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zoom bridge:

Duration 60 minutes

DurationAgenda ItemRequested byNotes / Links

Emergency Maintenance Release - Tag: 3.0.2

  • Final list of projects
  • Testing
  • Readthedocs

TSC-120 - Getting issue details... STATUS

All participants in the 3.0.2 release must link a Jira to the above ticket.

Known participants: A&AI, Dmaap, CLAMP, VID, Policy

Possible security patches from: Non certif: SDNC (python lib), APPC, CCSDK

Integration needs 5 working days to complete the sanity and verify use cases.

M3 follow up topicsFormer user (Deleted)

Use case YELLOW - blocking defects? Alla.Goldner

<the 4 yellow use cases are due to integration blockers - all known issues being worked>

Component & Global Optimizations Eric Debeau

<on track>

S3P djhunt

<No update giving; contact via email>

Additional functional tests OOM Morgan Richomme

<on track>

xNF communication security enhancements Linda Horn Amy Zwarico

<DCAE complete, other projects get update from Linda. Amy to get update>

Locale/Internationalization Tao Shen

<Implementation complete; in test now>

M4 Preparation

  • Integration Blockers
  • Risks
  • Projects
  • Requirements
  • oParent Integration
  • Containers Procedure from Integration/OOM Teams

TSC moved M4 to 2019-04-11

Please update M4 checklist by April 10th, 2019 noon - thank you


Documentation process overview

Hack a thon days

Documentation Hackathon

Process overview, PTL 2019-01-21

<Sofia will consider adjusting the date based on Dublin M4 milestone change>

2minWindRiver Clean-Up checkpointYang Xu

Jim sent the delete list to WR on 2019-03-19 - Cleanup complete 2019-03-20

Reduced: 40 vCPUs, .9TB RAM, 7TB Disk

5minConsistent Java code style using maven plugins

Following on from comments on TSC-71 - Getting issue details... STATUS .

Regarding instructions under Setting Up Your Development Environment

Instead of starting with Google style and Setting Up Your Development Environment

Suggest using Setting Up Your Development Environment as the ONAP style formatter file is committed to the repo

In AAI-2198 - Getting issue details... STATUS two maven plugins were trialled in AAI using the formatter XML file above, as intended to pass "onap-java-style" checkstyle audit.

Plugins can do batch re-formatting of Java code in the repository and run the audit, e.g.:

mvn formatter:format spotless:apply process-sources

Example of batch re-formatting:

Suggest that the formatter file and plugin config be adopted into oparent for all to share.

Otherwise individual projects can copy the configuration and adopt it for their own local usage as per Contributing To AAI Best Practise and Setting Up Your Development Environment

5minSecurity related defects needing immediate attentionAmy ZwaricoJDWP - projects need to create their own Jira tickets for these vulnerabilities
5 minProduction repos vs. preprod repos -different helm chartsPaweł PawlakThe idea to be discussed is to use different helm charts for differentiating repos used for tests from the ones used for production environment where some tests tools are not allowed as could bring some vulnerabilities.
5 minPTLs readiness for M4 known vulnerabilities analysis by SECCOMPaweł PawlakWe would like to propose opening a Jira ticket for each PTLs - for the first time we could open it,to save time on projects side. The goal is to allow demonstrate each project readiness for the analysis (all critical and severe vulnerabilities are analyzed, appropriate Jira tickets are created), It should save soem time for both PTls and SECCOM team members performing the analysis. For R5 release, each PTL would have to open a ticket for that during M0 milestone.

Action Items

  • Helm Chart Transfer: 4 projects have been identified for trial: A&AI, Log, Policy, APPC, CLAMP and ONAP CLI. Mike Elliott will work with PTL to gather/transfer knowledge and create training materials. Training to be done the week of Jan 14 and PTL to provide their commitment or not by M1 on Jan 24.
    <1-7/2019>: Work in progress. Schedule might shift to another week. Michael will follow-up with Mike. Training will be open to everybody. The objective is that each team will take over the management of their Helm Charts. 
    <1-28/2019>: Meeting is organized on 1/29 with LF. Training will be organized early in February. Additional information on the next PTL call (2/4)
    <2019-2-19: Meeting on this topic today - review the process - develop training material. OOM subcharts complete - A&AI this week>
    <2019-03-04: Ready to do the first project A&AI; after testing on the first project make video on process flow, several others will follow Jessica Gonzalez Mike Elliott>
    <still working out the A&AI details - in progress; once the POC is complete the other repos will follow>
  • What is the plan for the June ONAP Developers Forum - dates/location/etc  Kenny Paul
    <includes outreach to education - looking at universities>
    <Virtual meeting? - still under investigation>
  • PTLs - to review TSC Webcast on footprint optimization from 2/28 starting from 30th minute -
    <INCLUDE LINK TO THE footprint opt pages>
  • How to consume Alpine? Adolfo Perez-Duran (Deactivated)
  • Modify code freeze checklist to include a certificate expiry check Former user (Deleted)Brian Freeman
  • Discuss Open Lab subcommittee next steps Yan Yang

  • No labels