to be a second release with this new release candidate you now can start working on your own defining your requirement, it's already there.
07:03:01 I mean, as soon as we start working on defining requirements for Honolulu, you may start working on defining requirements for example, and you can also go sooner to shocker and request or an architecture review.
07:03:16 And as soon as we branch out from the loop branch, you may start contributing your changes that are going, that are supposed to be there in Istanbul, to the master branch.
07:03:27 only into him in practice.
07:03:30 As already knows the teams have limited resources and mostly the same team so responsible for the delivery of the concrete requirement. And then the preparation for the requirement for the next release.
07:03:45 In fact, you can start to do preparation for the next release until you don't finalize all this things necessary for the previous one.
07:03:53 So the CRM is one and the practices, the second.
07:03:58 Well, you know, in all and we are already doing that. I mean, we already have a queue of patches that are not supposed to be marriage, until we branch old Frankfurt.
07:04:09 Sorry we branch out from a local
07:04:14 so that there should be no obstacles each company has the resources that they want to spend on development. There is nothing that prevents them from doing so.
07:04:25 I hope at least.
07:04:28 And I think we need to consider that.
07:04:33 It's not only one company, sometimes murky per company working together.
07:04:41 And they need to find an agreement of what they need to accomplish together.
07:04:47 So, what I would like to suggest is that we don't approve this timeline today. At least you become familiar with it. Right. Again I beat myself, I was thinking to make an announcement that the kickoff will occur in April, because I'm only concerned that
07:05:06 most of the time people you we see with the ladies here. People provide feedback. I know the day before.
07:05:17 Either the day itself, and it's a shame. So we could give.
07:05:23 We could may be given a job that the kickoff will occur in a plane, who subcommittees ID, at least to leave you with only one owner for the requirement all who are engaged in this series because I think this is what Lucas was trying to highlight.
07:05:41 They might have more time right because they might have more time because global requirement is probably the first step for the TMC to approved.
07:05:52 And they might have more time at the empty.
07:05:55 So, so in this concept and I don't say it's the final date. The requirement owner, after the honorable is potentially completed mid, a plane, up to the 28th of May, based on this map here to work with the pbn about the commitment of Istanbul.
07:06:16 Okay, so let's look up the whole map today.
07:06:27 All right.
07:06:24 Let's everybody ever think about that and we can discuss on March 16 at the PGA Cole and collect order concern.
07:06:35 Would it be okay.
07:06:44 All right. Okay, thank you, thank you for your feedback.
07:06:49 All right.
07:06:59 I think from that. Yeah, I have a question on the, on the, which we call it the milestone status tests things one of their, one of the jurors for every use cases.
07:07:05 The marketing update page JIRA and I couldn't find where that is too. Does anybody know the page you're supposed to update.
07:07:15 It's it's actually linked in the JIRA.
07:07:23 Oh, my goodness. Thank you. Yes, I see it now. Thank you. Thank you. Okay, I just dropped it into the chat when thanks I see it now. Yep. Thanks.
07:07:32 Okay.
07:07:34 All right.
07:07:36 So I think I'm going to pass on Wayland maintenance for the time being. I just mentioned that I've been trying to get the PTS to update their status on this page that's linked here.
07:07:53 I think Ms B and vid.
07:07:56 I'm still waiting for updates from you so if you have not updated this page recently I would appreciate it if you could indicate your status there.
07:08:06 And then, Kenny.
07:08:09 If you don't mind, I'd like to make a suggestion that we have an item here on the task force update and I invited a more to come on and give a brief presentation about what he's working on, and just a suggestion if we could move to that, since we're getting
07:08:28 short on time.
07:08:33 I have no issue with it.
07:08:38 Just give him a more.
07:08:42 Hi. I thought I did. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah I'm here.
07:08:47 Okay, hi can give a quick update on what's going on on in the ops 5g project, it's the project that as everyone knows is part of the Gov ops project where DARPA navy and a number of what they call performers are involved, and the performers have been
07:09:09 selected by the DOD to perform specific security aspects, work on specific security aspects for 5g. That's Department of Defense Department of Defense in the US Yeah, thanks.
