Holmes R8 Test Plans
Holmes R8 Test Plans
Test Scenario | Description | Status (Not Started, In-Progress, Pass, Fail) | Notes (Document results with Screenshots and/or logs) | |
1 | Holmes Deployment via Helm | OOM deploys Holmes and the healthcheck passes. | ||
2 | Rule Deployment | Rules can be deployed from either GUI or interfaces. All CRUD operations MUST be covered. | ||
3 | Alarm Correlation | Alarms could be correlated by the rules deployed. | ||
4 | Policy Event Generation | Closed loop control events could be generated by rules. | ||
5 | Engine Instance Management | Tests on self-management of engine instances. Engine status information in the database should be in accordance with what actually exists. | ||
6 | Smoke testing. | Rebuild the CSIT job and ensure that all use cases pass. |
, multiple selections available,