Lorraine A. Welch,
When: Occurs every Wednesday from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM. (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Release notes are done - Lorraine A. Welch - merged with master branch, needs to go into Release-3.2.0 branch; having technical issues
3.2.0 images are released
- portal
Rupinderjeet's team will take a look at Raptor (SDK) code for adding test cases once it is merged. (thank you)
Sonar coverage stats: The reports will now be posted under:
- check how ROBOT ONAP test automation is going by IBM team. Can we get a status from them?
- - PORTAL-849Getting issue details... STATUS Pods still run as root - Sunder Tattavarada committing to Portal and widget pods only for Frankfurt
- - PORTAL-848Getting issue details... STATUS HTTP port open - Sunder Tattavarada None of the node ports is required except for 30225 (https port which maps to 8443) for portal-app. I will disable that, test and push the changes into OOM.
Last week:
- - PORTAL-781Getting issue details... STATUS - Anusha - HTTP to HTTPS tasks - for external facing apps: portal-app and sdk; ask Sunder about the certificates needed. In-progress
PORTAL-782Getting issue details...
PORTAL-783Getting issue details...
- Sireesh - out of country - 2 weeks/Anusha/Deepansha - robot automation test - both in open - can we change them to "in progress"
- regression testing is needed, Set up demo for the new ONAP SDK - Mad. to put new code in - Leimeng to check
- - PORTAL-780Getting issue details... STATUS SECCOM Password removal from OOM HELM charts - reassigned to Dominik Mizyn - in open - can we change to "in progress"
- - PORTAL-779Getting issue details... STATUS Validate that SECCOM Comp Analysis and Vulnerability Tables are up to date - assigned to Lorraine - going forward need to be addressed by creating Jira tickets in the backlog and as time permits developers should make the upgrades
- - PORTAL-778Getting issue details... STATUS Document current upgrade component strategy - assigned to MANOOP - open status -
- new image 3.0 ??
- Sujit is working on - PORTAL-198Getting issue details... STATUS ask Sunder to comment to his questions - did 3/3/20
- Send Dominik info for junit coverage; possibly remove portal-be for now - ask Sunder - send Dominik email asking him to remove it
- progress of Angular UNIT test cases (email from Mamtha Sabesan -
Sunder has been working with the IIBM team - Pom.xml file entries are now known
Portal is failing in sonarcloud code coverage is still below 55%
angular coverage still not showing up
- PORTAL-739 Integrate the new oparent into the build process - status?
- AAI-2772 for creating ui_view in AAF - AAI is requesting instruction on how to do this - Lorraine sent email to new person replacing Jonathan Gathman (he retired) to inquire on the process - no response
results of the most recent ONAP codebase license scans. These are based on a scan of the repos as of February 3. The key findings, as well as the overall license summary, can be found at the following address: needs to verify the license issues
- Portal-276, Portal-218 - Sujit is working on
Track the Frankfurt checklist tasks -
Highest and High Defects:
OJSI Tickets:
All portal high or highest bugs