DMaaP Bus Controller Topic and Feed provisioning support via helm

DMaaP Bus Controller Topic and Feed provisioning support via helm

This document highlights design considered for to Provision authenticated, authorized DMaaP topics on Message Router and feeds on Data Router .


Bus Controller is a RESTful web service used to provision DMaaP topics (on Message Router) and feeds (on Data Router), with associated authorization (on AAF).

Endpoints are used to provision :

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5gbulkpm Test Result


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5gbulkpm Test Result




Updated dmaap-dbc script 



DCAEGEN2-2715 (DCAE Data File Collector)


To be tested with 5gBulkpm gaiting testcase



DCAEGEN2-2714 (DCAE PM-Mapper)


To be tested with 5gBulkpm gaiting testcase



Dmaap dbc-client docker Image (onap/dmaap/dbc-client:2.0.7)

This dbc-client image is utility (containing shell script) by making use of which we can initiate HTTP REST Request towards  Dmaap Bus Controller app for creating dynamic Feeds, Topics.

Design details

  1. Existing design consist fo kubernetes Job Manifest which consist of onap/dmaap/dbc-client docker image for making http request toward dmaap-bc (Dmaap Bus Controller) pod.

  2. In DCAE Design-1 highlighted in below pic is considered where we need to create dmmap provisionning Init-Container which will be making use of same onap/dmaap/dbc-client docker image to make Http Rest Request towards dmap-db pod.

    1. Once the http request is made response will be written back to shared EmptyDir voulme.

    2. Second Init-container (Update Config) will be reading the response from share EmptyDir voulme and will merge it with application config.

Draw.io design-1 :

  1. Dmaap Provisioning init-container sends POST request to Dmaap Bus-Controller Pod for creation of Topics, Feeds.

  2. DCAE Merge init config container merges dcae application config and response received back from dmaap provisioning init-container.

Feed + Dr_pubs _Dr_subs Input via Values.yaml
Data Router Feed, Publisher, Subscriber creation input details. Old approach- ------------------------------------------ feedConfig: owner: dcaecm feedVersion: 0.0 feedName: bulk_pm_feed asprClassification: unclassified feedDescription: DFC Feed Creation pubs: - username: dcaepub userpwd: tpJN3gjaAzPAiAa4 dcaeLocationName: loc00 ------------------------------------------ New approach- ------------------------------------------ # DataRouter Feed Configuration drFeedConfig: - feedName: bulk_pm_feed owner: dcaecm feedVersion: 0.0 asprClassification: unclassified feedDescription: DFC Feed Creation # DataRouter Publisher Configuration drPubConfig: - feedName: bulk_pm_feed dcaeLocationName: loc00 # DataRouter Subscriber Configuration drSubConfig: - feedName: bulk_pm_feed decompress: true username: ${DR_USERNAME} userpwd: ${DR_PASSWORD} dcaeLocationName: loc00 privilegedSubscriber: true deliveryURL: https://dcae-pm-mapper:8443/delivery # MessageRouter Topic, Publisher Configuration mrTopicsConfig: - topicName: PERFORMANCE_MEASUREMENTS topicDescription: PM Mapper publishes perf3gpp VES PM Events to authenticated MR topic owner: dcaecm tnxEnabled: false clients: - dcaeLocationName: san-francisco clientRole: org.onap.dcae.pmPublisher action: - pub - view ------------------------------------------ ConfigMap Configuration for Feed, Dr_Publisher ------------------------------------------ volumes: - name: feeds-config path: /opt/app/config/feeds/ - name: drpub-config path: /opt/app/config/dr_pubs/ - name: drsub-config path: /opt/app/config/dr_subs/ - name: topics-config path: /opt/app/config/topics

Code snip for updating application config with dmaap DR Feed/Pub/Sub and MR Topics details. 

