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1. Scope

DESCRIPTION: This flow describes the distribution of the SDC Service CSAR. The SDC Service CSAR is a package of artifacts and output from design time that is created by the various design time GUIs. It captures the things associated with a service that has been defined in design time. This is then distributed to ONAP run-time components.

WHEN EXECUTED: After Design Time (before Run Time)

PURPOSE: To distribute the SDC Service CSAR to the run-time components


  • Service Designer
  • Operations Specialist

2. Pre-Conditions

The preconditions are:

  • PNFD and VNFD have been mapped to platform data/information model.
  • SDC contains the verified service and resource descriptors
  • Associated resources (PNF, VNF, ANF) used by services have been properly onboarded.
  • Services have been defined in design time, and associated templates, control loops, blueprints have been incorporated into the service
  • SDC has composed the Service Design CSAR package ready for distribution.
  • The Certification Studio has certified the Package ready for distribution
  • The Deployment Studio operator has identified the Service Design CSAR package for distribution

3. Information Flow

  1. REGISTER for distribution – SO, DCAE, A&AI, SDN-C, APP-C, VF-C register for distribution of the SDC Artifact distribution via the registration service of the SDCE-6 interface. 

  2. CSAR DISTRIBUTION to SO – SDC Distributes to service CSAR SO using the SDCE-6 interface. The SO listener retrieves the SDC CSAR package. SDC distributes the Service Distribution CSAR package which includes all of the artifacts, templates and resources related to the service created in design time. SDC publishes a topic onto DMaaP. Any RT component that has subscribed to that topic can get that package.

  3. STORE CSAR – SO stores the distributed package.

  4. SO RESPONDS - SO responds to the SDC Distribution exchange using SDCE-6.
  5. CSAR Distribution to DCAE - SDC Distributes service CSAR to DCAE using the SDCE-6 interface,  the DCAE Service Change Handler retrieves the SDC CSAR package, SDC distributes the Service Distribution CSAR package which includes all of the artifacts, including templates and resources related to the service created at design time.
  6. STORE CSAR – DCAE stores the distributed package.
  7. DCAE RESPONDS - DCAE responds to the SDC Distribution exchange using SDCE-6.
  8. CSAR DISTRIBUTION to A&AI - SDC Distributes service CSAR to A&AI using the SDCE-6 interface,  the A&AI  listner retrieves the SDC CSAR package, SDC distributes the Service Distribution CSAR package which includes all of the artifacts, including templates and resources related to the service created at design time.
  9. STORE CSAR – A&AI stores the distributed package.
  10. A&AI RESPONDS - A&AI responds to the SDC Distribution exchange using SDCE-6.
  11. CSAR DISTRIBUTION  to SDN-C - SDC Distributes service CSAR to SDN-C using the SDCE-6 interface,  the SDN-C UEB  listner retrieves the SDC CSAR package, SDC distributes the Service Distribution CSAR package which includes all of the artifacts, including templates and resources related to the service created at design time.
  12. STORE CSAR – SDN-C stores the distributed package.
  13. SDN-C RESPONDS - SDN-C responds to the SDC Distribution exchange using SDCE-6.
  14. CSAR DISTRIBUTION  to APP-C - SDC Distributes service CSAR to APP-C using the SDCE-6 interface,  the APP-C listner retrieves the SDC CSAR package, SDC distributes the Service Distribution CSAR package which includes all of the artifacts, including templates and resources related to the service created at design time.
  15. STORE CSAR – APP-C stores the distributed package.
  16. APP-C RESPONDS - APP-C responds to the SDC Distribution exchange using SDCE-6.
  17. CSAR DISTRIBUTION  to CLAMP- SDC Distributes service CSAR to CLAMP using the SDCE-6 interface,  the CLAMP listner retrieves the SDC CSAR package, SDC distributes the Service Distribution CSAR package which includes all of the artifacts, including templates and resources related to the service created at design time.
  18. STORE CSAR – CLAMP stores the distributed package.
  19. CLAMP RESPONDS - CLAMP responds to the SDC Distribution exchange using SDCE-6.
  20. CSAR DISTRIBUTION  to POLICY- SDC Distributes service CSAR to POLICY using the SDCE-6 interface,  the POLICY listner retrieves the SDC CSAR package, SDC distributes the Service Distribution CSAR package which includes all of the artifacts, including templates and resources related to the service created at design time.
  21. STORE CSAR – POLICY stores the distributed package.
  22. POLICY RESPONDS - POLICY responds to the SDC Distribution exchange using SDCE-6.
  23. CSAR DISTRIBUTION  to Multi-Cloud- SDC Distributes service CSAR to Multi-Cloud using the SDCE-6 interface,  the Multi-Cloud listner retrieves the SDC CSAR package, SDC distributes the Service Distribution CSAR package which includes all of the artifacts, including templates and resources related to the service created at design time.
  24. STORE CSAR – Multi-Cloud stores the distributed package.
  25. Multi-Cloud RESPONDS - Multi-Cloud responds to the SDC Distribution exchange using SDCE-6.
  26. Unregister from CSAR distribution. At any time, any module can unregister from the reception of the CSAR using the Register for distribution service of SDCE-6 interface.

