Create Jira for every Global Requirement
Revise as "Create project Jira task for each Global Requirement" and move to M2
Re-visit milestone placement for "I" release
- Could this become burdensome over time if we build up many Global Requirements?
- Are all GRs applicable to all projects?
- Krzysztof Opasiak No, but we want them to add a task, anyway, and explain why the GR is not applicable, in order to support traceability
Define rules of patch inclusion for this release
Purpose is to define whether a project is willing to accept new features, and under what conditions.
PTLs to complete table: In particular, PTLs should indicate if they need help with GRs or other backlog tasks. In other words, this enables projects to offer the opportunity to add a new feature, in return for help with GRs or backlog tasks.