InitContainer Code Snip
- name: {{ include "common.name" $dot }}-init-merge-config image: {{ include "repositoryGenerator.image.envsubst" $dot }} imagePullPolicy: {{ $dot.Values.global.pullPolicy | default $dot.Values.pullPolicy }} command: - /bin/sh args: - -c - | if [ -d /opt/app/config/cache ]; then cd /opt/app/config/cache for file in $(ls feed*); do NUM=$(echo "$file" | sed 's/feedConfig-\([0-9]\+\)-resp.json/\1/') export DR_LOG_URL_"$NUM"="$(grep -o '"logURL":"[^"]*' "$file" | cut -d '"' -f4)" export DR_FILES_PUBLISHER_URL_"$NUM"="$(grep -o '"publishURL":"[^"]*' "$file" | cut -d '"' -f4)" done for file in $(ls drpub*); do NUM=$(echo "$file" | sed 's/drpubConfig-\([0-9]\+\)-resp.json/\1/') export DR_USERNAME_"$NUM"="$(grep -o '"username":"[^"]*' "$file" | cut -d '"' -f4)" export DR_PASSWORD_"$NUM"="$(grep -o '"userpwd":"[^"]*' "$file" | cut -d '"' -f4)" export DR_FILES_PUBLISHER_ID_"$NUM"="$(grep -o '"pubId":"[^"]*' "$file" | cut -d '"' -f4)" done for file in $(ls drsub*); do NUM=$(echo "$file" | sed 's/drsubConfig-\([0-9]\+\)-resp.json/\1/') export DR_FILES_SUBSCRIBER_ID_"$NUM"="$(grep -o '"subId":"[^"]*' "$file" | cut -d '"' -f4)" done for file in $(ls topics*); do NUM=$(echo "$file" | sed 's/topicsConfig-\([0-9]\+\)-resp.json/\1/') export MR_FILES_PUBLISHER_CLIENT_ID_"$NUM"="$(grep -o '"mrClientId":"[^"]*' "$file" | cut -d '"' -f4)" done else echo "No Response logged for Dmaap BusController Http POST Request..!" fi cd /config-input && for PFILE in `ls -1`; do envsubst <${PFILE} >/config/${PFILE}; done env: {{- range $cred := $dot.Values.credentials }} - name: {{ $cred.name }} {{- include "common.secret.envFromSecretFast" (dict "global" $dot "uid" $cred.uid "key" $cred.key) | nindent 4 }} {{- end }} volumeMounts: - mountPath: /opt/app/config/cache name: dbc-response-cache - mountPath: /config-input name: app-config-input - mountPath: /config name: app-config

Container Logs

1.  Log snippet collected for dmaap-bc-dmaap-provisioning conatiner making sure it work with updated changes in dbc script.