3b (temp) Alternative flow representation


  1. REGISTER for distribution – SO, DCAE, A&AI, SDN-C, APP-C, VF-C register for distribution of the SDC Artifact distribution via the registration service of the SDCE-6 interface. 
    Note: This is only done once, not once per distribution request.
  2. CSAR Ready NOTIFICATION to Consumer– SDC informs the consumer that there is a new artifact to be distributed using the Distrbution notification interface of SDCE-6.

  3. CSAR RETRIEVAL request: The cosumer requests to retrieves the artifact using the Artifact retrieval interface of SDCE-6, indicating the required Artifact Type.

  4. CSAR DELIVERY: As a response to (3) SDC delivers the artifact to the consumer using SDCE-6 
  5. STORE CSAR:  The Consumer stores the distributed artifact.
  6. Consumer Status Update- The consumer informs SDC that the artifact has been consumed using the distribution status interface of SDCE-6.
  7. Unregister from CSAR distribution. At any time, any module can unregister from the reception of the CSAR using the Register for distribution service of SDCE-6 interface.
    Note: This is only done if the Consumer does not want to be informed of any more artifacts that are ready to distribute

3c (temp) Alternative flow

4. Post Condition

The post-conditions are:

  • The SDC Service CSAR package contains the (1) Service Descriptor, (2) Resource Descriptor, (3) Service Artifacts, (4) Templates and blueprints associated with the service.
  • SO has successfully received and stored SDC Service CSAR package.
  • SO will contain (in local storage) all of the artifacts & components of the SDC Service CSAR Package. 
  • DCAE has successfully received and stored the SDC Service CSAR Package.
  • DCAE will contain (in local storage) all of the artifacts & components of the SDC Service CSAR Package.
  • A&AI has successfully received and stored SDC Service CSAR package .
  • A&AI will contain (in local storage) all of the artifacts & components of the SDC Service CSAR Package.
  • SDN-C has successfully received and stored SDC Service CSAR package .
  • SDN-C will contain (in local storage) all of the artifacts & components of the SDC Service CSAR Package.
  • APP-C has successfully received and stored SDC Service CSAR package .
  • APP-C will contain (in local storage) all of the artifacts & components of the SDC Service CSAR Package. 
  • CLAMP has successfully received and stored SDC Service CSAR package .
  • CLAMP will contain (in local storage) all of the artifacts & components of the SDC Service CSAR Package. 
  • POLICY has successfully received and stored SDC Service CSAR package .
  • POLICY will contain (in local storage) all of the artifacts & components of the SDC Service CSAR Package. 
  • Multi-cloud has successfully received and stored SDC Service CSAR package .
  • Multi-cloud will contain (in local storage) all of the artifacts & components of the SDC Service CSAR Package. 

5. References

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