Building Entire ONAP

Building Entire ONAP

You can build most of the projects directly in IntelliJ - but everything can be built using a root pom.xml example (docker is required for dcae-inventory).  Ideally we would all run a standardized vagrant development environment (running the same versions of grunt/node/npn/bower, jdk etc).

Setup your environment first (OSX, RHEL, Ubuntu or Windows) - Setting Up Your Development Environment

The git checkout script has been updated to reflect all the repos (minus the deprecated dcae and mso) in ONAP as of 20170831 - https://github.com/obrienlabs/onap-root


Pending requests

Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

merge/defer-to  Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

Building Entire ONAP

Procedure using git-repo

(Thanks David Bainbridge)


git clone https://gerrit.googlesource.com/git-repo

see https://source.android.com/setup/downloading

Updated pom.xml with the latest master changes for 20171227 https://github.com/obrienlabs/onap-root/blob/master/pom.xml 

curl https://jira.onap.org/secure/attachment/10828/pom.xml > pom.xml

Only issue is you will need to copy the License.txt before you run for aai - still verifying the fix for  Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

mkdir ~/bin
curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
mkdir onap
cd onap
# currently updating my own with no dcae, mso, aai-service - they are deprecated
#repo init -u https://github.com/obrienlabs/onap-root/tree/master/onap-manifest
repo init -u https://github.com/dbainbri-ciena/onap-manifest
repo sync -q --no-clone-bundle
# pull https://github.com/obrienlabs/onap-root/blob/master/pom.xml
curl https://jira.onap.org/secure/attachment/10828/pom.xml > pom.xml
cp aai/logging-service/License.txt .
mvn clean install -U -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true

[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] aaf-authz .......................................... SUCCESS [  4.492 s]
[INFO] Authz Client ....................................... SUCCESS [  8.895 s]
[INFO] vvp-gitlab ......................................... SUCCESS [  3.098 s]
[INFO] onap.root .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.029 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 33:51 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2017-12-28T10:24:10-05:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 1889M/3572M

Procedure - deprecated

  • create a root directory like "onap"
  • copy the sh script there
  • run the sh script
  • notice the directory structure with embedded repos
  • copy the root pom.xml
  • maven build with the root pom
  • there will be a couple projects that may not build due to your settings.xml repos, the state of a couple of the projects, whether you have docker running - see the developer pages to make sure you are setup
    ONAP Developer Checklist
    Setting Up Your Development Environment

Clone/pull all repos sh script

This script serves 3 purposes

1) ssh clone all ONAP repos (those of us with unrestricted internet access)

2) https clone all the ONAP repos (for those behind a fireall)

3) pull all repos - refreshing them in a close to an atomic pull as possible.

4) we currently cannot use an automated script around the following because a 1.0/1.1 filter/metadata is missing - also the directory structure differs for repos (some have a root repo, others are parent-less peers)



pass in the command clone|pull and your onap gerrit id (note oam repo is the largest at 0.8Gb transferred at 6Mb/sec)

./git_recurse.sh clone <your_gerrit_username>

clone by https for those behind a firewall

./git_recurse.sh clone_https michaelobrien uHaBPMvR47mocSbB3YnK56EB1RR3Keer6vatj5555555555

to refresh project within a 5 min window

TODO: checkout branch and merge master into branch

Todo: move to private branch or JIRA to be under source control -  Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

For now on https://github.com/obrienlabs/onap-root

Root pom.xml

version 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT

Place this pom.xml at the root of where you ran the git_recurse.sh (on top of all the repos) - it expects the same directory structure as setup in gerrit.

This is a root reactor pom.xml that can be used to build all or parts of onap

Some repos like dcae-inventory will require docker installed to build the images.

for speed build with all 5 repos in (~.m2/settings.xml) and the maven options below (no tests and no test compilation) - and try to get a 8-12 thread machine and most importantly a fast SSD - or use a Mac.

obrienbiometrics:core michaelobrien$ mvn clean install -U -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Dadditionalparam=-Xdoclint:none


Known Issues in progress

Last run 20170614

Try to develop in OSX - it has the least issues when building ONAP in its entirety.

There are issues with some of the projects (primarily in windows - like DCAE attempting to reinstall npn) - these may be due to the fact I am still ramping up on ONAP and have not done a full in-depth review of each project.  Where available I have commented on the reason why a particular project is failing its local build (all should build fine in CI).  Some compile issues were recently fixed since May 12th when I started building ONAP.

Some builds are only meant for deployment (a result of uisng mvn install) like appc - you may want to comment this one unless you are modifying it (run off artifacts).

replace /Users/michaelobrien/wse_onap/onap7/appc/deployment/installation/appc/target/docker-stage/opt/openecomp/appc/svclogic/graphs/appc/graph.versions? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename: error:  invalid response [{ENTER}]



[INFO] Reactor Summary:


[INFO] aaf-authz .......................................... SUCCESS [  2.848 s]

[INFO] Authz Client ....................................... SUCCESS [  4.413 s]

[INFO] aaf-inno ........................................... SUCCESS [  0.450 s]

[INFO] Env ................................................ SUCCESS [  1.596 s]

[INFO] Log4J Elements ..................................... SUCCESS [  0.818 s]

[INFO] Rosetta ............................................ SUCCESS [  2.578 s]

[INFO] aaf-cadi ........................................... SUCCESS [  0.297 s]

[INFO] CADI Core Framework (Code, Access, Data, Identity) . SUCCESS [  3.679 s]

[INFO] CADI Client ........................................ SUCCESS [  2.340 s]

[INFO] CADI AAF (Application Authorization Framework) LUR . SUCCESS [  3.778 s]

[INFO] Authz Core ......................................... SUCCESS [  3.161 s]

[INFO] Authz Cass ......................................... SUCCESS [  3.696 s]

[INFO] Default Organization ............................... SUCCESS [  1.315 s]

[INFO] Authz Command ...................................... SUCCESS [ 10.141 s]

[INFO] Authz TestCases .................................... SUCCESS [  0.376 s]

[INFO] Authz Gate/Wall .................................... SUCCESS [  1.243 s]

[INFO] AAF Certification Managmenent ...................... SUCCESS [  1.949 s]

[INFO] Authz File Server .................................. SUCCESS [  0.702 s]

[INFO] Authz Service ...................................... SUCCESS [  5.053 s]

[INFO] CADI Cassandra Plugin .............................. SUCCESS [  1.659 s]

[INFO] XGen ............................................... SUCCESS [  0.391 s]

[INFO] aaf-luaplugin ...................................... SUCCESS [  2.289 s]

[INFO] oparent ............................................ SUCCESS [  0.006 s]

[INFO] oparent/checkstyle ................................. SUCCESS [  0.118 s]

[INFO] oparent/oparent .................................... SUCCESS [  0.631 s]

[INFO] aai-aai-common ..................................... SUCCESS [  0.713 s]

[INFO] aai-annotations .................................... SUCCESS [  1.593 s]

[INFO] aai-schema ......................................... SUCCESS [  7.003 s]

[INFO] aai-core ........................................... SUCCESS [  8.544 s]

[INFO] aai-auth ........................................... SUCCESS [  0.747 s]

