# Please note in order to make sure we don't conflict the namespace and release name, please user your username as the release and namespace
Once you are connected to the openlab via openvpn, use ssh to connect to to the AAI master server with your LF ID and the onap key (ask James Forsyth or Venkata Harish Kajur if you don't have it).
Please do not connect as ubuntu or root in this environment.
AAI Master server is currently
Set the NAMESPACE to your username, and the RELEASE to username-v1-2:
$ export NAMESPACE=`whoami`
$ export RELEASE_NAME=`whoami`-v1-2
Clone OOM:
$ git clone https://gerrit.onap.org/r/oom
$ cd oom/kubernetes
# You need to run this command in order to pull the images from private registry
# You need to provide the namespace that you want to create with helm and the release name
# Please make sure that the release and namespace uses your username so it has lower risks of conflicts with other users
$ kubectl create namespace ${NAMESPACE}
$ kubectl --namespace ${NAMESPACE} create secret docker-registry ${RELEASE_NAME}-docker-registry-key --docker-server=nexus3.onap.org:10001 --docker-username=docker --docker-password=docker --docker-email="YOUR_EMAIL"
$ helm init --client-only
# For first time only
$ make all
# For subsequent ones you only need to make aai or the component of interest
$ make aai
$ helm install local/aai --namespace ${NAMESPACE} --name ${RELEASE_NAME}