Policy Framework: Key metrics to monitor
Collecting application metrics is the first step towards gaining insights into Policy Fwk services and infrastructure from point of view of Availability, Performance, Reliability and Scalability.
The goal of monitoring is to achieve the below operational needs:
Monitoring via dashboards: Provide a visual aid to display health and key metrics for use by OPS.
Alerting: Something is broken, and the issue must be addressed immediately OR, something might break soon, and proactive measures are taken to avoid such a situation.
Conducting retrospective analysis: Rich information that is readily available to better troubleshoot issues.
Analyzing trends: How fast is it the usage growing? How is the incoming traffic like? Helps assess needs for scaling to meet forecasted demands.
Policy Framework Key Metrics
The principles outlined in the Four Golden Signals developed by Google Site Reliability Engineers has been adopted to define the key metrics for Policy Fwk components: API, PAP, Policy-Distribution, Policy-DB, PDPs (APEX, Drools, XACML).
Request Rate - Number of requests, per second as served by Policy services i.e. by API, PAP. Number of requests/events, per second as processed by the PDPs
Errors - Number of those requests/events processed that are failing
Latency/Duration (expressed as time interval) - Amount of time those requests take, and for PDPs relevant metrics denoting the event processing times
Saturation - Measures the degree of fullness or % utilization of a service emphasizing the resources that are most constrained: CPU, Memory, I/O, custom metrics by domain.
System Metrics that apply to all Policy components
These metrics are available and exposed via a Prometheus endpoint since Istanbul release.
Note: Standard metrics are already exposed for Policy DB (MariaDB) via common charts.
Metric | Prometheus Query |
Memory usage | rate(jvm_memory_bytes_used[30s])*100 |
CPU Usage | rate(process_cpu_seconds_total[30s])*100 |
JVM threads | jvm_threads_current |
Process uptime | process_start_time_seconds |
Garbage Collectors | GCs per second: rate(jvm_gc_collection_seconds_sum[1m]) Avg GC time: rate(jvm_gc_collection_seconds_sum[1m]) / rate(jvm_gc_collection_seconds_count[1m]) |
Note: SSL certificate expiry is a key metric to alert on, however this can be dealt with outside the scope of Policy Fwk.
Key metrics for Policy API
Metric | Metric available? | Exposed via Prometheus endpoint? | Comment |
Availability of policy-api service | Yes | Yes | Exposed by policy-api healthcheck and policy-pap consolidated healthcheck. |
Latency | Yes | Yes | To be implemented for all CRUD endpoints exposed by policy-api. Sample s3p numbers for policy-api stress tests. |
Successful API request counter | Yes | Yes | Prometheus query for Number of successful API calls per minute |
Failed API request counter | Yes | Yes | Prometheus query for Number of API calls with non 20* family of status codes per minute |
Key metrics for Policy PAP
Metric | Metric available? | Exposed via Prometheus endpoint? | Comment |
Availability of the policy-pap service | Yes | Yes | policy-pap healthcheck API |
Successful API request counter | Yes | Yes | To be implemented for all the endpoints exposed by policy-pap. Sample s3p numbers for policy-pap stress tests. |
Failed API request counter | Yes | Yes | To be implemented for all the endpoints exposed by policy-pap. Number of API calls with non 200 family of status codes per minute |
Latency | Yes | Yes | To be implemented for all the endpoints exposed by policy-pap. |
Policy deployment statistics policyDeployFailureCount | Yes | Yes | Sample: GET /policy/pap/v1/statistics{
"code": 200,
"policyDeployFailureCount": 0,
"policyDeploySuccessCount": 0,
"policyDownloadFailureCount": 0,
"policyDownloadSuccessCount": 0,
"totalPdpCount": 0,
"totalPdpGroupCount": 0,
"totalPolicyDeployCount": 0,
"totalPolicyDownloadCount": 0
} |
Key metrics for Policy Distribution
Metric | Metric available? | Exposed via Prometheus endpoint? | Comment |
Availability of the policy-distribution service | Yes | Yes | Exposed by policy-distribution healthcheck and consolidated policy-pap healthcheck |
Successful API request counter | Yes | Yes | To be implemented for all the endpoints exposed by policy-distribution. Sample s3p numbers for policy-distribution stress tests. |
Failed API request counter | Yes | Yes | To be implemented for all the endpoints exposed by policy-distribution. Number of API calls with non 200 family of status codes per minute |