[INFO] aai-utils .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.910 s]

[INFO] aai-champ .......................................... SUCCESS [ 23.769 s]

[INFO] aai-data-router .................................... SUCCESS [ 11.546 s]

[INFO] aai-logging-service ................................ SUCCESS [  0.289 s]

[INFO] Common Logging API ................................. SUCCESS [  0.323 s]

[INFO] EELF Logging Implementation ........................ SUCCESS [  1.429 s]

[INFO] Common Logging Distribution ........................ SUCCESS [  0.352 s]

[INFO] aai-model-loader ................................... SUCCESS [ 11.584 s]

[INFO] aai-rest-client .................................... SUCCESS [  1.038 s]

[INFO] aai-router-core .................................... SUCCESS [  4.409 s]

[INFO] aai-search-data-service ............................ SUCCESS [  6.216 s]

[INFO] aai-sparky-be ...................................... SUCCESS [ 11.313 s]

[INFO] aai-sparky-fe ...................................... SUCCESS [01:21 min]

[INFO] aai-traversal ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.395 s]

[INFO] aai-traversal ...................................... SUCCESS [  9.258 s]

[INFO] appc ............................................... SUCCESS [  2.937 s]

[INFO] APP-C Common ....................................... SUCCESS [ 12.371 s]

[INFO] APPC Adapters ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.124 s]

[INFO] APPC Chef Adaptor .................................. SUCCESS [  0.107 s]

[INFO] APPC Chef Adapter - Bundle ......................... SUCCESS [  6.462 s]

[INFO] APPC Chef Adaptor - Features ....................... SUCCESS [  2.431 s]

[INFO] APPC Chef Adapter - Karaf Installer ................ SUCCESS [  5.319 s]

[INFO] rest Adaptor ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.125 s]

[INFO] rest Adapter - bundle .............................. SUCCESS [  5.458 s]

[INFO] Rest Adaptor - Features ............................ SUCCESS [  0.843 s]

[INFO] rest Adapter - Karaf Installer ..................... SUCCESS [  4.892 s]

[INFO] IaaS Adaptor ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.093 s]

[INFO] IaaS Adapter - bundle .............................. SUCCESS [  9.365 s]

[INFO] IaaS Adaptor - Features ............................ SUCCESS [  0.769 s]

[INFO] IaaS Adapter - Karaf Installer ..................... SUCCESS [  3.308 s]

[INFO] APPC Metric ........................................ SUCCESS [  0.114 s]

[INFO] appc-metric-bundle Bundle .......................... SUCCESS [  1.350 s]

[INFO] DMaaP Adapter ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.104 s]

[INFO] appc-message-adapter-api ........................... SUCCESS [  2.824 s]

[INFO] DMaaP Adapter - bundle ............................. SUCCESS [  6.175 s]

[INFO] appc-message-adapter-factory ....................... SUCCESS [  2.639 s]

[INFO] DMaaP Adapter - Features ........................... SUCCESS [  0.749 s]

[INFO] dMaaP Adapter - Karaf Installer .................... SUCCESS [  6.300 s]

[INFO] NETCONF adapter .................................... SUCCESS [  0.108 s]

[INFO] NETCONF Adapter - bundle ........................... SUCCESS [  3.920 s]

[INFO] appc-netconf-adapter-features ...................... SUCCESS [  0.514 s]

[INFO] NETCONF Adapter - Karaf Installer .................. SUCCESS [  3.897 s]

[INFO] appc-ssh-adapter ................................... SUCCESS [  0.075 s]

[INFO] appc-ssh-adapter-api ............................... SUCCESS [  0.851 s]

[INFO] appc-ssh-adapter-tests ............................. SUCCESS [  1.090 s]

[INFO] appc-ssh-adapter-sshd .............................. SUCCESS [  1.032 s]

[INFO] appc-ssh-adapter-features .......................... SUCCESS [  0.561 s]

[INFO] rest healthcheck adaptor ........................... SUCCESS [  0.093 s]

[INFO] rest healthcheck Adapter - bundle .................. SUCCESS [  3.496 s]

[INFO] rest healthcheck Adaptor - Features ................ SUCCESS [  0.648 s]

[INFO] Rest Health Check Adapter - Karaf Installer ........ SUCCESS [  3.699 s]

[INFO] Appc Ansible Adapter ............................... SUCCESS [  1.840 s]

[INFO] APPC Ansible Service Adapter - bundle .............. SUCCESS [  6.744 s]

[INFO] Ansible Adaptor - Features ......................... SUCCESS [  1.692 s]

[INFO] Ansible Adapter - Karaf Installer .................. SUCCESS [  3.123 s]

[INFO] APPC Provider ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.084 s]

[INFO] appc-provider-model ................................ SUCCESS [  6.377 s]

[INFO] APPC Dispatcher .................................... SUCCESS [  0.130 s]

[INFO] APPC Dispatcher Common ............................. SUCCESS [  0.135 s]

[INFO] appc-data-access-lib ............................... SUCCESS [  1.160 s]

[INFO] execution-queue-management-lib ..................... SUCCESS [  0.913 s]

[INFO] domain-model-lib ................................... SUCCESS [  0.919 s]

[INFO] APPC Command Executor .............................. SUCCESS [  0.105 s]

[INFO] appc-command-executor-api .......................... SUCCESS [  0.862 s]

[INFO] APPC Request Handler ............................... SUCCESS [  0.080 s]

[INFO] appc-request-handler-api ........................... SUCCESS [  0.861 s]

[INFO] appc-provider-bundle ............................... SUCCESS [  5.349 s]

[INFO] appc-provider-features ............................. SUCCESS [  0.671 s]

[INFO] APPC Provider - Karaf Installer .................... SUCCESS [  1.940 s]

[INFO] Event Listener ..................................... SUCCESS [  0.092 s]

[INFO] Event Listener - bundle ............................ SUCCESS [  1.701 s]

[INFO] Event Listener - Features .......................... SUCCESS [  0.518 s]

[INFO] APPC Event Listener - Karaf Installer .............. SUCCESS [  1.380 s]

[INFO] SDC Event Listener ................................. SUCCESS [  0.082 s]

[INFO] appc-yang-generator ................................ SUCCESS [  2.270 s]

[INFO] APPC License Manager ............................... SUCCESS [  0.089 s]

[INFO] appc-license-manager-api ........................... SUCCESS [  0.749 s]

[INFO] appc-dg ............................................ SUCCESS [  0.085 s]

[INFO] appc-dg-shared ..................................... SUCCESS [  0.095 s]

[INFO] appc-dg-domain-model-lib ........................... SUCCESS [  0.683 s]

[INFO] appc-dg-dependency-model ........................... SUCCESS [  1.475 s]

[INFO] appc-sdc-listener-bundle ........................... SUCCESS [  1.924 s]

[INFO] Event Listener - Features .......................... SUCCESS [  0.685 s]

[INFO] SDC Listener - Karaf Installer ..................... SUCCESS [  3.638 s]

[INFO] APPC Lifecycle Management .......................... SUCCESS [  0.094 s]

[INFO] appc-lifecycle-management-api ...................... SUCCESS [  0.747 s]

