This functional requirement is intended to further advance the ease and ability of creating control loops in Dublin by addressing the following:
1) Utilize the TOSCA-Lab and DCAE-DS applications that were ingested by SDC during Casablanca Release.
2) Make it easier for the community to design and on-board DCAE analytic applications based on re-usable policy models.
3) Enhance the Policy Lifecycle API and newly created Policy SDC Service Distribution component to dynamically make available DCAE analytic Policy Models to CLAMP when Service Designers are creating Control Loops.
Problem Statement
In Casablanca, DCAE analytics were manually on-boarded and the deployed of artifacts were designed in Cloudify as Blueprints that were created manually. In parallel, SDC did the work to ingest the TOSCA-Lab and the DCAE-DS (Design Studio) applications that were built to support the automation of both on-boarding DCAE analytics and auto-creation of Cloudify Blueprints.
In Casablanca, CLAMP current assumes only the TCA DCAE analytic when designing Control Loops. While Policy supports multiple DCAE analytic policy models, the only way to on-board them is via the Policy GUI because there is no API in Policy to do this. Policy Framework also has no API for CLAMP (or other applications) to use to discover these models. In addition, the current DCAE analytic policy models do not quite conform to TOSCA specifications (minor fix).
Business Requirement
Utilize newly introduced Casablanca applications (TOSCA-Lab, DCAE-DS, Policy SDC Service Distribution) and build the Policy Lifecycle API to support auto-ingestion of re-usable policy models and discoverability of these models by CLAMP during Control Loop creation.
This work should evolve the ONAP Platform to make it easier to design and re-use any desired Control Loops in any ONAP service.
- Reduce development cycle when introducing new analytics to Control Loop.
- Reduce development cycle when introducing new Policy Models as part of Control Loop
Participating Companies
AT&T, Ericsson, Nokia, TechMahindra (? TBD), Huawei (? TBD)
Dublin Goals
In Dublin, the intention is do the following:
1) The specification for the Policy DCAE Analytic Model for DCAE analytics is enhanced to conform to TOSCA standards.
2) SDC will make modifications in TOSCA-Lab to conform to the new Policy DCAE Analytic Model.
3) DCAE analytic developers will on-board their analytic using a JSON micro service specification in TOSCA-Lab that will auto-generate their own instance of the Policy DCAE Analytic Model for use in future Control Loops. This step will also result in a simple Cloudify Blueprint for just that analytic.
4) If necessary, DCAE analytic developers can also now use DCAE-DS to create more complex Cloudify Blueprints that can combine more than one analytic together. NOTE: DCAE-DS is a consumer of the TOSCA-Lab tool.
5) When a service designer designs a new service, they will add to the service CSAR any analytics and blueprints they wish to make available for Control Loops. SDC will distribute the CSAR as it does in Casablanca with these artifacts contained within the CSAR.
6) In Casablanca, the Policy SDC Service Distribution application was created. This application will now be utilized to support auto-creation of the newly on-boarded DCAE analytic Policy Model when a service is distributed. Thus, when SDC distributes a new CSAR, Policy will look for new DCAE Analytic Policy Models not current loaded into the framework and utilize the Policy Lifecycle API to ingest these Models. NOTE: Policy will only need to do this the first time they see this analytic model version.
7) Given #1, CLAMP will modified to automatically render the UI for the DCAE Analytic Policy Models to configure the specific parameters for that analytic in a specific Control Loop.
8) CLAMP will be able call the Policy Lifecycle API to find the Policy Model for the Analytic and create a concrete Policy for the analytic for the Control Loop.
Additionally, with the use of the new Policy Lifecycle API CLAMP will also be able to call the Policy Llifecycle API to query for available Operational Policy Models, Guard Policy Models, Control Loop Coordination Policy, etc. for the Designer to choose from as desired.
9) When Control Loops are deployed, CLAMP will be able to call the Policy Lifecycle API to deploy/undeploy all the Policies for the Control Loop. NOTE: CLAMP deploys/undeploys the blueprints for the DCAE Controller at this time - no changes necessary.
10) While the DCAE Controller is deploying DCAE analytic instances. The DCAE Policy Handler will call the Policy Lifecycle API to retrieve the policies for the analytics.
Integration team
Ease of creating analytic components and on-boarding DCAE micro services
Paris Developer Event Control Loop meeting:
- 2019-01-09 Control Loop Sub Committee Weekly Meeting - Paris F2F
- The final PPT: Model_Driven_CL_Design_Dublin_v3.pptx
Example of TCA Model that would be generated by TOSCA-LAB - export_policies-v1806.yml