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This page captures the information and steps to deploy ONAP using OOM on VIO 4.0 with Kubernetes.

This pages assumes that VIO 4.0 is deployed successfully with Kubernetes and 'OpenStack' was selected as the Cloud Provider during configuration.

VMware VIO 4.0 Kubernetes Architecture


  1. BlueShift Mgmt IP Address, username and password to create Kubernetes cluster .

  2. K8S Master and K8S Node instances should have a OpenStack Flavor attached as per the requirement below

Storage 256GB 

Steps to create a Kubernetes cluster

Follow the below steps 1 - 4 for create a Kubernetes cluster

TO-Complete 20171205 - Step 5 onwards are needed for getting the Kubernetes Host IP so that user can login to Kubernetes Host and ONAP using OOM can be deployed.

TODO 20171205 -  steps to do prior to git Clone of OOM


Step-2 Create the Cloud Provider before creating a kubernetes cluster 

Cloud Provider creation is a prerequisite to Kubernetes cluster creation. VIO with Kubernetes uses the cloud provider to create the infrastructure required to deploy all your Kubernetes clusters. VMware currently supports 2 options for infrastructure provider. VMware SDDC (vSphere + NSX + VSAN) or OpenStack (i.e. VMware Integrated OpenStack). When choosing the type of provider to create, consider the following:

  •   With an existing VIO deployment, you can create an OpenStack provider. 
  •   Without an existing VIO deployment, you can create an SDDC provider.

Step-3 Create the Kubernetes cluster

3.1 - Click '+NEW' to create a kubernetes cluster

3.2 - Click NEXT

3.3 - Select an Infrastructure Provider for creating the kubernetes

Before you deploy a Kubernetes cluster, you must create the cloud provider. Cloud provides can be SDDC or OpenStack. Select the option as appropriate.

Here with VIO with Kubernetes we select 'OpenStack' as cloud provider 

3.4 - Select a Node Profile. If you have more than one node profiles, uncheck the box "Use default node profile" to see the list.

3.5 - Provide the Input for the Cluster as indicated in Example Data below 

Node Types - A Kubernetes cluster is comprised of two types of nodes. Each node in the VMware Integrated OpenStack with Kubernetes is a VM.

  • Master Nodes - A master node provides the Kubernetes API service, scheduler, replicator, and so on. It manages the worker nodes. A cluster with a single master node is valid but has no redundancy.
  • Worker Nodes - A worker node hosts your containers. A cluster with a single worker node is valid but has no redundancy.

Cluster Types - VMware Integrated OpenStack with Kubernetes supports two types of clusters. 

  • Exclusive Cluster - In an exclusive cluster, multi-tenancy is not supported. Any authorized Kubernetes user using the Kubernetes CLI of APIs has namespace management privileges. The exclusive cluster provides a familiar environment for developers who deploy Kubernetes themselves.
  • Shared Cluster - In a shared cluster, multi-tenancy is supported and enforced by the Kubernetes namespace. Only a VMware Integrated OpenStack with Kubernetes administrator using the VMware Integrated OpenStack with Kubernetes interface or CLI has namespace management privileges. The shared cluster is an environment where the administrator can manage resource isolation among users.

Example Data:

Cluster Name :testCluster 

Number of Master Nodes :1 

Number of worker nodes :1 

DNS servers : 

Cluster type: Exclusive Cluster 

3.6 - Add Users and Groups for this cluster 

        Once a Kubernetes cluster is created, you can authorize users or groups for the cluster. The users and groups belong to the SDDC or OpenStack provider where the cluster was created..

         In the Configure user and group for cluster dialogue box, check the boxes for users or groups that you want to authorize for access to the cluster.

         Or check off the boxes for users or groups that you no longer want to authorize for access to the cluster.



3.7 - Click on FINISH and wait for few minutes for the kubernetes cluster to get created .

Step-4 Verifying the VIO Kubernetes Cluster -

                  If everything in step 3.1 to step 3.6 has been done successfully .The Summary information for the cluster will be filled as given in the example below .

Step-5  How to get Kubernetes Host IP Address and login to Kubernetes Host  . 

5.1 - Login via console window  to  BLUESHIFT_MGMT_IP_ADDRESS . user name and password is same as used in step1 .

5.2 - Once logged into  BLUESHIFT_MGMT_IP_ADDRESS  session  use the command  "vkube  login --insecure" . use the user name and password same as in step1 .

5.3 - Get the list of clusters using command  "vkube cluster list --insecure" . make a note of cluster Id in the output of the command 

5.4 - Get the cluster node details using command "vkube cluster show <cluster Id > --insecure "  .make note of worker ip address .Worker IP Address KUBERNETES_HOST_IP.

5.5 - Login to app-api docker using docker exec it app-api bash

5.6 - Once inside the app-api docker go to /var/lib/vrc/terraform/<cluserId>

5.7 - ssh to KUBERNETES_HOST_IP_ADDRESS using below command

                  ssh -i private.key -F ssh.bastion.conf ubuntu@KUBERNETES_HOST_IP_ADDRESS

5.8 - Once inside KUBERNETES_HOST_IP_ADDRESS (to be reviewed)

Step 6  Installing kubectl to manage Kubernetes cluster 


6.1 - Download the kubectl using below command 

curl -LO

6.2 - Make the kubectl binary executable.

chmod +x ./kubectl

6.3 - Move the kubectl to PATH 

sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl 

Step 7 Verifying that kubernetes config is good 

root@localhost:~# kubectl cluster-info

Kubernetes master is running at
dnsmasq is running at
kubedns is running at

Step 8 Installing Helm 

8.1 - Download the helm  using below command  


8.2 - Untar the  file

tar -zxvf helm-v2.3.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz

8.3 - Move the helm to /usr/local/bin

sudo mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helm


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