[INFO] state-machine-lib .................................. SUCCESS [  0.934 s]

[INFO] appc-lifecycle-management-core Bundle .............. SUCCESS [  0.858 s]

[INFO] appc-lifecycle-management-features ................. SUCCESS [  0.530 s]

[INFO] APPC LifeCycle Management - Karaf Installer ........ SUCCESS [  1.252 s]

[INFO] APPC OAM ........................................... SUCCESS [  0.119 s]

[INFO] appc-oam-model ..................................... SUCCESS [  1.538 s]

[INFO] appc-oam-bundle .................................... SUCCESS [  2.595 s]

[INFO] appc-oam-features .................................. SUCCESS [  0.574 s]

[INFO] APPC OAM - Karaf Installer ......................... SUCCESS [  1.719 s]

[INFO] Application Controller Config ...................... SUCCESS [  0.131 s]

[INFO] Config Params Node ................................. SUCCESS [  0.078 s]

[INFO] Config Params - Provider ........................... SUCCESS [  0.974 s]

[INFO] Config Params Plugin - Features .................... SUCCESS [  0.663 s]

[INFO] Config Component Params - Installer ................ SUCCESS [  1.543 s]

[INFO] APPC Encryption Tool ............................... SUCCESS [  0.090 s]

[INFO] APPC Encryption Tool - Provider .................... SUCCESS [  0.898 s]

[INFO] APPC Encryption Tool Plugin - Features ............. SUCCESS [  0.564 s]

[INFO] Config Component Encryption Tool - Installer ....... SUCCESS [  1.072 s]

[INFO] APPC Data Services for Node ........................ SUCCESS [  0.186 s]

[INFO] APPC Data Services - Provider ...................... SUCCESS [  0.878 s]

[INFO] APPC Data Services Plugin - Features ............... SUCCESS [  0.653 s]

[INFO] Config Component Data Services - Installer ......... SUCCESS [  1.136 s]

[INFO] APPC Flow Executor ................................. SUCCESS [  0.087 s]

[INFO] Flow Executor - Provider ........................... SUCCESS [  1.162 s]

[INFO] Flow Executor - Features ........................... SUCCESS [  0.537 s]

[INFO] Config Component Params - Installer ................ SUCCESS [  1.107 s]

[INFO] Config Generator Node .............................. SUCCESS [  0.083 s]

[INFO] Config Generator - Provider ........................ SUCCESS [  1.100 s]

[INFO] Config Generator Plugin - Features ................. SUCCESS [  0.580 s]

[INFO] Config Component Generator - Installer ............. SUCCESS [  1.177 s]

[INFO] Config Component Adaptor ........................... SUCCESS [  0.103 s]

[INFO] APPC Config Component Adaptor - Provider ........... SUCCESS [  1.104 s]

[INFO] Config Component Adaptor - Features ................ SUCCESS [  0.611 s]

[INFO] Config Component Adaptor - Installer ............... SUCCESS [  1.168 s]

[INFO] Config Audit Node .................................. SUCCESS [  0.157 s]

[INFO] Config Audit - Provider ............................ SUCCESS [  0.849 s]

[INFO] Config Audit Plugin - Features ..................... SUCCESS [  0.603 s]

[INFO] Config Component Audit - Installer ................. SUCCESS [  1.104 s]

[INFO] Application Controller Directed Graph .............. SUCCESS [  0.082 s]

[INFO] Directed Graph Loader Node ......................... SUCCESS [  0.148 s]

[INFO] APPC Directed Graph Loader - Provider .............. SUCCESS [  6.841 s]

[INFO] Directed Graph Loader - Features ................... SUCCESS [  0.537 s]

[INFO] APPC Directed Graph ................................ SUCCESS [  0.081 s]

[INFO] APPC DG - Provider ................................. SUCCESS [  2.819 s]

[INFO] Application Controller Outbound .................... SUCCESS [  0.099 s]

[INFO] APPC AAI Client for Node ........................... SUCCESS [  0.097 s]

[INFO] APPC AAI Client - Provider ......................... SUCCESS [  1.038 s]

[INFO] APPC AAI Client Plugin - Features .................. SUCCESS [  0.568 s]

[INFO] APPC AAI Client -Installer ......................... SUCCESS [  1.308 s]

[INFO] APPC Network Inventory Client ...................... SUCCESS [  0.084 s]

[INFO] APPC Network Client - Provider ..................... SUCCESS [  0.922 s]

[INFO] APPC Network Inventory - Features .................. SUCCESS [  0.544 s]

[INFO] APPC Network Inventory - Installer ................. SUCCESS [  1.339 s]

[INFO] Application Controller Inbound ..................... SUCCESS [  0.110 s]

[INFO] appc-artifact-handler .............................. SUCCESS [  0.086 s]

[INFO] appc-artifact-handler-model ........................ SUCCESS [  2.170 s]

[INFO] appc-artifact-handler-provider ..................... SUCCESS [  1.834 s]

[INFO] appc-artifact-handler-features ..................... SUCCESS [  0.582 s]

[INFO] appc-artifact-handler-installer .................... SUCCESS [  2.391 s]

[INFO] appc-design-services ............................... SUCCESS [  0.081 s]

[INFO] appc-design-services-model ......................... SUCCESS [  1.480 s]

[INFO] appc-design-services-provider ...................... SUCCESS [  1.114 s]

[INFO] appc-design-services-features ...................... SUCCESS [  0.553 s]

[INFO] appc-design-services-installer ..................... SUCCESS [  1.182 s]

[INFO] appc-sequence-generator ............................ SUCCESS [  0.093 s]

[INFO] appc-sequence-generator-model ...................... SUCCESS [  1.478 s]

[INFO] appc-sequence-generator-bundle ..................... SUCCESS [  1.834 s]

[INFO] Application Controller Sequence Generator Features . SUCCESS [  0.575 s]

[INFO] Appc Sequence Generator : Karaf Installer .......... SUCCESS [  1.560 s]

[INFO] appc-java-client ................................... SUCCESS [02:50 min]

[INFO] client-lib ......................................... SUCCESS [  5.499 s]

[INFO] code-generator ..................................... SUCCESS [  6.766 s]

[INFO] client-kit ......................................... SUCCESS [  7.163 s]

[INFO] client-simulator ................................... SUCCESS [  7.530 s]

[INFO] appc-ranking-framework-lib ......................... SUCCESS [  0.946 s]

[INFO] lock-manager-lib ................................... SUCCESS [  0.094 s]

[INFO] lock-manager-api ................................... SUCCESS [  0.621 s]

[INFO] lock-manager-impl .................................. SUCCESS [  0.889 s]

[INFO] lock-manager-features .............................. SUCCESS [  0.542 s]

[INFO] transaction-recorder ............................... SUCCESS [  1.032 s]

[INFO] APPC Workflow Management ........................... SUCCESS [  0.084 s]

[INFO] appc-workflow-management-api ....................... SUCCESS [  0.710 s]

[INFO] appc-workflow-management-core Bundle ............... SUCCESS [  0.878 s]

[INFO] appc-workflow-management-features .................. SUCCESS [  0.514 s]