07:09:28 So they, they, meaning the ops 5g project have selected.
07:09:36 They want to select as many open source components as possible for their 5g testbed.
07:09:42 So, let me present some slides, and I'll show you what the thinking is and what it means to the owner community.
07:10:06 Okay. Can everybody see my slides.
07:10:10 Yes.
07:10:12 So the thinking is that we will publicly. Do this 5g Super blueprint in three steps.
07:10:23 The first step will be in q2, where we will get 5g core and edge computing working.
07:10:32 And this will be components will be Kubernetes own app, a new kit magma and the local breakout to edge computing the value of this will be to show how to create a fully desegregated open source 5g stack and the use cases will be 5g fixed wireless access
07:10:52 private 5g and mech, and IoT.
07:10:59 And that's the use cases are limited to these two because that's what magma does on App Of course can do a lot more than in q3 we will introduce ran and slicing.
07:11:15 In theory, we can do slicing sooner, with owner but again we are limited by magma magma will not support slicing until around q3.
07:11:25 So, in q3 we will have a commercial Ram.
07:11:29 That's what the ops 5g team is looking at, and then we can try slicing.
07:11:36 And then in q4.
07:11:40 The thinking is to replace a commercial brand with or NFC.
07:11:47 Assuming you know there's availability.
07:11:50 So that's the progression.
07:11:54 And the first version will sort of look like this and this is going to be not a theoretical architecture, but an actual implementation. So what we are drawing from the two existing blueprints the cloud native 5g blueprint, that's under a new kit and private
07:12:19 lt and five gic and blueprint and our credo so drawing from those two we will have own app running on a new kit, on, on of course on Kubernetes and docs 5g also wants to take the MMO component from openness.
07:12:37 So that's what we will have here.
07:12:42 Then the CNS that will be on boarded and orchestrated will be the magma orchestrator and the three magma CNFUPFMFSMF.
07:12:55 So, even though it says magma orchestrator it's a misnomer. This is actually an SMS. So it's a very once the CNS come up you can, you know, register SIM cards and manage this so it's really a more of an SMS.
07:13:11 So the idea will be to onboard and orchestrate all of this on to, again, a new kit, but since this is an FBI for CNS it will be much richer than you know what we need to run on them.
07:13:27 So they'll be like data plane acceleration technologies. There may be CNI plugins for SDN controller, storage, etc. So I'm not sure will use all of these, this is sort of a little bit of a kitchen sink slide.
07:13:43 Of course, you cannot use both tungsten fabric and Open Daylight see a nice together.
07:13:48 So we'll have to see what the ops 5g team wants to do.
07:13:54 And then we also have to make sure that
07:13:59 all of these can be used by the UPS, so we'll have to see.
07:14:05 And then we will use it with up and Gina would be emulator. So, we will not have an actual ran we will try it out.
07:14:14 And then we also want to show a local breakout to edge computing application.
07:14:21 And that will be there are many in the same blueprint so we can just pick one.
07:14:27 And the infrastructure will be on lab as a service that's just a placeholder it may be on other places as well.
07:14:35 So that's the idea of step one, step two is very similar accepted to be a commercial RAM, and actual up, but otherwise everything is the same. and then we will introduce network slicing
07:15:09 and step three is where we introduce or and everything else looks similar we threw in Fido hopefully some of these data plane components will use Fido.
07:15:11 If not, you know, it won't be there.
07:15:15 And now own app is working, not only to orchestrate and manage the, the magma Corps, but also acting as the SFO for Oregon.
07:15:28 So that's the overall thinking now what does it mean to the owner community so even though we are showing slicing here in the second one, the ops 5g team actually once second test well, so this test where they want of course where we show on avid magma
07:15:50 and one edge computing application, but they also want to see as a network slicing a test bed in parallel, they fully understand that it's going to use network function simulators and not real network functions and, and they're okay with that but they
07:16:08 do want to see slicing as soon as possible.
