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This page is used for the deposition of clean version ONAP R2+ Servcie IM.

Class Diagram

Based on the input from ECOMP Service IM input, ONAP R2+ Service IM is designed as below class diagram:

  • In this diagram, both design time and run time service related objects are depicted.

  • For the design time section on the left side,

    • ServiceDescriptor is used to model the design time representation of a service. 

      • Nested Service Design is supported by the association "ServiceComprisedOf", as a ServiceDescriptor can be composed of other ServiceDescriptor(s).

      • Complicated Service Design is supported by the association "ServiceComposedOf", as a ServiceDescriptor  can be composed of  at least 1 or more ServiceComponentDescriptor(s).

      • Hybrid Service Design is also supported, as a part of a ServiceDescriptor can be composed of ServiceComponenDescriptor(s) and part of it can be composed of other ServiceDescriptor(s).
    • ServcieComponentDescriptor is used to model the design time representation of a service component or network service.
      • Nested Service Component Design is supported by the association "ServiceComponentComprisedOf", as a ServiceComponentDescriptor can be composed of other ServiceComponentDescriptor(s).

      • Complicated Service Component Design is supported by the association "ServiceComponentComposedOf", as a ServiceComponentDescriptor can be composed of  at least 1 or more ResourceDescriptor(s).

      • Hybrid Service Component Design is also supported, as a part of a ServiceComponenetDescriptor can be composed of ServiceComponentDescriptor(s) and part of it can be composed of other ResourceDescriptor(s).

    • ResourceDescriptor is used to model the design time representation of a resource.

      • Cross reference in resource design is supported via the association "ResourceDescriptorReferences".

  • For the run time section on the right side, similiar layering from top to bottom of instance items and relationship between is modeled, as the result of the model-driven instantiation process from a given ServiceDescriptor. In particular,

    • Based on 1 ServiceDescriptor, 0 or more ServiceInstance(s) can be instantiated, which also instantiate the association "ServiceDescriptorMadeAvailableAs". A ServiceInstance can comprise other ServiceInstance(s) or ServiceComponentInstance(s), as modeled by the associations "ServiceComprisedOf" and "ServiceComposedOf".
    • Based on 1 ServiceComponentDescriptor, 0 or more ServiceComponentInstance(s) can be instantiated, which also instantiate the association "ServiceComponentDescriptorMadeAvailableAs". A ServiceComponentInstance can comprise other ServiceComponentInstance(s) or ResourceInstance(s), as modeled by the associations "ServiceComponentComprisedOf" and "ServiceComponentComposedOf".
    • Based on 1 ResourceDescriptor, 0 or more ResourceInstance(s) can be instantiated, which also instantiates the association "ResourceDescriptorMadeAvailableAs". A ResourceInstance can reference other ResourceInstance(s).

Use Case Example

From the very high level, in summary,

  • Products are made up of services (ServiceDescriptor on the design side, ServiceInstances on the runtime side).
  • Services are made up of service components. A service component is not seen or known to products like SID ResourceFacingServices are not seen by products. Services can be composed of other Services and may be referred to as complex services. Network Service, or WAN service are as the service components in the service.
  • ServiceComponents are made up of ServiceComponents or resources.  The resources include VNF, PNF, VL, etc.


Take the ONAP R1 VoLTE use case as an example.  The E2E VoLTE service can be designed as the service; The IMS, EPC, and WAN can be designed as the service components.  The HSS, CSCF, TAS, SBC, MME, and SPGW etc, and the link between them can be design as the resources.