[INFO] appc-command-executor-core Bundle .................. SUCCESS [  0.999 s]

[INFO] appc-command-executor-features ..................... SUCCESS [  0.526 s]

[INFO] APPC Command Executor - Karaf Installer ............ SUCCESS [  5.955 s]

[INFO] appc-request-handler-core Bundle ................... SUCCESS [  1.106 s]

[INFO] appc-request-handler-features ...................... SUCCESS [  0.523 s]

[INFO] APPC License Manager Bundle ........................ SUCCESS [  2.496 s]

[INFO] appc-license-manager-features ...................... SUCCESS [  0.558 s]

[INFO] appc-dispatcher-features ........................... SUCCESS [  0.497 s]

[INFO] APPC Dispatcher - Karaf Installer .................. SUCCESS [  7.358 s]

[INFO] appc-metric-features ............................... SUCCESS [  0.576 s]

[INFO] APPC Metric - Karaf Installer ...................... SUCCESS [  1.390 s]

[INFO] appc-dg-mdsal-store ................................ SUCCESS [  0.790 s]

[INFO] appc-dg-common ..................................... SUCCESS [  1.337 s]

[INFO] appc-dg-ssh ........................................ SUCCESS [  0.880 s]

[INFO] appc-dg-aai ........................................ SUCCESS [  1.059 s]

[INFO] appc-dg-netconf .................................... SUCCESS [  0.976 s]

[INFO] appc-dg-license-manager ............................ SUCCESS [  0.780 s]

[INFO] appc-dg-shared-features ............................ SUCCESS [  0.592 s]

[INFO] APPC DG Shared - Karaf Installer ................... SUCCESS [  6.655 s]

[INFO] APPC DG util ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.085 s]

[INFO] appc-dg-util - bundle .............................. SUCCESS [  1.092 s]

[INFO] appc-dg-util-features .............................. SUCCESS [  0.630 s]

[INFO] APPC DG Util - Karaf Installer ..................... SUCCESS [  8.918 s]

[INFO] CCSDK Parent POM : ODL project, Carbon SR1 ......... SUCCESS [  1.942 s]

[INFO] cli ................................................ SUCCESS [  0.357 s]

[INFO] cli/framework ...................................... SUCCESS [  1.108 s]

[INFO] cli/validate ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.344 s]

[INFO] cli/validate/sample-mock-generator ................. SUCCESS [  0.382 s]

[INFO] cli/profiles ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.362 s]

[INFO] cli/profiles/http .................................. SUCCESS [  0.946 s]

[INFO] cli/products ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.335 s]

[INFO] cli/products/sample ................................ SUCCESS [  0.632 s]

[INFO] cli/products/openecomp ............................. SUCCESS [  0.343 s]

[INFO] cli/products/openecomp/auth ........................ SUCCESS [  0.412 s]

[INFO] cli/products/openecomp/catalog ..................... SUCCESS [  0.380 s]

[INFO] cli/products/openecomp/features .................... SUCCESS [  0.327 s]

[INFO] cli/products/openecomp/features/aai ................ SUCCESS [  0.363 s]

[INFO] cli/products/openecomp/features/sdc ................ SUCCESS [  0.381 s]

[INFO] cli/products/onap-amsterdam ........................ SUCCESS [  0.329 s]

[INFO] cli/products/onap-amsterdam/auth ................... SUCCESS [  0.413 s]

[INFO] cli/products/onap-amsterdam/catalog ................ SUCCESS [  0.343 s]

[INFO] cli/products/onap-amsterdam/features ............... SUCCESS [  0.333 s]

[INFO] cli/products/onap-amsterdam/features/msb ........... SUCCESS [  0.365 s]

[INFO] cli/products/onap-amsterdam/features/aai ........... SUCCESS [  0.372 s]

[INFO] cli/products/onap-amsterdam/features/sdc ........... SUCCESS [  0.445 s]

[INFO] cli/products/onap-amsterdam/features/so ............ SUCCESS [  0.347 s]

[INFO] cli/validate/sample-yaml-generator ................. SUCCESS [  0.382 s]

[INFO] cli/main ........................................... SUCCESS [  0.555 s]

[INFO] cli/deployment ..................................... SUCCESS [  0.354 s]

[INFO] cli/deployment/zip ................................. SUCCESS [  2.154 s]

[INFO] cli/deployment/docker .............................. SUCCESS [  0.792 s]

[INFO] cli/validate/validation ............................ SUCCESS [  0.393 s]

[INFO] dmaap-dbcapi ....................................... SUCCESS [  1.117 s]

[INFO] dmaap-buscontroller ................................ SUCCESS [  0.971 s]

[INFO] dmaap-messagerouter-dmaapclient .................... SUCCESS [  8.081 s]

[INFO] dmaap-messagerouter-messageservice ................. SUCCESS [ 17.230 s]

[INFO] dmaap-messagerouter-mirroragent .................... SUCCESS [  1.714 s]

[INFO] dmaap-messagerouter-msgrtr ......................... SUCCESS [  3.889 s]

[INFO] msb-java-sdk ....................................... SUCCESS [  1.276 s]

[INFO] holmes-common ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.358 s]

[INFO] holmes-common-service .............................. SUCCESS [  2.859 s]

[INFO] holmes-dsa ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.344 s]

[INFO] holmes-dmaap-dsa ................................... SUCCESS [  4.507 s]

[INFO] holmes-dsa/holmes-dmaap-dsa-standalone ............. SUCCESS [  3.381 s]

[INFO] holmes-engine-management ........................... SUCCESS [  0.404 s]

[INFO] holmes-engine-d-service ............................ SUCCESS [  5.949 s]

[INFO] holmes-engine/holmes-engine-d-standalone ........... SUCCESS [  5.292 s]

[INFO] holmes-rule-management ............................. SUCCESS [  0.302 s]

[INFO] holmes-rulemgt-service ............................. SUCCESS [  4.576 s]

[INFO] holmes-rulemgt/holmes-rulemgt-standalone ........... SUCCESS [  2.754 s]

[INFO] msb-apigateway ..................................... SUCCESS [  0.397 s]

[INFO] onap/msb/apigateway/apiroute ....................... SUCCESS [  0.316 s]

[INFO] onap/msb/apigateway/apiroute/apiroute-service ...... SUCCESS [ 15.420 s]

[INFO] onap/msb/apigateway/apiroute/apiroute-standalone ... SUCCESS [  1.766 s]

[INFO] onap/msb/apigateway/openresty-ext .................. SUCCESS [  0.536 s]

[INFO] onap/msb/apigateway/redis-ext ...................... SUCCESS [  0.433 s]

[INFO] onap/msb/apigateway/distributions .................. SUCCESS [  0.428 s]

[INFO] onap/msb/apigateway/distributions/msb-apigateway ... SUCCESS [  1.937 s]

[INFO] msb-discovery ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.346 s]

[INFO] onap/msb/discovery/sdclient ........................ SUCCESS [  0.346 s]

[INFO] onap/msb/discovery/sdclient/discovery-service ...... SUCCESS [  3.519 s]

[INFO] onap/msb/discovery/sdclient/discovery-standalone ... SUCCESS [  1.140 s]