07:16:13 So, but as you know that it's that are still some.
07:16:20 It's not so easy to create the slicing demo, so far.
07:16:25 So, Dobbs 5g team and we are working with them and trying to replicate the slicing demo for our ops five g. So, even though this is showing one blueprint in phase one.
07:16:56 In reality, there are two, one for for magma five cheaper and then one for slicing.
07:16:46 So hopefully I explained the concept, happy to answer any questions.
07:16:55 Thanks Thank
07:17:00 you was just about to ask what is the role or value that brings here. Let's say phase one, is it just the initial deployment or.
07:17:11 Is there any like closed loop automation blank.
07:17:15 Yeah, all three orchestration of course and these are config but then ongoing Lifecycle Management and configuration we maybe we can show some day to configuration.
07:17:27 Some config modify.
07:17:30 And then of course the closed loop.
07:17:32 So I would say don't don't three.
07:17:34 So does it mean magma will support, like previous events.
07:17:40 We will have to see if not, maybe some agent would have to be written so we have. So this is aspirational as we get into the reality we will have to see how much can be done.
07:18:08 In what way you then use case for.
07:18:04 And look at. Oh, it's just the project. This project where this project is not specific use case that we can manage we seen it happen.
07:18:14 That's, that's what we're doing in the enterprise Task Force. We've just started that process so is Catherine mentioned I think on this call.
07:18:28 Last week, we had a great meeting with representative from the ops five g project at the enterprise Task Force meeting, and had a good discussion, and she took an action item to come back to that meeting to specifically to describe use cases.
07:18:51 And so, we're using the enterprise tasks force as a forum to introduce use cases to own app.
07:19:01 Now that that's that said, ultimately, follow the standard on that process, ma'am.
07:19:09 Talking about it. Any inner in the enterprise Task Force does not imply that short circuits, the processes we have in place it right now of course, and I as I think I said that we're using it as a forum to introduce the use cases not as a substitute for
07:19:26 the process.
07:19:29 And I confirm that I think they have been success with the CNS de force was looking upon about what the community wanted to do in this space.
07:19:42 We want to replicate the concept of the death for to address any requirement and to accelerate those who have footprint to support enterprise business.
07:19:57 And also this can market so it's really like a tiger team will help and facilitate with of course it would fall at one point into the began owner processes, since they have been already some testing, a demo just to demonstrate the value of all now.
07:20:18 It's clear that we will continue to have this type of transparency.
07:20:25 Keeping an updated about the test bed that is sitting up. It's also a call to the on up community to support the elephant because everything started with the elephant to support the elephant and Mark is representing the elephant.
07:20:44 And, of course, to Sukkot the task force to accelerate and to change own up with kill on the scene of a network automation platform. I think what as part of some of the discussion we have at the elephant for home.
07:21:01 In February, a lot of us believe that we could use own up for other propose there was a label. I remember from from Orange bubble own up as a black box.
07:21:11 So in order to really change the messaging our own app. We have an excellent opportunity with the enterprise our souls and I'm happy to rename whatever it makes sense.
07:21:24 But to change the message and the value to bring additional value to own up.
07:21:30 I hope it by and I just wants to read today.
07:21:39 It's, it's not so clear for me because I'm not sure we are as a community reading the process to to set the right components for this use case so that's something I would like to be to be shown the process because
07:21:54 I'm not sure that on that committee was really inverted to build this use case that I'm doing use case on oh we selected the right components for the opposition pathway number four.
07:22:12 Do you see this really exist, its position, and the proposal of March, 30, so the data change, I was inviting everybody on math 17 but the US Navy was a positive thing is always be five he cannot make it they need more time.
07:22:34 Right. So on master key they will provide additional detail about the use case. So it's what you see on the screen is black box we tried to build a demo environment, but we don't know yet.
07:22:45 The detail of the use case, you see what I mean so we have really an amazing opportunity to provide a feedback and unit community. So I really invite you to join us, if not my circus Master 31.
