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The CLAMP Control Loop Participant protocol is an asynchronous protocol that is used by the CLAMP runtime to coordinate life cycle management of Control Loop instances. The protocol supports the functions described in the sections below.

Protocol Dialogues

The protocol supports the dialogues described below.

Participant Registration and De-Registration

Registration when a participant comes up and update of participant with control loop type information and common parameter values for its control loop types.

De-registration is executed as a participant goes down.

Control Loop Priming and De-Priming

When a control loop is primed, the portion of the Control Loop Type Definition and Common Property values for the participants of each participant type mentioned in the Control Loop Definition are sent to the participants.

When a control loop is de-primed, the portion of the Control Loop Type Definition and Common Property values for the participants of each participant type mentioned in the Control Loop Definition are deleted on participants.

Control Loop Update

Control Loop Update handles creation, change, and deletion of control loops on participants. Change of control loops uses a semantic versioning approach and follow the semantics described on the page TOSCA Defined Control Loops: Architecture and Design#4.1ControlLoopVersionManagement.

The handling of a ControlLoopUpdate message in each participant is as shown below.

Control Loop State Change

This dialogue is used to change the state of Control Loops and their Control Loop Elements. the CLAMP Runtime sends a Control Loop State Change message on the control loop to all participants. Participants that have Control Loop Elements in that Control Loop attempt an update on the state of the control loop elements they have for that control loop, and report the result back.

The startPhase in the Definition of TOSCA fundamental Control Loop Types is particularly important in control loop state changes because sometime the user wishes to control the order in which the state changes in Control Loop Elements in a control loop. In state changes from UNITITIALISED → PASSIVE and from PASSIVE → RUNNING, control loop elements are started in increasing order of their startPhase. In state changes from RUNNING → PASSIVE and from PASSIVE → UNITITIALISED, control loop elements are started in decreasing order of their startPhase.

The CLAMP runtime controls the state change process described in the diagram below.

The handling of a ControlLoopStateChange message in each participant is as shown below.

Control Loop Monitoring and Reporting

This dialogue is used as a heartbeat mechanism for participants, to monitor the status of Control Loop Elements, and to gather statistics on control loops. The ParticipantStatus message is sent periodically by each participant. The reporting interval for sending the message is configurable.


The CLAMP Control Loop Participant Protocol uses the following messages. The descriptions below give an overview of each message. For the precise definition of the messages, see the CLAMP code at: All messages are carried on DMaaP.

MessageSourceTargetPurposeImportant FieldsField Descriptions
ParticipantRegisterParticipantCLAMP RuntimeParticipant registers with the CLAMP runtimeParticipantIdThe ID of this participant

ParticipantTypeThe type of the participant, maps to the capabilities of the participant in Control Loop Type Definitions


CLAMP RuntimeParticipantAcknowledgement of Participant Registration

ParticipantIdThe ID of this participant
ParticipantTypeThe type of the participant, maps to the capabilities of the participant in Control Loop Type Definitions
MessageMessage indicating reason for failure

ParticipantUpdateCLAMP RuntimeParticipantCLAMP Runtime sends Control Loop Element Definitions and Common Parameter Values to ParticipantsParticipantDefinitionUpdateMap

Map with Participant ID as its key, each value on the map is a ControlLoopElementDefintionMap

ControlLoopElementDefintionMapList of ControlLoopElementDefinition values for a particular participant, keyed by its Control Loop Element Definition ID
ControlLoopElementDefinitionA ControlLoopElementToscaServiceTemplate containing the definition of the Control Loop Element and a CommonPropertiesMap with the values of the common property values for Control Loop Elements of this type
ControlLoopElementToscaServiceTemplateThe definition of the Control Loop Element in TOSCA
CommonPropertiesMapA <String, String> map indexed by the property name. Each map entry is the serialized value of the property, which can be deserialized into an instance of the type of the property.



