Attendees -
- Shirley Morgan
- Bishnu Prasad Panda (Deactivated)
- Olaf Burdziakowski
- Rahul G (Deactivated)
- Francis Paquette
- Giulio Graziani
- xing xiaocheng
- Venkata Harish Kajur
- William LaMont
- Sandeep Shah
- Steve Blimkie
- Jwala Cheriyan
- Matthew Alpert
- Sunitha Araveti
- Zi Li
- Arul Nambi
- Vishnu Ram OV
- Pete Singhsumalee
- Kasperki
- Poll for new community meeting time
- Discuss outstanding scan/dependency issues
- Status on Cassandra clustering
- AAI Administrivia
Discussion items
M3 | AAI passed M3: AAI R2 M3 Deliverables for API Freeze Milestone Checklist. Next milestone is Code Freeze, 3/29, which is during ONS conference in Los Angeles. Update 3/9: M3 milestone was yesterday 3/8; Plan for dev to meet the M4 deadline; submission by Olaf Burdziakowski on pnf changes to OXM – awaiting review; Venkata Harish Kajur merged app change from Christina Monteleone, plan to merge second change after Yugandhar Guntaka response. | ||
AAI Meeting Time | Some ONAP participating organizations cannot attend the AAI weekly calls because they are off Fridays, and Friday at 9PM is just cruel for our friends in China I set up a poll: PLEASE VOTE for your preferred time slot! This will be our new weekly community meeting time, not just for next week. An added benefit of choosing one of these three times is that when daylight savings ends in fall 2018 we won't have to move it again like we did last fall. Update 3/9: Poll is ready for all to response on date/time. More than one choice will be accepted. | ||
Update dmaap dependencies | In the various repos that still use com.att.nsa, it should be: <groupId>org.onap.dmaap.messagerouter.dmaapclient</groupId> <artifactId>dmaapClient</artifactId> <version>1.1.3</version> - AAI-841Getting issue details... STATUS Update 3/9: Event-client recently added to ONAP (found in pom.xml); Tian Lee to update to use the latest version (1.1.3) in pom.xml. Recommendation is to use the aai.aai.event.client instead of dmaap client. Please update each of your own micro services. | ||
Babel | Damian Nowak | Tian Lee provided an overview of Babel. Damian requested documentation, Tian Lee and CT Paterson suggested some docs that can be provided. Models come into AAI thru babel, so changes to the models must be made in SDC. Nokia is interested in model changes for 5G PNF support. Clarified difference between service/resource models and schema. Tian Lee working with Damian - adding model to OXM, liasing with SDNC for models containing pnfs - will run thru Babel to see if additional work is needed; Olaf Burdziakowski working with Damian Nowak regarding pnfs needed 3/02: Schema changes and defined APIs needed by next Thu (3/8). Update 3/8: Gerrit review is awaiting feedback from Olaf Burdziakowski Update 3/9: Olaf Burdziakowski updated OXM; Successfully tested the OXM updates in lab: set up aai instance, called API. Any issues reach out to Venkata Harish Kajur or James Forsyth. Leave this item for future meetings. | |
Licensing | Modified files should be tagged with a new date of 2017-2018. Copyright © 2017-2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. - AAI-747Change copyright year in license header on modified files to 2017-2018 Open James Forsyth will get clarification on what's needed for the various repos to satisfy the various orgs. 2/23: Jimmy has not found good solution yet. 3/02: Meeting to be scheduled between AT&T and AMDOCs regarding using license plugin and it's impact to other contributors - James Forsyth Update 3/8: Meeting scheduled for 3/12 | ||
Nexus IQ | Anything Red for Security Issues and License Analysis need to be fixed in order to pass M4 (3/29). Vulnerabilities due to AJSC need to have a plan on how to mitigate. James Forsyth has created parent story in JIRA for each repo; need each repo owner to bring us in to full compliance. JIRA labels added: Security, AJSCDependency By M3 (3/9) need to have plan on how to mitigate. Nexus IQ higher priority than CII Badging. Venkata Harish Kajur to provide Richard Epp with guidance on Spring Boot templates. 3/02: Richard Epp uploaded spreadsheet containing next candidates if vulnerabilities still exist. Update 3/8: GREAT progress on this item - we replaced the AJSC dependencies with Springboot 1.5.1 and have cleared all critical issues from resources, down to only 2 in Update 3/9: Main work needed for M4. Venkata Harish Kajur working on; majority are related to AJSC, which has been dropped and replaced with spring boot 1.5.10. Venkata Harish Kajur has few changes still needed in pom.xml of change of parent pom (AJSC to spring boot) and AJSC dependencies to spring boot. Aai.service – possibly remove as no longer used; Venkata Harish Kajur to email Jimmy on removal. Please review your responsible app and any questions send to James Forsyth. | ||
AJSC6 | Venkata Harish Kajur to merge AJSC6 early next week in aai-common, re-run report Team to add AJSC dependency to repo, then re-scan before any coding to determine results. 3/02: AJSC 6 vs Spring Boot for Beijing this late in the cycle; Venkata Harish Kajur will try changing one file from AJSC to Spring Boot, re-run scan and report findings. Concern raised by Arul Nambi that AJSC 6 in ECOMP may be different than AJSC 6 Open source. Update 3/8: We decided to replace AJSC with Springboot 1.5.10 | ||
CII Badging | Wiki page with instructions on the process: CII Badging Program We have two CII Badging submissions currently active on CII Best Practice Badge Program: 1) AAI and 2) Sparky-fe The team needs to decide how to split up the project - AAI is too big to fit under a single project. James Forsyth proposes the following breakdown for CII badging: 1) AAI core (REST providers and common code): James Forsyth - Project created, ongoing progress.
