5G - general
5G - network slicing specific, service based/vertical industry
xNF (PNF, VNF, ANF, CNF ...) Related
ETSI compliance
Generic capabilities extension
(Template Cut & Paste for your Use Case/Requirement)
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Executive Summary - (Give a short description of your Use Case, the "Executive 2 min elevator pitch", this describes the "WHAT")
Business Impact - (This is the Business Impact which describes why this use case is important from a business perspective, this describes the "WHY").
Business Markets - (This is the marketing analysis, which can include but not limited to applicable markets, domains, marketing projections, this can describe the "WHERE").
Funding/Financial Impacts - (The Funding requirements and Financial impacts can describe the financial savings, or CAPEX, OPEX impacts for a Use Case).
Organization Mgmt, Sales Strategies - (It is suggested that you use the following wording): There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this use case outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider. (This would typically describe the "WHO", but because use cases are all deployed with ONAP itself, these two areas come with the actual ONAP deployment and uses the organizational management and sales strategies of a particular service provider's ONAP deployment)
Onboard ETSI SOL004 v4.2.1 compliant VNF packages
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Executive Summary - Enable a vendor provided ETSI SOL004 compliant VNF package including an ETSI SOL001 VNF Descriptor to be onboarded into ONAP for composition into an ONAP Service
Support for onboarding ETSI SOL004 v4.2.1 CSAR Packages with CNF enhancements
Support for onboarding ETSI SOL001 v4.2.1 VNF Descriptor with CNF enhancements
Support for mapping of ETSI SOL001 v4.2.1 VNF Descriptor with CNF enhancements into SDC AID Data Model
Business Impact - Enables operators and service providers to use same ETSI compliant VNF packages with ONAP and existing NFVO. Industry compatibility.
Business Markets - All operators that are currently using ETSI packages to deploy VNFs
Funding/Financial Impacts - Reduction in operations expense from using industry standard VNF packaging. Reduction in capital expense from vendors using a single packaging methodology.
Organization Mgmt, Sales Strategies -There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this requirement outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider.
5G Core Network Slice Subnets using ETSI NSD
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Executive Summary: 5G Network Slicing is one of the key features of 5G. Each Network Slice is composed of a hierarchical set of Network Slice Subnets. An End-to-End Network Slice consists of RAN, Transport and Core Network Slice Subnets. A Network Slice Subnet that contains Virtual Network Functions will be implemented by a Network Service. This requirement is for using an ETSI Network Service to implement the Network Service.
- Enhance SDC to allow the inclusion of a reference to an ETSI NSD in the 5G Core NSST
- Enhance the NSSMF to use the SOL005 adapter to instantiate an NSD referenced from an NSST
- Enhance the ONAP SO/NFVO to instantiate the CNFs and VNFs in an NSD
- Enhance the ONAP SO/NFVO to update A&AI with the C/VNFs that are implemented
Business Impact: Enable a operator that is using an ETSI NFVO to manage it's CNFs and VNFs to support Network Slicing It allows a service provider to improve their network efficiency by maximizing the network throughput more tailored to each user's use of the network. It is seen as an imperative for efficient and optimal use of their network. This will be particularly relevant as 5G is expected to have upwards of 10,000x the traffic load over 4G and 20GB peak data rates.
Business Markets: All operators and service providors that are currently using an ETSI NFVO.
Funding/Financial Impacts: Network slicing engenders the optimal use of resources for a Network. Thus, this represents OPEX savings for a service provider.
Organization Mgmt, Sales Strategies: There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this use case outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider.
Allotted Resource implementation in SO micro flow
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Executive Summary: Allotted Resource (AR) – represents a portion of a VNF that has been defined as sharable; it is used to configure/reserve use of an already-deployed VNF when a Service is instantiated for use by a customer of the Service. Currently AR is supported by SDC however it is not supported by SO macro flow. We are enhancing the SO macro flow to implement use of allotted resources.
Business Impact: It will enable the designers to make use to allotted resource while design a ‘macro’ service (i.e. instantiation type as ‘macro’ )
Business Markets: In the context of 5G Core, AMF is connected to multiple SMFs and UPFs. Hence , it is ‘shared’ between multiple services. And therefore, a part of it, is ‘allotted’ to each connecting service. A, ‘allotted resource’ model can be used to model/represent this services relationship in AAI
Funding/Financial Impacts: n/a
Organization Mgmt, Sales Strategies: There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this use case outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider
Smart Intent Guarantee of Slicing based on IBN - R9 Intent Instance
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Key Contacts - Dong Wang (China Telecom), Lin Meng (CMCC), Swaminathan Seetharaman (Wipro), Yaoguang Wang (Huawei)
Executive Summary - Intent-based network (IBN) is a self-driving network that uses decoupling network control logic and closed-loop orchestration techniques to automate application intents. An IBN is an intelligent network, which can automatically convert, verify, deploy, configure, and optimize itself to achieve target network state according to the intent of the operators, and can automatically solve abnormal events to ensure the network reliability. In R9, a scenario of smart slicing intent guarantee is proposed, and the development of Intent instance will be done.
Business Impact - It is a challenging problem to guarantee the users’ intents in run-time. The REQ of intent-based network provides a scenario of users’ intent guarantee and interacting.
Business Markets - This REQ provides a novel solution to support the SLA service.