CLAMP Runtime

Acknowledgement of Participant Update

ParticipantIdThe ID of this participant
ParticipantTypeThe type of the participant, maps to the capabilities of the participant in Control Loop Type Definitions
MessageMessage indicating reason for failure

ParticipantDeregisterParticipantCLAMP RuntimeParticipant deregisters with the CLAMP runtimeParticipantIdThe ID of this participant

ParticipantTypeThe type of the participant, maps to the capabilities of the participant in Control Loop Type Definitions


CLAMP RuntimeParticipantAcknowledgement of Participant Deegistration

ParticipantIdThe ID of this participant
ParticipantTypeThe type of the participant, maps to the capabilities of the participant in Control Loop Type Definitions
MessageMessage indicating reason for failure

ControlLoopUpdateCLAMP RuntimeParticipantCLAMP Runtime sends Control Loop Element instances and Instance Specific Parameter Values for a Control Loop Instance to ParticipantsControlLoopIdThe name and version of the Control Loop

Map with Participant ID as its key, each value on the map is a ControlLoopElementList

ControlLoopElementListList of ControlLoopElement values for the Control Loop
ControlLoopElementA ControlLoopElement, which contains among other things a PropertiesMap with the values of the the property values for this Control Loop Element instance and a ToscaServiceTemplateFragment with extra concept definitions and instances that a participant may need.
PropertiesMapA <String, String> map indexed by the property name. Each map entry is the serialized value of the property, which can be deserialized into an instance of the type of the property.
ToscaServiceTemplateFragmentA well-formed TOSCA service template containing extra concept definitions and instances that a participant may need. For example, the Policy Participant may need policy type definitions or policy instances to be provided if they are not already stored in the Policy Framework.


ParticipantCLAMP RuntimeAcknowledgement of Control Loop Update

ParticipantIdThe ID of this participant
ParticipantTypeThe type of the participant, maps to the capabilities of the participant in Control Loop Type Definitions
ControlLoopIdThe name and version of the Control Loop
ControlLoopResultHolds a Result and Message for the overall operation on the participant and a map of Result and Message fields for each Control Loop Element of the control loop on this participant
MessageMessage indicating reason for failure

ControlLoopStateChangeCLAMP RuntimeParticipantCLAMP Runtime asks Participants to change the state of a Control LoopControlLoopId

The name and version of the Control Loop

currentStateThe current state of the Control Loop
orderedStateThe state that the Control Loop should transition to


ParticipantCLAMP RuntimeAcknowledgement of Control Loop State Change

ParticipantIdThe ID of this participant
ParticipantTypeThe type of the participant, maps to the capabilities of the participant in Control Loop Type Definitions
ControlLoopIdThe name and version of the Control Loop
ControlLoopResultHolds a Result and Message for the overall operation on the participant and a map of Result and Message fields for each Control Loop Element of the control loop on this participant
MessageMessage indicating reason for failure

ParticipantStatusReqCLAMP RuntimeParticipant

Request that the specified participants return a ParticipantStatus message immediatelyParticipantIdThe ID of this participant, if not specified, all participants respond.



CLAMP Runtime

Periodic or on-demand report for heartbeat, Participant Status, Control Loop Status, and Control Loop Statistics

The ID of this participant
The type of the participant, maps to the capabilities of the participant in Control Loop Type Definitions
ParticipantDefinitionUpdateMap (returned in repsonse to ParticipantStatusReq only)
See ParticipantUpdate message above for definition of this field
ParticipantStatus The current status of the participant for monitoring
Statistics on the participant such as up time, or messages processed. Can include participant specific data in a string blob that is opaque to CLAMP
ControlLoopInfoMapA map of ControlLoopInfo types indexed by ControlLoopId, one entry for each control loop running on the participant
ControlLoopInfoThe ControlLoopStatus and ControlLoopStatistics for a given control loop
ControlLoopStatusThe current status of the control loop for monitoring
Statistics on the control loop such as up time, or messages processed. Can include participant specific data in a string blob that is opaque to CLAMP
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