  • ServiceDescriptor

R2+ AttributesDescriptionProducerConsumer


AAI(model+model-ver)ECOMP IM(ServiceCatalogItem)
serviceInvariantUUIDConstant identifier of the service modelSDCSDC/SO/UUI/VIDinvariantUUIDmodel.model-invariant-id for that service model

Versioned identifier of the service model (this uuid is changed for every major version of the service)


model-ver.model-version-id for that service model


The name of the service model designed

SDCSDC/SO/UUI/VIDnamemodel-ver.model-name for that service model

The description of the service model designed


model-ver.model-description for that service model


A predefined list which identifies the construct's category. There is a predefined list of service categories

serviceVersionThe service model versionSDCSDC/SO/UUI/VID

model-ver.model-version for that service model


The icon path of the service

serviceComponentUUIDThe service component descriptor UUIDs that the service includes (relationhip to Service Component)SDCSDC/SO/UUI/VID

  • ServiceInstance

R2+ Attributes
serviceInstanceIdUniquely identifies this instance of a serviceSOAAI/UUI/VID/SO/Policy/Holmesservice-Instance-Id
serviceInstanceNameThe name assigned to the service-instanceUUI/VID/SOAAI/UUI/VID/SOservice-instance-name
serviceInvariantUUIDConstant identifier of the service model (relationship to service model)SDC/SOAAI/UUI/VID/SOmodel-invariant-id
ServiceUUIDVersioned identifier of the service model (relationship to service model)SDC/SOAAI/UUI/VID/SOmodel-version-id
ServiceVersionThe service model version in SDC catalogSDC/SOAAI/UUI/VID/SOpersona-Model-Version
selfLinkURL to endpoint where more details can be gottenSOAAI/UUI/VID/SOselflink
orchestrationStatusOrchestration status of the service instanceSOAAI/UUI/VID/SO/Policy/Holmesorchestration-status
serviceComponentInstanceIdThe service component instance ID that the service instance includesVFC/...AAI/UUI/VID/SO/Policy/HolmesRelationship to nested ServiceInstances

  • ServiceComponentDescriptor

R2+ AttributesDescriptionProducerConsumerSDC(Service)





invariantUUIDConstant identifier of the Service Component modelSDCSDC/UUI/VFCinvariantUUID
UUIDVersioned identifier of the Service Component model (this uuid is changed for every major version of the service component)SDCSDC/UUI/VFCUUID



nameThe name of the service componentSDCSDC/UUI/VFCname
descriptionThe description of service componentSDCSDC/UUI/VFCdescription

versionThe version of service componentSDCSDC/UUI/VFC

designerThe designer of service componentSDCSDC/UUI/VFC


  • Network Service Descriptor

    Inherit from ServiceComponentCatalogItem

R2+ AttributesDescriptionProducerConsumerETSI IFA014(NetworkService)

References the VNFD of a constituent VNF.


References the PNFD of a constituent PNF.

virtualLinkDescProvides the constituent VLDs.SDCSDC/UUI/VFCvirtualLinkDesc

  • ServiceComponentInstance

R2+ AttributesDescripionProducerConsumerAAI(ServiceInstance)


instanceIdUniquely identifies this instance of a service componentSO/VFCAAI/UUI/VFC/Policy/Holmesservice-Instance-IdnsInstanceId
instanceNameThe name assigned to the service component instanceUUI/VFCAAI/UUI/VFC/Policy/Holmesservice-instance-namensName
invariantUUIDConstant identifier of the service component modelSDC/VFCAAI/UUI/VFCmodel-invariant-idnsdId
UUIDVersioned identifier of the service component model (this uuid is changed for every major version of the service component)SDC/VFCAAI/UUI/VFCmodel-version-id
versionThe service version in SDC catalogVFCAAI/UUI/VFCpersona-Model-Version
selfLinkURL to endpoint where more details can be gottenVFCAAI/UUI/VFCselflink
statusOrchestration status of the service component instanceVFCAAI/UUI/VFC/Policy/Holmesorchestration-statusnsState
descriptionThe description of service component instanceVFCAAI/UUI/VFC

    • Network Service Instance

Inherit from ServiceComponentInstance

R2+ AttributesDescriptionProducerConsumer


vnfInfoIdReference to information on constituent VNFs of this NS.VFCAAI/UUI/VFCvnfInfoId

Information on the PNF(s) that are part of this NS.


Information on the VLs of thisNS.


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