[INFO] onap/msb/discovery/discovery-ui .................... SUCCESS [  0.681 s]

[INFO] onap/msb/discovery/nginx-ext-consul ................ SUCCESS [  0.728 s]

[INFO] onap/msb/discovery/distributions ................... SUCCESS [  0.358 s]

[INFO] onap/msb/discovery/distributions/msb-discovery ..... SUCCESS [  1.705 s]

[INFO] msb-swagger-sdk .................................... SUCCESS [  0.441 s]

[INFO] multicloud-framework ............................... SUCCESS [  0.326 s]

[INFO] multicloud/openstack/newton ........................ SUCCESS [  0.789 s]

[INFO] multicloud/openstack/ocata ......................... SUCCESS [  0.795 s]

[INFO] multicloud/openstack/windriver ..................... SUCCESS [  0.740 s]

[INFO] multicloud-openstack ............................... SUCCESS [  0.365 s]

[INFO] multicloud-opentack-vmware ......................... SUCCESS [  0.324 s]

[INFO] oparent/license .................................... SUCCESS [  0.033 s]

[INFO] oparent/oparent-python ............................. SUCCESS [  1.340 s]

[INFO] policy-api ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.411 s]

[INFO] policy-gui ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.377 s]

[INFO] policy-pap ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.393 s]

[INFO] policy-pdp ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.375 s]

[INFO] policy-common ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.353 s]

[INFO] ONAP-Logging ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.848 s]

[INFO] Integrity Audit .................................... SUCCESS [  0.806 s]

[INFO] Integrity Monitor .................................. SUCCESS [  0.869 s]

[INFO] site-manager ....................................... SUCCESS [  4.843 s]

[INFO] Policy Engine - Docker build ....................... SUCCESS [  3.866 s]

[INFO] policy-drools-applications ......................... SUCCESS [  0.373 s]

[INFO] controlloop ........................................ SUCCESS [  0.365 s]

[INFO] common ............................................. SUCCESS [  0.335 s]

[INFO] model-impl ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.409 s]

[INFO] sdc ................................................ SUCCESS [  0.469 s]

[INFO] rest ............................................... SUCCESS [  0.393 s]

[INFO] policy-drools-pdp .................................. SUCCESS [  0.385 s]

[INFO] policy-utils ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.504 s]

[INFO] policy-core ........................................ SUCCESS [  5.358 s]

[INFO] policy-endpoints ................................... SUCCESS [  0.829 s]

[INFO] aai ................................................ SUCCESS [  0.647 s]

[INFO] policy-yaml ........................................ SUCCESS [  0.568 s]

[INFO] actors ............................................. SUCCESS [  0.392 s]

[INFO] actorServiceProvider ............................... SUCCESS [  0.449 s]

[INFO] appc ............................................... SUCCESS [  0.427 s]

[INFO] trafficgenerator ................................... SUCCESS [  0.356 s]

[INFO] events ............................................. SUCCESS [  0.405 s]

[INFO] policy-management .................................. SUCCESS [  2.916 s]

[INFO] so ................................................. SUCCESS [  0.594 s]

[INFO] vfc ................................................ SUCCESS [  0.498 s]

[INFO] simulators ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.474 s]

[INFO] actor.appc ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.525 s]

[INFO] actor.vfc .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.551 s]

[INFO] appclcm ............................................ SUCCESS [  0.503 s]

[INFO] actor.appclcm ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.521 s]

[INFO] actor.so ........................................... SUCCESS [  0.549 s]

[INFO] actor.test ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.384 s]

[INFO] guard .............................................. SUCCESS [  0.607 s]

[INFO] eventmanager ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.626 s]

[INFO] feature-controlloop-utils .......................... SUCCESS [  0.620 s]

[INFO] msb ................................................ SUCCESS [  0.522 s]

[INFO] templates .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.367 s]

[INFO] template.demo ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.623 s]

[INFO] archetype-cl-amsterdam ............................. SUCCESS [  1.699 s]

[INFO] PDP-D Application Installation Packages ............ SUCCESS [  0.379 s]

[INFO] PDP-D APPS Base Package ............................ SUCCESS [  0.409 s]

[INFO] Artifacts for PDP-D Applications ................... SUCCESS [  3.093 s]

[INFO] PDP-D APPS Installation Package .................... SUCCESS [  0.873 s]

[INFO] feature-healthcheck ................................ SUCCESS [  0.574 s]

[INFO] feature-eelf ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.532 s]

[INFO] feature-session-persistence ........................ SUCCESS [  1.208 s]

[INFO] feature-test-transaction ........................... SUCCESS [  0.524 s]

[INFO] api-state-management ............................... SUCCESS [  0.468 s]

[INFO] feature-state-management ........................... SUCCESS [  0.614 s]

[INFO] api-active-standby-management ...................... SUCCESS [  0.469 s]

[INFO] feature-active-standby-management .................. SUCCESS [  0.676 s]

[INFO] feature-simulators ................................. SUCCESS [  0.512 s]

[INFO] Policy Packages .................................... SUCCESS [  0.365 s]

[INFO] Base Package ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.625 s]

[INFO] Installation Package ............................... SUCCESS [  3.737 s]

[INFO] policy-engine ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.353 s]

[INFO] PolicyEngineUtils .................................. SUCCESS [  0.582 s]

[INFO] ONAP-XACML ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.690 s]

[INFO] PolicyEngineAPI .................................... SUCCESS [ 28.452 s]

[INFO] ONAP-REST .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.965 s]

[INFO] ONAP-PDP ........................................... SUCCESS [  0.532 s]

[INFO] ONAP-PDP-REST ...................................... SUCCESS [  4.116 s]

[INFO] ONAP-PAP-REST ...................................... SUCCESS [  5.467 s]

[INFO] LogParser .......................................... SUCCESS [  7.165 s]

[INFO] PolicyEngineClient ................................. SUCCESS [  0.643 s]

[INFO] BRMSGateway ........................................ SUCCESS [ 44.744 s]

[INFO] portal-sdk ......................................... SUCCESS [  1.407 s]

[INFO] ONAP Portal SDK Framework .......................... SUCCESS [  2.816 s]

[INFO] ONAP Portal SDK Core ............................... SUCCESS [  1.441 s]

[INFO] POLICY-SDK-APP ..................................... SUCCESS [  7.524 s]

[INFO] ONAP Portal SDK Webapp Overlay Files ............... SUCCESS [  3.675 s]

[INFO] ONAP Portal SDK Analytics .......................... SUCCESS [  2.414 s]

[INFO] ONAP Portal SDK Workflow ........................... SUCCESS [  0.545 s]

[INFO] ONAP Portal SDK Webapp Common Classes .............. SUCCESS [  0.849 s]

[INFO] ONAP-SDK-APP ....................................... SUCCESS [ 14.732 s]

[INFO] Policy Packages .................................... SUCCESS [  0.400 s]

[INFO] Base Package ....................................... SUCCESS [ 14.328 s]

[INFO] Installation Package ............................... SUCCESS [ 13.331 s]

[INFO] portal ............................................. SUCCESS [  1.362 s]

[INFO] ecompportal-be-common .............................. SUCCESS [  8.596 s]

[INFO] ecompportal-be-os .................................. SUCCESS [ 10.499 s]

[INFO] ecompportal-FE-os .................................. SUCCESS [02:23 min]

[INFO] widget-ms-parent ................................... SUCCESS [  0.763 s]

[INFO] common-widgets ..................................... SUCCESS [  1.141 s]

[INFO] widget-microservice ................................ SUCCESS [  2.206 s]

[INFO] ONAP Portal SDK Webapp for OpenSource .............. SUCCESS [ 10.108 s]

[INFO] security-utils ..................................... SUCCESS [  0.246 s]

[INFO] common-app-api ..................................... SUCCESS [  0.558 s]

[INFO] common-be .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.355 s]

[INFO] catalog-dao ........................................ SUCCESS [  1.110 s]

[INFO] catalog-model ...................................... SUCCESS [  1.686 s]

[INFO] catalog-be ......................................... SUCCESS [ 18.707 s]

[INFO] asdctool ........................................... SUCCESS [ 13.204 s]

[INFO] catalog-ui ......................................... SUCCESS [01:12 min]

[INFO] catalog-fe ......................................... SUCCESS [  3.811 s]

[INFO] asdc-tests ......................................... SUCCESS [ 23.871 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc ...................................... SUCCESS [  1.343 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-lib .................................. SUCCESS [  0.025 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-logging-lib .......................... SUCCESS [  0.026 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-logging-api .......................... SUCCESS [  1.822 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-logging-core ......................... SUCCESS [  3.746 s]

[INFO] openecomp-core-lib ................................. SUCCESS [  0.038 s]

[INFO] openecomp-utilities-lib ............................ SUCCESS [  1.142 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-datatypes-lib ........................ SUCCESS [  0.295 s]

[INFO] openecomp-common-lib ............................... SUCCESS [  0.508 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-api .................................. SUCCESS [  0.037 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-rest-webapp .......................... SUCCESS [  0.035 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-common-rest .......................... SUCCESS [  0.488 s]

[INFO] openecomp-facade-api ............................... SUCCESS [  0.336 s]

[INFO] openecomp-facade-core .............................. SUCCESS [  0.254 s]

[INFO] openecomp-session-lib .............................. SUCCESS [  0.207 s]

[INFO] openecomp-nosqldb-api .............................. SUCCESS [  0.345 s]

[INFO] openecomp-nosqldb-core ............................. SUCCESS [  0.478 s]

[INFO] openecomp-item-permissions-lib ..................... SUCCESS [  0.021 s]

[INFO] openecomp-item-permissions-api ..................... SUCCESS [  0.203 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-notification-api ..................... SUCCESS [  0.330 s]

[INFO] openecomp-item-permissions-core .................... SUCCESS [  0.299 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-versioning-api ....................... SUCCESS [  0.577 s]

[INFO] openecomp-zusammen-lib ............................. SUCCESS [  0.034 s]

[INFO] openecomp-zusammen-api ............................. SUCCESS [  0.270 s]

[INFO] openecomp-zusammen-plugin .......................... SUCCESS [  1.779 s]

[INFO] openecomp-zusammen-core ............................ SUCCESS [  0.433 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-versioning-core ...................... SUCCESS [  0.976 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-license-api ................... SUCCESS [  0.731 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-license-core .................. SUCCESS [  1.365 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-validation-api ....................... SUCCESS [  0.306 s]

[INFO] openecomp-heat-lib ................................. SUCCESS [  0.680 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-validation-sdk ....................... SUCCESS [  0.389 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-validation-core ...................... SUCCESS [  0.222 s]

[INFO] openecomp-tosca-lib ................................ SUCCESS [  1.232 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-translator-api ....................... SUCCESS [  0.173 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-validation-impl ...................... SUCCESS [  1.260 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-translator-core ...................... SUCCESS [  4.201 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-enrichment-api ....................... SUCCESS [  0.200 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-model-api ............................ SUCCESS [  0.324 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-model-core ........................... SUCCESS [  0.298 s]

[INFO] openecomp-config-lib ............................... SUCCESS [  0.256 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-software-product-lib .......... SUCCESS [  0.025 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-software-product-api .......... SUCCESS [  1.080 s]

[INFO] openecomp-tosca-converter-lib ...................... SUCCESS [  0.020 s]

[INFO] openecomp-tosca-converter-api ...................... SUCCESS [  0.199 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-model-impl ........................... SUCCESS [  0.420 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-tosca-generator-api .................. SUCCESS [  0.229 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-software-product-core ......... SUCCESS [  2.260 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-enrichment-impl ...................... SUCCESS [  0.734 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-enrichment-core ...................... SUCCESS [  0.234 s]

[INFO] backend ............................................ SUCCESS [  0.025 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-validation-manager ................... SUCCESS [  0.338 s]

[INFO] openecomp-healing-lib .............................. SUCCESS [  0.021 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-healing-api .......................... SUCCESS [  0.182 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-healing-core ......................... SUCCESS [  0.378 s]

[INFO] openecomp-item-permissions-impl .................... SUCCESS [  0.305 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-healing-impl ......................... SUCCESS [  0.668 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-activity-log-lib ..................... SUCCESS [  0.022 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-activity-log-api ..................... SUCCESS [  0.181 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-activity-log-core .................... SUCCESS [  0.165 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-activity-log-manager ................. SUCCESS [  0.181 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-tosca-generator-core ................. SUCCESS [  0.522 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-orchestration-lib .................... SUCCESS [  0.020 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-orchesrtation-api .................... SUCCESS [  0.052 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-orchesrtation-core ................... SUCCESS [  0.054 s]

[INFO] openecomp-tosca-converter-core ..................... SUCCESS [  0.621 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-software-product-manager ...... SUCCESS [  1.936 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-license-manager ............... SUCCESS [  0.705 s]

[INFO] openecomp-conflict-lib ............................. SUCCESS [  0.020 s]

[INFO] openecomp-conflict-api ............................. SUCCESS [  0.137 s]

[INFO] openecomp-conflict-core ............................ SUCCESS [  0.348 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-conflict-manager ..................... SUCCESS [  0.228 s]

[INFO] item-rest .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.023 s]

[INFO] item-rest-types .................................... SUCCESS [  0.189 s]

[INFO] vendor-license-rest ................................ SUCCESS [  0.022 s]

[INFO] vendor-license-rest-types .......................... SUCCESS [  0.347 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-item-permissions-manager ............. SUCCESS [  0.264 s]

[INFO] item-rest-services ................................. SUCCESS [  0.360 s]

[INFO] vendor-license-rest-services ....................... SUCCESS [  0.733 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-notification-core .................... SUCCESS [  0.310 s]

[INFO] vendor-software-products-rest ...................... SUCCESS [  0.021 s]

[INFO] vendor-software-products-rest-types ................ SUCCESS [  0.408 s]

[INFO] vendor-software-products-rest-services ............. SUCCESS [  1.203 s]

[INFO] validation-rest .................................... SUCCESS [  0.021 s]

[INFO] validation-rest-types .............................. SUCCESS [  0.123 s]