2) GUI - Arul Nambi - Need to include more repos to the current "front-end" project
3) Model loader - Tian Lee - Need to create projects
4) ESR - Zi Li - Project is created, still ongoing process to meet all the requirements
The idea is that we assign one key person who will be responsible for getting the badge on their set of repos. This is just a suggestion, and I invite discussion, re-categorization, and complete rewrites. Owners of the sets can decide whether it makes sense to group sets into one CII badging request, or split. Every repo above must be included in 1 CII submission. 2/23: Need readout next week per repo as to where we stand and how we can close before M4 (3/29). Zi Li and Arul Nambi will work together to see if same kind of scan will work for both components 3/02: SONAR will not report on java script based so those need to be run manually via another tool locally. Update 3/8: Urgent - need to document our plan and have a commitment to get to 50% coverage by m4. Preferably sooner to prevent giving your PTL a heart attack. Offending repos:
ALSO: if your repo is part of Beijing but is NOT part of the SONAR scan, (Venkata Harish Kajur, graphadmin leaps to mind) please fix that ASAP Update 3/9: Steve Blimkie needs James Forsyth’s signoff on moving small libraries within event and rest clients to aai.core; Spike and Gap not used in Beijing; Tian Lee to create project for Model loader; may need secondary URL describing model-loader but point to aai.core. Gizmo – Giulio Graziani requesting adding it to his team's work list. Common – Venkata Harish Kajur working on Router-core – AMDOCs to work | ||
Issue 1 - Parsing of YAML file into RST format Richard Epp to send yaml file via email to Pavel and attach to wiki so all can see. YAML file too large and resulting RST file cannot be read by readmedoc causing it to be unusable. Issues parsing the YAML file into RST format - structure is not correct - structure of YAML file must follow SWAGGER structure. Issue 2 - Exposing AAI Swagger through MSB Suggestion of using MSB portal with link of file to readmedoc. How to display REST APIs via the swagger UI integrated with MSB: Will need to continue as open item until resolved. Contact Zi Li / Former user (Deleted) for more information about integration. Just require the swagger JSON file for integration - Richard Epp please provide the JSON to Zi Li - Zi Li - please download the yaml file above and see if you can make use of it in MSB Note: Alternate Swagger UI service already available. Huabing - Please refer to the below comments for session sticky and AAF plugin progress 2018-02-16: Generator of the RST can't find the definitions (there is a getDefinitions and patchDefinitions) and parser can't deal with it. Generator only can parse ASCII and there are characters outside the ASCII set. PATCH and GET methods can possibly be split into their own files. Richard Epp will look into installing swagger UI in Windriver lab; Venkata Harish Kajur knows how to access, contact Stephen Gooch for access 2/23: Richard Epp split up the files; James Forsyth uploaded network put and get (RST files) which Passed. Will do REST next. Richard Epp to get access to JIRA (LF) Venkata Harish Kajur to provide guidance to Richard Epp on setting up Dev env locally. 3/02: Richard Epp uploaded all RST files to wiki yesterday; not able to run GET commands, will work on Permissions issue. Update 3/8: Richard Epp was OOO this week, need to close on this one soon. Also need to regenerate based on the current v13 schema files (including pending commits that aren't merged yet) | |||
Jenkins | Release jenkins jobs are still failing. Helpdesk ticket # 52082 Changes to AAI-COMMON not picked up by downstream projects (resources, traversal) Unable to release aai-common, as cannot release multiple times, without incrementing the version. Liasing with ONAP helpdesk about whether we can release multiple minor versions of an artifact. Proposal for Monday PTL meeting to align SNAPSHOT strategy Venkata Harish Kajur to include Steve Blimkie on email exhange with ONAP Help desk. 2018-02-16: James Forsyth raised on the PTL call on Monday. Decision is to use SNAPSHOT for Beijing development, currently we're setting our snapshot as 1.2.1 Disabled the daily jobs (which fail because the snapshot/staging artifacts don't exist). Removed all amsterdam jjb jobs. Need a better plan for Casablanca. 2/23: Steve Blimkie will check on dependency and fix. Update 3/9: Steve Blimkie provided fix: Need better plan for Casablanca. | ||