dmaap-bc-dmaap-provisioning Log
$ kubectl logs -f -n onap dev-dmaap-bc-dmaap-provisioning-n9zfp + export 'PATH=/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin' + RESP_CACHE= + RESP=/dev/null + APP_ROOT=/opt/app/dbc-client + CONFIGMAP_ROOT=/opt/app/config + PORT=8443 + DBC=dmaap-bc + PROTO=https + PARAM='useExisting=true' + REQUESTID=dmaap-bc-dmaap-provisioning + URL=https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/ + CA_PEM=ca.pem + KEY_PEM=key.pem + CLIENT_PEM=client.pem + PEM_DIR=/opt/app/osaaf/local + CERT_PWD='2U[iOZzMHI:.#tdCwlBqc;}S' + BA_PWD='demo123456!' + AUTH_METHOD=basicAuth + BA_IDENTITY=dmaap-bc@dmaap-bc.onap.org + init_config + '[' '!' -d /opt/app/dbc-client -a '!' -d /opt/app/config ] + cd /opt/app/osaaf/local + '[' basicAuth '=' basicAuth ] + echo '-u dmaap-bc@dmaap-bc.onap.org:demo123456!' + CURL_CRED='-K /opt/app/osaaf/local/curl.cred' + init_dbc_provisioning + cd /opt/app/config + '[' -d dmaap ] + ls dmaap/onap.json + do_http_post dmaap/onap.json dmaap + RETRY_TIME=60 + '[' -n ] + true + '[' dmaap '!=' feeds -a dmaap '!=' topics ] + cat dmaap/onap.json + envsubst + json_input='{ "dmaapName": "mr", "drProvUrl": "https://dmaap-dr-prov", "version": "1", "topicNsRoot": "org.onap.dmaap", "bridgeAdminTopic": "DCAE_MM_AGENT" }' + xcurl -o /dev/null -d '{ "dmaapName": "mr", "drProvUrl": "https://dmaap-dr-prov", "version": "1", "topicNsRoot": "org.onap.dmaap", "bridgeAdminTopic": "DCAE_MM_AGENT" }' https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/dmaap + curl -X POST -s '-K /opt/app/osaaf/local/curl.cred' -w '%{http_code}' -H 'X-ECOMP-RequestID: dmaap-bc-dmaap-provisioning' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -o /dev/null -d '{ "dmaapName": "mr", "drProvUrl": "https://dmaap-dr-prov", "version": "1", "topicNsRoot": "org.onap.dmaap", "bridgeAdminTopic": "DCAE_MM_AGENT" }' https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/dmaap Http Post request is successful with response code=200 + rc=200 + '[' 200 '=' 200 -o 200 '=' 201 -o 200 '=' 409 ] + echo 'Http Post request is successful with response code=200' + break + '[' -d dcaeLocations ] + ls dcaeLocations/san-francisco.json + do_http_post dcaeLocations/san-francisco.json dcaeLocations + RETRY_TIME=60 + '[' -n ] + true + '[' dcaeLocations '!=' feeds -a dcaeLocations '!=' topics ] + cat dcaeLocations/san-francisco.json + envsubst + json_input='{ "dcaeLayer": "kubernetes-central", "dcaeLocationName": "san-francisco" }' + xcurl -o /dev/null -d '{ "dcaeLayer": "kubernetes-central", "dcaeLocationName": "san-francisco" }' https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/dcaeLocations + curl -X POST -s '-K /opt/app/osaaf/local/curl.cred' -w '%{http_code}' -H 'X-ECOMP-RequestID: dmaap-bc-dmaap-provisioning' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -o /dev/null -d '{ "dcaeLayer": "kubernetes-central", "dcaeLocationName": "san-francisco" }' https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/dcaeLocations + rc=201 + '[' 201 '=' 200 -o 201 '=' 201 -o 201 '=' 409 ] + echo 'Http Post request is successful with response code=201' + break + '[' -d mr_clusters ] Http Post request is successful with response code=201 + ls mr_clusters/san-francisco.json + do_http_post mr_clusters/san-francisco.json mr_clusters + RETRY_TIME=60 + '[' -n ] + true + '[' mr_clusters '!=' feeds -a mr_clusters '!=' topics ] + cat mr_clusters/san-francisco.json + envsubst + json_input='{ "dcaeLocationName": "san-francisco", "fqdn": "message-router", "topicProtocol": "http", "topicPort": "3904" }' + xcurl -o /dev/null -d '{ "dcaeLocationName": "san-francisco", "fqdn": "message-router", "topicProtocol": "http", "topicPort": "3904" }' https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/mr_clusters + curl -X POST -s '-K /opt/app/osaaf/local/curl.cred' -w '%{http_code}' -H 'X-ECOMP-RequestID: dmaap-bc-dmaap-provisioning' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -o /dev/null -d '{ "dcaeLocationName": "san-francisco", "fqdn": "message-router", "topicProtocol": "http", "topicPort": "3904" }' https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/mr_clusters + rc=201 + '[' 201 '=' 200 -o 201 '=' 201 -o 201 '=' 409 ] + echo 'Http Post request is successful with response code=201' + break + '[' -d topics ] Http Post request is successful with response code=201 + ls topics/PNF_READY.json topics/PNF_REGISTRATION.json topics/mirrormakeragent.json + do_http_post topics/PNF_READY.json topics + RETRY_TIME=60 + '[' -n ] + true + '[' topics '!=' feeds -a topics '!=' topics ] + xcurl -o /dev/null -d @topics/PNF_READY.json 'https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/topics/?useExisting=true' + curl -X POST -s '-K /opt/app/osaaf/local/curl.cred' -w '%{http_code}' -H 'X-ECOMP-RequestID: dmaap-bc-dmaap-provisioning' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -o /dev/null -d @topics/PNF_READY.json 'https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/topics/?useExisting=true' Http Post request for feed creation is successful with response code=201 + rc=201 + '[' 201 '=' 200 -o 201 '=' 201 -o 201 '=' 409 ] + echo 'Http Post request for feed creation is successful with response code=201' + break + do_http_post topics/PNF_REGISTRATION.json topics + RETRY_TIME=60 + '[' -n ] + true + '[' topics '!=' feeds -a topics '!=' topics ] + xcurl -o /dev/null -d @topics/PNF_REGISTRATION.json 'https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/topics/?useExisting=true' + curl -X POST -s '-K /opt/app/osaaf/local/curl.cred' -w '%{http_code}' -H 'X-ECOMP-RequestID: dmaap-bc-dmaap-provisioning' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -o /dev/null -d @topics/PNF_REGISTRATION.json 'https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/topics/?useExisting=true' + rc=201 + '[' 201 '=' 200 -o 201 '=' 201 -o 201 '=' 409 ] + echo 'Http Post request for feed creation is successful with response code=201' + break Http Post request for feed creation is successful with response code=201 + do_http_post topics/mirrormakeragent.json topics + RETRY_TIME=60 + '[' -n ] + true + '[' topics '!=' feeds -a topics '!=' topics ] + xcurl -o /dev/null -d @topics/mirrormakeragent.json 'https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/topics/?useExisting=true' + curl -X POST -s '-K /opt/app/osaaf/local/curl.cred' -w '%{http_code}' -H 'X-ECOMP-RequestID: dmaap-bc-dmaap-provisioning' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -o /dev/null -d @topics/mirrormakeragent.json 'https://dmaap-bc:8443/webapi/topics/?useExisting=true' Http Post request for feed creation is successful with response code=201 + rc=201 + '[' 201 '=' 200 -o 201 '=' 201 -o 201 '=' 409 ] + echo 'Http Post request for feed creation is successful with response code=201' + break + '[' -d mr_clients ] + '[' -d dr_nodes ] + ls 'dr_nodes/*.json' ls: dr_nodes/*.json: No such file or directory + '[' -d feeds ] + ls 'feeds/*.json' ls: feeds/*.json: No such file or directory + '[' -d dr_pubs ] + '[' -d dr_subs ]