07:23:02 So, something one because it's on the Wednesday, because I have a hard time finding the meeting for this meeting, it's not under groups IO.
07:23:16 Maybe you can send the information to the CDC.
07:23:24 You might be missing that because it's it's a bi weekly meeting so it's every other Wednesday.
07:23:30 So, there was a meeting yesterday, I guess. And then, we're no, I'm sorry. Now there's no no no meeting this week.
07:23:43 There's a meeting next week and then two weeks from next week so in three weeks to the group sale
07:23:52 there. I hang on, I'm not saying look I'm looking, I'm looking I'm looking, I didn't put in the chat. The reason why I did not put up yesterday, because I had an issue to set up correctly the time, because in Europe we, we will not singing or climate
07:24:09 change, and the 31st was still when Europe and US are the synchronized. So, I was working with Kenny last night to say can you set up do you see it, it's 78 7am PST.
07:24:25 And now it should show up properly in the calendar I just put the link in the chat but the reason why we did not communicate yet it's because we have this issue to the clock change but I will add it to the minutes of the agenda, and also in the minute
07:24:42 that I usually a provider, no more on a monthly basis.
07:24:47 Okay.
07:24:49 Now, if we consider that the monthly meeting is not good enough.
07:24:56 Again, we will accelerate the cadence, we have a slow start because we need a lot of input from the US Navy, and we wanted to show to give the time to be ready because it's a discovery.
07:25:09 I mean it's a discovery enrollment, very exciting.
07:25:14 And we really need to be very innovative so we don't have probably audiences today. But if we consider the population that we are with the community, I'm sure we can make it happen.
07:25:28 Yeah, it's very early days for ops five G and so this is an excellent opportunity through the enterprise task force for, you know, own app thought leadership to engage with this project, and provide them the direction that they need.
07:25:50 And the input that they need in order to, you know, fully leverage own app.
07:25:57 It would seem to me though that the first phase is will use own app to actually orchestrate the, the 5g core which is virtual VPC. Right.
07:26:12 which is a good idea, which is great that data as a matter of fact, right.
07:26:16 So I think if we, if we as a community crisply define what is it in phase one, that would be helpful for everyone and then we could basically focus on it.
07:26:28 So based on this diagram.
07:26:30 Iran is out of the picture. So the focus initially is tried to use magma to create a 5g virtual.
07:26:41 The virtual packet core, without any slicing capabilities in it.
07:26:52 All the other components that you have communities and staff in an account and so on so forth they're basically infrastructure components that would be used by own app to actually orchestrate the magma a package.
07:27:10 Right, and acquainted is, is the, the edge, which is part of the mec which is a mobile edge, cloud. But regardless of where you orchestrate.
07:27:22 And just the fact that this is a core, you may orchestrate more than one version, but I think the initial I think what I heard, Catherine. Amar say is that the initial phase one is to try to orchestrate.
07:27:39 A.
07:27:42 The virtual package or four five g using the magma infrastructure, which is basically the Facebook version of the 5g core.
07:27:53 Correct. Yeah,
07:28:00 exactly. Yeah, it's definitely it's definitely good, you know, good start.
07:28:06 But we just need to define our such true so that we don't lose the rest of the community in terms of what is it that we're trying to accomplish. And how own that fits into this picture to me on that fits nicely into this picture because magma magma becomes
07:28:21 a package that own app would orchestrate.
07:28:26 And that package will provide a 5g functionalities without initially without any 5g slicing and then we will build on top of it to add 5g slicing and to allow own app to orchestrate the Orion components.
07:28:42 That would be coming in phase three so it's a perfect fit for basically phase one two and three.
07:28:50 Exactly.
07:28:56 So initially, if on app. If we're using own app orchestrate magma which is, I want to call it virtual a packet core. Once you once were able to prove the that were able to do that, then the next phase would be to orchestrate the Orion functionalities
07:29:10 and use all the Orion integration capabilities that we're building within our own app to actually tie the, the two components together and now you have an end to end the view of the Randy's the core piece.