- A users’ intent instance is proposed to monitor and analysis the network in run-time to satisfy the users’ SLA service.
- The users’ intents are updated in run-time based on the network situation and the interaction with users.
Funding/Financial Impacts - This function will provide more SLA services to increase the income of operators based on the current networks with few investments.
Organization Mgmt, Sales Strategies - (It is suggested that you use the following wording): There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this use case outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider.
Control Loop in TOSCA LCM
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Key Contacts - Michela Bevilacqua, Liam Fallon, Zu Qiang
Executive Summary - CLAMP (Control Loop Automation Management Platform) functionalities, recently moved to Policy project , want to provide a Control Loop Lifecycle management architecture. A control Loop is a key concept for Automation and assurance Use Cases and remain a top priority for ONAP as an automation platform. This requirement wants to improve Control Loop LCM architecture focusing on an abstract CL management logic, isolating CL logic vs ONAP component logic, providing a common CL Design time catalogue with a generic CL definition, and elaborate API to integrate with other design systems as well as 3PP component integration. PoCs have been progressed in ONAP Rel G and H in this area, CL LCM redesign has reached a relevant viable set of features and it is ready to be moved in Rel I to mainstream as part of the Policy framework.
Business Impact - Deployment and orchestration of automation and control loop use cases across CNFs, VNFs and PNFs in a model driven way simplifies the network management. Enables operators and service providers to manage the Life Cycle of a Network Service. Assuring continuity of operation of services is crucial for production and carrier grade environments. The actualization or upgrades of software and in consequence required changes in the service model is a natural part of service instance life cycle. Without the support of ONAP service update with schema change, service life cycle management by ONAP can be very difficult which can impact the quality and continuity of services.
Business Markets - All operators and service providers that are using ONAP for automation and assurance.
Funding/Financial Impacts - CL LCM wants to reduce operational expense and its abstraction will provide an added value with multiple integration points.
Organization Mgmt, Sales Strategies - (It is suggested that you use the following wording): There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this use case outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider. (This would typically describe the "WHO", but because use cases are all deployed with ONAP itself, these two areas come with the actual ONAP deployment and uses the organizational management and sales strategies of a particular service provider's ONAP deployment)
PM Data Collection Control: Subscription update
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Key Contacts - Mark Scott, Zu Qiang, Michela Bevilacqua
Executive Summary - PM data collection control provides network operators with a dynamic and more efficient way to configure performance measurement collection on a selected subset of PNFs/VNFs in the network and complements the existing PM data collection and processing capabilities in ONAP/DCAE. An initial version has been delivered in Rel 6 (REQ-129) then enhanced in Rel 7 (REQ-381). Planned enhancements for Rel 8 intend to improve the (PMSH) subscription management about subscription update.
Business Impact - PM control is a critical business function because it is vital to enable the PM data collection in ONAP.
Business Markets - All operators and service providers that want to use ONAP for PM data collection.
Funding/Financial Impacts - PM data collection control can provide OPEX savings for operators due to increased automation of a critical function.
Organization Mgmt, Sales Strategies -There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this requirement outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider.
Network CM Proxy
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Key Contacts - Oskar Malm, Michela Bevilacqua
Executive Summary - The Network CM Proxy (NCMP) is a component in CPS that will be responsible for Network CM access and synchronization in order that CPS CM data will be maintained aligned with CM data in the network (e.g. xNF instances). The complete solution will rely on integration with other ONAP components such as SDNC. The Network CM Proxy will also in turn provide an interface to other ONAP applications to access the network CM data.
NCMP is an evolution of the CPS NF Proxy component first introduced in Rel H. For release I it is proposed to continue work on use cases such as initial data synchronization and reading and writing network CM data. Development of this feature is expected to span multiple releases
Business Impact - CM data management is a central function for many applications and use cases. Network CM Proxy provides a common solution for Network CM data management in order to simplify the accessibility from any upper layer components
Business Markets - This feature applies to any domain (wireless, transport, optical, and wireline) that ONAP may manage
Funding/Financial Impacts - This feature represents a potential Operating Expense (OPEX) savings for operators because of the ability to retrieve network information and configure networks saving time and expenses.
Organization Mgmt, Sales Strategies -There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this requirement outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider.
A1 Adapter and Policy Management Extension (ORAN/ONAP/3GPP Harmonization)
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Key Contacts - John Keeney (Ericsson EST), Michela Bevilacqua
Executive Summary - This requirement enhances the A1 interface capabilities provided in Rel 6 as part of 5G/ORAN & 3GPP Standards Harmonization requirement ( REQ-38) and extended in Rel 7 with the introduction of A1 policy management. O-RAN has defined A1 interface specification in the context of the management of 5G RAN elements to provide intent based policies for optimization of the RAN network performance. Planned enhancements for Rel 8 include support of new A1 interface version in alignment to O-RAN alliance and common logging/audit.
Business Impact - Continuing the convergency between ONAP and ORAN for A1 interface to used by all service providers and avoid duplicate development efforts.
Business Markets - Enhanced A1 capabilities, once developed, will be useable by any service provider deploying and using ONAP.
Funding/Financial Impacts - A1 interface provides a flexible way for the operator to manage wide area RAN network optimization, reducing capex investment needs.
Organization Mgmt, Sales Strategies -There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this requirement outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider.