What is ETSI?
The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) produces globally-applicable standards for Information and Communications Technologies. As part of the NFV Release 2, ETSI set out standards covering the functionalities of the interfaces specified on the reference points, which use the acronym NFV-SOL (standing for “NFV Solutions”). As of ONAPs Dublin release the SO SVNFM adapter supports SOL003 standards for Create, Instantiate, Terminate and Delete operations with Granting, Subscription and Notification.
Further Reading on ETSI within onap:
SO Plug-in Support for VNFM (SO VNFM Adapter)
For the SOL004 and SOL001 support, see the ETSI Package Management section (ETSI Package Management).
How to Run CSIT Tests
The follow steps are to install and run on an Ubuntu 18.04 (desktop) installation.
First pull the CSIT repo from Gerrit, either with or without the hooks
git clone "https://gerrit.onap.org/r/integration/csit"
git clone "https://gerrit.onap.org/r/integration/csit" && (cd "csit" && mkdir -p .git/hooks && curl -Lo `git rev-parse --git-dir`/hooks/commit-msg https://gerrit.onap.org/r/tools/hooks/commit-msg; chmod +x `git rev-parse --git-dir`/hooks/commit-msg)
Once this is downloaded a few more installations are required.
Install pip (if required)
sudo apt install python-pip
Install Robot Framework through pip
pip install robotframework
Install other robot framework libraries
Once all of this is done, then the tests should be run by calling the run-csit.sh script and giving it the location of our test folder (csit/plans/so/integration-etsi-testing). From the csit projects root folder run the following command:
./run-csit.sh plans/so/integration-etsi-testing
This should successfully run the ETSI CSIT suite
What are the tests doing?
There are three tests currently being run "Distribute Service Template", "Invoke Service Instantiation" and "Invoke VNF Instantiation".
Distribute Service Template
As the name would suggest the aim for "Distribute Service Template" is to distribute a service template within the SDC controller pod. Once a http session of the SDC controller is created a post request can be made to it. This post requests sends binary data from "distributeServiceTemplate.json". This json file contains resources and artifacts required to distribute a service. Once this post request is sent, the response status code is checked to see if it is 200. If the code is not equal to 200 then the test is thought to be a failure.
Invoke Service Instantiation
Invoke VNF Instantiation