07:29:26 And then if we want to deploy it on to Mac which is mobile edge cloud.
07:29:33 That would be a perfect example of how own that can orchestrate not only the components, but it can orchestrate on an edge, the edge cloud.
07:29:43 Exact as well. Exactly. Okay.
07:29:47 Yes, with my concern because we have some family slicing a use case within an app.
07:30:27 So, we have another use case so we have to be sure that we are not doing the work. Reset twice on the app some C'mon yes relationship between this work on our internal work that's something we
07:30:15 like network slicing requirement owner to be part of the adventure, and to extend whatever we need to make it work but not to create a signal path of doing Nicole pricing otherwise we will last of.
07:30:33 It'll be the same it's it's to leverage don't have slicing Yeah, yeah.
07:30:37 I think we're going to be able to leverage many features use cases, and parks that we've have already done including the integration with Iran.
07:30:50 The 5g slicing work that we've done. Even though 4g slicing is a virtual package called independent so a should run on top of magma, I would think.
07:31:05 And it will be back to the point that ran it just said, I mean if if we were able to do a lifecycle management for the magma components, using the analytics as well as the control loop with and own app that would be that would be wonderful we should be
07:31:25 able to do that. We just need to figure it out, what exists today and what are the things that we need to do to enhance the capabilities to be able to provide this full functionality.
07:31:43 Like I said before, Sunday and I'll be part of the team. Thank you.
07:31:49 Thank you.
07:31:53 Any other question because I think we already are little bit overwhelming are already.
07:32:00 And I'm just, if we take quickly good, and thank you America to see where we are. And as I said, there will be additional session like that so you are all aware about what's going on.
07:32:12 You have always an opportunity to raise any question, but more important, you have an opportunity to be passed on this adventure, which is great too.
07:32:22 Good. Back to the agenda.
07:32:25 What did we miss I don't know if we have time to discuss anything else that we, we just wanted to, maybe, finalize the Tsu.
07:32:37 Did you get all the vote for beyond, who have accepted to be part of the architecture subcommittee as a vice chair.
07:32:47 All right.
07:32:50 am looking at it right now. And, yes, he has been confirmed as the vice chair, congratulations.
07:32:59 Yes.
07:33:01 Yeah.
07:33:02 You probably noticed the email from web web been on that he was.
07:33:24 He focusing on other opportunity for his company. I will also follow up with him, and I believe something we need to do before leaving the team ladies is definitely not the grueling award for the top documents citizen and it's creepy.
07:33:29 Kenny Are you, are you in a position to do so. And that will be pulled up by topic for today, we accept you, there is something else we can do it quick.
07:33:42 No, let me.
07:33:45 The it'll be a verbal I don't have slides prepared for this, as I did before.
07:33:50 But folks remember from last week, on the three community selected awards, had been bought it from a couple of different locations.
07:34:02 So we nullified those votes and turned the responsibilities over to the TLC.
07:34:11 So for the s3 p improvements, the, the integration team is the winner there.
07:34:22 Congratulations.
07:34:26 Oh it's worth. It's worth noting that the results and all but the area of citizenship did change.
07:34:37 Once the TASC voted, and it changed significantly
07:34:44 for citizenship crypto plus it graduations for your contributions and winning that award.
07:34:54 And for the top Achievement Award.
07:34:58 That goes to stove undergrowth, and
07:35:06 congratulations there for the outstanding works Yvonne.
07:35:11 So, everybody. Thank you. I will be reaching out and not this week but next.
07:35:20 A little bit about what we're going to present on, but it will be some manner of some manner of plaque or desktop award.
07:35:40 Thank you.
07:35:42 All the winner. I think the well deserved. And we are looking for the next heroes as cost of ownership.
07:35:52 So, the pretty here will not change, so you know exactly what we expect for the, the award.
07:36:00 And we are really a great community and just want to thank to all of you.
07:36:06 We have maybe 25 years for movies but you will all of you. We could not have deliver all these cities have to go Thanks to the whole community, but big kudos to see the van integration team and Christophe for what they have accomplished.

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