[INFO] validation-rest-services ........................... SUCCESS [  0.258 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-healthcheck-manager .................. SUCCESS [  0.231 s]

[INFO] healthcheck-rest ................................... SUCCESS [  0.024 s]

[INFO] healthcheck-rest-types ............................. SUCCESS [  0.110 s]

[INFO] healthcheck-rest-services .......................... SUCCESS [  0.272 s]

[INFO] conflict-rest ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.062 s]

[INFO] conflict-rest-types ................................ SUCCESS [  0.164 s]

[INFO] conflict-rest-services ............................. SUCCESS [  0.326 s]

[INFO] item-permissions-rest .............................. SUCCESS [  0.021 s]

[INFO] item-permissions-rest-types ........................ SUCCESS [  0.087 s]

[INFO] item-permissions-rest-services ..................... SUCCESS [  0.159 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-application-config-manager ........... SUCCESS [  0.155 s]

[INFO] notifications-rest ................................. SUCCESS [  0.024 s]

[INFO] notifications-rest-types ........................... SUCCESS [  0.116 s]

[INFO] notifications-rest-services ........................ SUCCESS [  0.224 s]

[INFO] application-config-rest ............................ SUCCESS [  0.019 s]

[INFO] application-config-rest-types ...................... SUCCESS [  0.072 s]

[INFO] application-config-rest-services ................... SUCCESS [  0.169 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-action-lib ........................... SUCCESS [  0.019 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-action-api ........................... SUCCESS [  0.408 s]

[INFO] action-library-rest ................................ SUCCESS [  0.022 s]

[INFO] action-library-rest-types .......................... SUCCESS [  0.137 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-action-core .......................... SUCCESS [  0.560 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-action-manager ....................... SUCCESS [  0.757 s]

[INFO] action-library-rest-services ....................... SUCCESS [  0.700 s]

[INFO] onboarding-rest-war ................................ SUCCESS [  8.409 s]

[INFO] sequence-rest ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.087 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-notification-worker .................. SUCCESS [  0.369 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-notification-websocket ............... SUCCESS [  0.251 s]

[INFO] notification-war ................................... SUCCESS [  1.664 s]

[INFO] openecomp-facade-lib ............................... SUCCESS [  0.027 s]

[INFO] openecomp-nosqldb-lib .............................. SUCCESS [  0.027 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-versioning-lib ....................... SUCCESS [  0.017 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-tosca-generator-lib .................. SUCCESS [  0.040 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-vendor-license-lib ................... SUCCESS [  0.023 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-translator-sdk ....................... SUCCESS [  0.060 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-translator-impl ...................... SUCCESS [  0.088 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-translator-lib ....................... SUCCESS [  0.018 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-model-lib ............................ SUCCESS [  0.037 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-validation-lib ....................... SUCCESS [  0.020 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-enrichment-lib ....................... SUCCESS [  0.053 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-orchesrtation-impl ................... SUCCESS [  0.040 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-notification-lib ..................... SUCCESS [  0.018 s]

[INFO] openecomp-sdc-configuration ........................ SUCCESS [  0.021 s]

[INFO] api-docs ........................................... SUCCESS [  0.489 s]

[INFO] openecomp-zusammen-tools ........................... SUCCESS [  1.345 s]

[INFO] sdc-os-chef ........................................ SUCCESS [  0.075 s]

[INFO] sdc-jtosca ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.596 s]

[INFO] sdc-sdc-tosca ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.225 s]

[INFO] sdc-sdc-distribution-client ........................ SUCCESS [  0.028 s]

[INFO] sdc-sdc-distribution-client ........................ SUCCESS [  0.287 s]

[INFO] sdnc-adaptors ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.428 s]

[INFO] sdnc-core .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.394 s]

[INFO] sdnc-core .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.407 s]

[INFO] sdnc-northbound .................................... SUCCESS [  0.188 s]

[INFO] generic-resource-api ............................... SUCCESS [  0.169 s]

[INFO] generic-resource-api-model ......................... SUCCESS [ 24.788 s]

[INFO] generic-resource-api-provider ...................... SUCCESS [  6.448 s]

[INFO] generic-resource-api-features ...................... SUCCESS [  1.822 s]

[INFO] Generic Resource API  - Karaf  Installer ........... SUCCESS [  0.996 s]

[INFO] vnfapi ............................................. SUCCESS [  0.147 s]

[INFO] vnfapi-model ....................................... SUCCESS [  6.936 s]

[INFO] vnfapi-provider .................................... SUCCESS [  1.517 s]

[INFO] vnfapi-features .................................... SUCCESS [  0.380 s]

[INFO] VNF API  - Karaf  Installer ........................ SUCCESS [  0.328 s]

[INFO] VNF Tools Plugin ................................... SUCCESS [  0.097 s]

[INFO] VNF Tools Plugin - Provider ........................ SUCCESS [  6.227 s]

[INFO] VNF tools Plugin - Features ........................ SUCCESS [  0.497 s]

[INFO] VNF Tools Plugin  - Karaf  Installer ............... SUCCESS [  1.164 s]

[INFO] sdnc-oam ........................................... SUCCESS [  0.100 s]

[INFO] Admin Portal ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.458 s]

[INFO] Directed Graph Builder ............................. SUCCESS [  1.008 s]

[INFO] Platform Logic ..................................... SUCCESS [  0.128 s]

[INFO] Platform Logic : Setup ............................. SUCCESS [  8.706 s]

[INFO] Platform Logic : Generic Resource API .............. SUCCESS [  0.277 s]

[INFO] Platform Logic : VNF-API ........................... SUCCESS [  0.159 s]

[INFO] Platform Logic : REST API templates ................ SUCCESS [  0.149 s]

[INFO] Platform Logic Installer ........................... SUCCESS [  0.370 s]

[INFO] sdnc-plugins ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.703 s]

[INFO] so ................................................. SUCCESS [  1.619 s]

[INFO] MSO Common classes ................................. SUCCESS [  3.158 s]

[INFO] API Handler ........................................ SUCCESS [  0.589 s]

[INFO] mso-requests-db .................................... SUCCESS [  2.259 s]

[INFO] mso-catalog-db ..................................... SUCCESS [  2.064 s]

[INFO] ECOMP MSO API Handler common ....................... SUCCESS [  0.652 s]

[INFO] MSO Status Control module .......................... SUCCESS [  0.507 s]

[INFO] mso-api-handler-infra .............................. SUCCESS [  4.954 s]

[INFO] MSO Adapters ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.460 s]

[INFO] mso-adapter-utils .................................. SUCCESS [  1.119 s]

[INFO] mso-adapters-rest-interface ........................ SUCCESS [  1.811 s]

[INFO] mso-network-adapter-async-client ................... SUCCESS [  2.975 s]

[INFO] mso-network-adapter ................................ SUCCESS [  5.542 s]

[INFO] mso-sdnc-adapter ................................... SUCCESS [  1.855 s]

[INFO] mso-tenant-adapter ................................. SUCCESS [  2.968 s]

[INFO] mso-vnf-adapter-async-client ....................... SUCCESS [  2.086 s]

[INFO] mso-vnf-adapter .................................... SUCCESS [  4.827 s]