HPA | I would like to discuss about the Persistence of HPA related information in A&AI in the weekly meeting call. I would like to discuss my proposal to capture the HPA capabilities in a generic way in A&AI as represented here à I would appreciate if we could include this in tomorrow’s meeting. Dileep Ranganathan presented . General discussion. Alex Vul (Deactivated) met with OAF team yesterday to determine optimal way to consume info from A&AI, will go back To OAF with using key value pairs; implementation needs to be agnostic and optimal. Alex to post on wiki general format and value specifics; will meet with OAF on Mon on how to represent the values. Alex Vul (Deactivated) to review changes with Christina for specific schema proposal Functional requirements for HPA : 2018-02-16: Schema changes are done, need custom query to get the parent node from a given node. Christina Monteleone and AAI team need to follow up on the custom query. 2/23: Beijing is using V13; Amsterdam used V11; user can continue to use V11 however, for new functionality and schema changes will need V13 James Forsyth to follow up with Christina Monteleone. 3/02: HPA capabilities is by flavors; James Forsyth to bring up to Christina Monteleone at today's meeting and request her review of schema structure. Update 3/8: Gerrit review is pending, hopefully closed by the time of the AAI call on 3/9: Update 3/9: Venkata Harish Kajur progressing with Christina Monteleone changes. | ||
MSB Integration Status | The MSB AAF auth plugin Might need a plugin in MSB to achieve stickiness of requests Huabing asked Jonathan Gathman about AAF API - further details required. 2018-02-16: Adrian Slavkovsky is waiting for MSB fixes - stickyness/ip_hash load balancing doesn't work. kube2msb registrator doesn't register ports correctly. We need to socialize the hostname that clients will use - follow up with Former user (Deleted) and other teams about how this will work. James Forsyth will raise the issue on next Monday's PTL call. 2/23: Adrian Slavkovsky to follow-up and provide feedback next meeting. 2/28: Huabing update Adrian Slavkovsky James Forsyth
3/03: Former user (Deleted) to fix issue with ip_hash. Update 3/9: Vijay Kumar scheduled 3/12 meeting to go over changes; trying to get MSB into OAM project; security issue getting MSB with AAF. | ||
Cassandra Clustering | Goal - provide HA to AAI Issue 1 - remote storage Meetings with Michael O'Brien - (deprecated as of 20170508) - use obrienlabs OOM team should check the video recording of the session @Michael O'Brien - (deprecated as of 20170508) - use obrienlabs will arrange further meeting on Monday Issue 2 - simulating outage Pavel + Harish will try to simulate on Monday We have a 3 node replicated cluster configured with local storage; need to discuss if this will be adequate to the purpose of Beijing integration testing. - AAI-539Set up Cassandra docker images in 3 node cluster OPEN - OOM-591AAI needs persistent volumes configured, need help with OS in lab REOPENED Michael O'Brien from OOM team will assist w/ OOM-591 Michael O'Brien to respond back to Harish’s email and setup meeting on Monday 10 AM; Will put on OAM discussion page so others interested can attend. 2016-02-16: Working cluster; titan + thrift allowed us to use Cassandra 3. Janus will not have thrift requirement. 2/23: Venkata Harish Kajur has connection ready; will test after node fails; will work with Former user (Deleted). 3/02: Venkata Harish Kajur to test node failure next week and advise findings. Update 3/9: Venkata Harish Kajur testing indicates cluster not working properly, will look into Cassandra configuration. |
- Action items
- Zi Li or other ESR rep will to start the CII Badging process for ESR
Alex Vul (Deactivated) to post on wiki general format and value specifics; will meet with OAF on Mon on how to represent the values.
- Richard Epp to work with Zi Li on integration between Swagger and MSB using swagger.json
- Tian Lee and CT Paterson to send Babel runbook and setup offline meeting for Q&A.
- James Forsyth will get clarification on what's needed for the various repos to satisfy the various orgs.
- Richard Epp will look into installing swagger UI in Windriver lab;
- Richard Epp Will check on non-ASCII characters within generator
- Christina Monteleone and AAI team need to follow up on the custom query with Dileep Ranganathan - AAI-819Getting issue details... STATUS
- Venkata Harish Kajur to provide Richard Epp with guidance on Spring Boot templates.
- Zi Li and Arul Nambi will work together to see if same kind of scan will work for both components - got clarification from release manager that scans are optional for Beijing on js components
James Forsyth to follow up with Christina Monteleone on HPA.
Venkata Harish Kajur has connection ready; will test after node fails; will work with Former user (Deleted) on Cassandra.
- James Forsyth - Meeting to be scheduled between AT&T and AMDOCs regarding using license plugin and it's impact to other contributors
- Venkata Harish Kajur will try changing one file from AJSC to Spring Boot, re-run scan and report findings.
- James Forsyth to bring up to Christina Monteleone HPA capabilities by flavor at today's meeting and request her review of schema structure.
- Former user (Deleted) to fix issue with ip_hash.
- Tian Lee to update to use the latest version (1.1.3) in pom.xml.
- Aai.service – possibly remove as no longer used; Venkata Harish Kajur to email Jimmy on removal.
- Steve Blimkie needs James Forsyth’s signoff on moving small libraries within event and rest clients to aai.core
- Tian Lee to create project for Model loader
- Gizmo – Giulio Graziani requesting adding it to his team's work list
- Venkata Harish Kajur testing indicates cluster not working properly, will look into Cassandra configuration.
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