2.  Log snippet from dcae-datafile-collector initContainer dcae-datafile-collector-init-dmaap-provisioning for creation of Feeds and Dr Publisher.

dcae-datafile-collector initContainer dcae-datafile-collector-init-dmaap-provisioning Log

3. Log snippet from dcae-pm-mapper initContainer dcae-pm-mapper-init-dmaap-provisioning for creation of Feeds and Dr Subscriber and MessageRouter Topics.

dcae-pm-mapper initContainer dcae-pm-mapper-init-dmaap-provisioning Log

4. GET Request for DR Feeds, MR Topics from Bus Controller API.

GET Request for Feeds from BusController

Test details

  1. Create Sftp server.

  2. Upload PM Files to xNF SFTP Server.

  3. Send File Ready Event to VES Collector.

  4. Verify Ves Collector logs for Event send to unauthenticated.VES_NOTIFICATION_OUTPUT : Ves Collector log file.

  5. Verify Data File Collector Logs if it contains message > Publishing file A1625946870.67.xml.gz to DR successful! :  DFC log file.

  6. Vefify PM-Mapper log if it contains > org.onap.dcaegen2.services.pmmapper.messagerouter.VESPublisher. Successfully published VES events to messagerouter : Pm-Mapper log file.

  7. Verify Message-Router log if  it contains Publisher Log Details : [publisherId=dcae, topicId=org.onap.dmaap.mr.PERFORMANCE_MEASUREMENTS, messageTimestamp=null, publisherIp=, messageBatchId=10072021195549, messageSequence=1, messageLengthInBytes=2530, transactionEnabled=true, transactionId=10-07-2021::07:55:44:917::, publishTimestamp=10-07-2021::07:55:44:918, serverIp=]


  1. Datafile Collector not sending dr publisher credentails as secret.

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