Latency | Yes | Yes | To be implemented for all the endpoints exposed by policy-distribution. |
Policy distribution statistics distributions | Yes | Yes |
Key metrics for Policy APEX PDP
Metric | Metric available? | Exposed via Prometheus endpoint? | Comment |
Availability of policy-apex-pdp | Yes | Yes | Exposed by policy-apex-pdp healthcheck and policy-pap consolidated healthcheck. |
TOSCA Policy Deployment counter (per apex-pdp instance) policyDeployCount | Yes | Yes | Exposed by policy-pap statistics GET /policy/pap/v1/statistics/defaultGroup/apex{
"defaultGroup": {
"apex": [
"pdpInstanceId": "devdev-policy-apex-pdp-0",
"timeStamp": "2021-09-07T20:10:52.242Z",
"pdpGroupName": "defaultGroup",
"pdpSubGroupName": "apex",
"policyDeployCount": 2,
"policyDeploySuccessCount": 2,
"policyDeployFailCount": 0,
"policyExecutedCount": 0,
"policyExecutedSuccessCount": 0,
"policyExecutedFailCount": 0,
"engineStats": [
"engineId": "NSOApexEngine-0:0.0.1",
"engineWorkerState": "READY",
"engineTimeStamp": 1630550345549,
"eventCount": 0,
"lastExecutionTime": 0,
"averageExecutionTime": 0,
"upTime": 0,
"lastEnterTime": 0,
"lastStart": 1630550345549
} |
TOSCA Policy Execution counter (per apex-pdp instance) # of policies executed | Yes | Yes | |
Engine stats (by engineID per apex-pdp instance) eventCount: number of APEX events processed | Yes | Yes | |
Latency | Yes | Yes | Time taken for processing an incoming APEX event *Note: the stats currently displays execution time for processing APEX policy, and is a measure of system saturation and is sufficient |
Kafka consumer lag | No | No | Can be implemented outside of the Policy FWK. Monitor kafka consumer lag increase for kafka/dmaap-message-router topics related to apex-pdp |
Key metrics for Policy Drools PDP
*Note: Drools PDP counters are exposed on a per controlloop implementation basis.
Metric | Metric available? | Exposed via Prometheus endpoint? | Comment |
Availability of policy-drools-pdp | Yes | No | Exposed by policy-drools-pdp healthcheck and policy-pap consolidated healthcheck. Telemetry feature-lifecycle status APIhttp://localhost:9696/policy/pdp/engine> get /policy/pdp/engine/lifecycle/state
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 8
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2021 16:36:13 GMT
Server: Jetty(9.4.33.v20201020)
Policy Deployment counter (per drools-pdp instance) policyDeployCount | Yes | No | Sample: GET /policy/pap/v1/statistics/defaultGroup/drools{
} |
Policy Execution counter (per drools-pdp instance) policyExecutedCount | Yes | No | |
Latency | No | No | Time taken for an incoming event to be processed by drools controller. |
Count of Drools facts | No | No | An ever increasing number of drools facts can lead to an Out of memory. |
Kafka consumer lag | No | No | Can be implemented external to the policy FWK Monitor kafka consumer lag increase for kafka/dmaap-message-router topics related to drools |
Key metrics for Policy XACML PDP
TODO: The statistics exposed can be more granular
Metric | Metric available? | Exposed via Prometheus endpoint? | Comment |
Availability of policy-xacml-pdp | Yes | No | Exposed by policy-pap consolidated healthcheck. Additionally, also exposed by the XACML healthcheck API GET /policy/pdpx/v1/healthcheck~ $ curl --location --request GET 'http://policy-xacml-pdp.fra-fireants-dev.svc.cluster.local:6969/policy/pdpx/v1/healthcheck' --header 'Authorization: Basic ****'
"name": "Policy Xacml PDP",
"url": "self",
"healthy": true,
"code": 200,
"message": "alive"
} |
Policy Deployment counter totalPoliciesCount | Yes | No | XACML PDP statistics API GET /policy/pdpx/v1/statistics~ $ curl --location --request GET 'http://policy-xacml-pdp.fra-fireants-dev.svc.cluster.local:6969/policy/pdpx/v1/statistics' --header 'Authorization: Basic ****'
"code": 200,
"totalPolicyTypesCount": 18,
"totalPoliciesCount": 1,
"totalErrorCount": 0,
"permitDecisionsCount": 0,
"denyDecisionsCount": 0,
"indeterminantDecisionsCount": 0,
"notApplicableDecisionsCount": 1
} |
Policy execution error counter totalErrorCount | Yes | No | |
Policy execution success counter by type permitDecisionsCount | Yes | No | |
Latency | No | No | Time taken for an incoming event to be processed via the XACML policies. |
Kafka consumer lag | No | No | Can be implemented external to the policy FWK Monitor kafka consumer lag increase for kafka/dmaap-message-router topics related to XACML |