- Andreas Geissler (Host)
- Andrew Lamb
- Jack Lucas
- Gareth Roper
- Fiachra Corcoran
- Jack Lucas
- Gareth Roper
- Adrian Matthews
- Andrew Lamb
- Byung Woo Jun
AAF Removal:
- AAF (TLS) disabled in OOM deployment
- Daily Master deployment updated (
- Gating deployments updated (;O=D)
- Robot tests updated:
- VES Collector
- HVVES collector
- pythonSDK tests updated:
- basic_cnf_macro
- basic_cnf will be removed
- Open testcase fixes:
- Updates of Gating Pipelines to SM
OOM-3099Getting issue details...
- Gating pipelines in
- Recreate Gating 3+4 done
- Pending actions:
Pending component fixes:
- UUI - OOM-2998Getting issue details... STATUS → Fix done
- A1Policy Management - OOM-3008Getting issue details... STATUS - CCSDK-3772Getting issue details... STATUS
- VNFSDK - OOM-3095Getting issue details... STATUS
- CLI - OOM-3096Getting issue details... STATUS → fix done
- HOLMES - OOM-3101Getting issue details... STATUS
- CDS-UI - CCSDK-3814Getting issue details... STATUS
- OOF - OPTFRA-1099Getting issue details... STATUS → fix done → need to be merged
- SO - SO-4027Getting issue details... STATUS → Byung mentioned, that E/// team try to resolve the issue (Byung's note: It was assigned to Viresh Navalli, Capgemini. E/// plans to assist Viresh as needed.)
- DCAE (VES-OpenAPI-Manager) → - DCAEGEN2-3335Getting issue details... STATUS
To be started:
- Ingress template improvements: - OOM-3108Getting issue details... STATUS - OOM-3075Getting issue details... STATUS
- Remove unused components: - OOM-3074Getting issue details... STATUS
- Cassandra: - OOM-3073Getting issue details... STATUS → DT is working on cass-operator usage
- MariaDB: - OOM-3072Getting issue details... STATUS → DT (with TM) to investigate
- Remove NodePort in Ingress environments: - OOM-3012Getting issue details... STATUS
- Chart Cleanup (AAF removal)
Deployment scenarios ( - OOM-3081Getting issue details... STATUS ):
- "Production"
- "Development"
- ServiceMesh: disabled
- no-TLS
- Ingress: disabled
- Nodeports used
- MSB: enabled
- Tested in:
- onap-daily-master
- ServiceMesh: disabled
- "Development" + Ingress (not tested)
- We should describe the different configurable setups and state, which options are tested by ONAP