[INFO] mso-requests-db-adapter ............................ SUCCESS [  2.679 s]

[INFO] mso-catalog-db-adapter ............................. SUCCESS [  1.434 s]

[INFO] mso-workflow-message-adapter ....................... SUCCESS [  1.772 s]

[INFO] mso-vfc-adapter .................................... SUCCESS [  1.635 s]

[INFO] asdc-controller .................................... SUCCESS [  2.158 s]

[INFO] BPMN Subsystem ..................................... SUCCESS [  0.397 s]

[INFO] MSOCoreBPMN ........................................ SUCCESS [  1.531 s]

[INFO] MSO REST Client API ................................ SUCCESS [  0.519 s]

[INFO] MSOCommonBPMN ...................................... SUCCESS [ 14.719 s]

[INFO] MSOInfrastructureBPMN .............................. SUCCESS [ 12.819 s]

[INFO] MSOCockpit ......................................... SUCCESS [  4.545 s]

[INFO] MSO Packages ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.473 s]

[INFO] MsoDeliveries ...................................... SUCCESS [ 10.334 s]

[INFO] DCAE DMaaP Bus Controller Webapp Common Java Files . SUCCESS [  1.016 s]

[INFO] DCAE DMaaP Bus Controller Webapp Common Web Files .. SUCCESS [  1.392 s]

[INFO] DCAE DMaaP Bus Controller Webapp for ONAP .......... SUCCESS [ 11.741 s]

[INFO] DCAE DMaaP Bus Controller Webapp projects (parent) . SUCCESS [  0.009 s]

[INFO] ui-dmaapbc ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.008 s]

[INFO] VID Common ......................................... SUCCESS [  4.848 s]

[INFO] ECOMP SDK Webapp for OpenSource .................... SUCCESS [ 11.026 s]

[INFO] vid ................................................ SUCCESS [  3.825 s]

[INFO] vfc-gvnfm-vnflcm ................................... SUCCESS [  0.401 s]

[INFO] vfc/gvnfm/vnflcm/lcm ............................... SUCCESS [  0.690 s]

[INFO] vfc-gvnfm-vnfmgr ................................... SUCCESS [  0.360 s]

[INFO] vfc/gvnfm/vnfmgr/mgr ............................... SUCCESS [  0.612 s]

[INFO] vfc-gvnfm-vnfres ................................... SUCCESS [  0.422 s]

[INFO] vfc/gvnfm/vnfres/res ............................... SUCCESS [  0.746 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-catalog ................................... SUCCESS [  0.796 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-driver-ems ................................ SUCCESS [  0.346 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-driver-ems-ems ............................ SUCCESS [  0.403 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-driver-ems-ems-boco ....................... SUCCESS [  4.441 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-driver-ems-ems-microservice-standalone .... SUCCESS [  1.559 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-driver-sfc ................................ SUCCESS [  0.355 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-driver-sfc ................................ SUCCESS [  0.401 s]

[INFO] vfc/nfvo/driver/sfc/zte/sfc-driver/sfc-driver ...... SUCCESS [  2.230 s]

[INFO] vfc/nfvo/driver/sfc/zte/sfc-driver/plugin-standalone SUCCESS [  1.059 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-driver-vnfm-gvnfm ......................... SUCCESS [  0.420 s]

[INFO] vfc/nfvo/driver/vnfm/gvnfm/gvnfmadapter ............ SUCCESS [  0.617 s]

[INFO] nfvo/drivers/vnfm/gvnfm/juju ....................... SUCCESS [  0.365 s]

[INFO] nfvo/drivers/vnfm/gvnfm/juju/juju-vnfmadapter ...... SUCCESS [  0.346 s]

[INFO] nfvo/drivers/vnfm/gvnfm/juju/juju-vnfmadapter/Juju-vnfmadapterService SUCCESS [  0.356 s]

[INFO] nfvo/drivers/vnfm/gvnfm/juju/juju-vnfmadapter/Juju-vnfmadapterService/service SUCCESS [  3.229 s]

[INFO] nfvo/drivers/vnfm/gvnfm/juju/juju-vnfmadapter/Juju-vnfmadapterService/deployment SUCCESS [  3.539 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-driver-vnfm-svnfm ......................... SUCCESS [  0.354 s]

[INFO] vfc/nfvo/driver/vnfm/svnfm/zte ..................... SUCCESS [  0.359 s]

[INFO] vfc/nfvo/driver/vnfm/svnfm/zte/vmanager ............ SUCCESS [  0.736 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-driver-vnfm-svnfm-huawei .................. SUCCESS [  0.378 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-driver-vnfm-svnfm ......................... SUCCESS [  0.408 s]

[INFO] vfc/nfvo/drivers/vnfm/svnfm/huawei/vnfmadapter/VnfmadapterService SUCCESS [  0.448 s]

[INFO] vfc/nfvo/drivers/vnfm/svnfm/huawei/vnfmadapter/VnfmadapterService/service SUCCESS [  2.494 s]

[INFO] vfc/nfvo/drivers/vnfm/svnfm/huawei/vnfmadapter/VnfmadapterService/deployment SUCCESS [  1.522 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-driver-vnfm-svnfm-nokia ................... SUCCESS [  0.420 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-driver-vnfm-svnfm-nokia-vnfmdriver ........ SUCCESS [  0.511 s]

[INFO] vfc/nfvo/driver/vnfm/svnfm/nokia/vnfmdriver/vfcadaptorservice SUCCESS [  0.493 s]

[INFO] vfc/nfvo/driver/vnfm/svnfm/nokia/vnfmdriver/vfcadaptorservice/vfcadaptor SUCCESS [  3.355 s]

[INFO] vfc/nfvo/driver/vnfm/svnfm/nokia/vnfmdriver/vfcadaptorservice/deployment SUCCESS [  2.544 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-lcm ....................................... SUCCESS [  1.052 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-resmanagement ............................. SUCCESS [  0.436 s]

[INFO] vfc/nfvo/resmanagement/ResmanagementService ........ SUCCESS [  0.457 s]

[INFO] vfc/nfvo/resmanagement/ResmanagementService/service  SUCCESS [  2.322 s]

[INFO] vfc/nfvo/resmanagement/ResmanagementService/deployment SUCCESS [  1.453 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-wfengine .................................. SUCCESS [  0.502 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-wfengine-activiti-extension ............... SUCCESS [ 10.274 s]

[INFO] vfc-nfvo-wfengine-wfenginemgrservice ............... SUCCESS [  7.105 s]

[INFO] vnfsdk-lctest ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.472 s]

[INFO] vnf-sdk-validate-lc-test/lifecycle-test-service .... SUCCESS [  1.402 s]

[INFO] vnf-sdk-validate-lc-test/deployment ................ SUCCESS [  1.369 s]

[INFO] csarvalidation/validation .......................... SUCCESS [  5.259 s]

[INFO] vnfsdk-validation .................................. SUCCESS [  0.489 s]

[INFO] csarvalidation/deployment .......................... SUCCESS [  0.558 s]

[INFO] vvp-gitlab ......................................... SUCCESS [  2.215 s]

[INFO] onap.root .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.029 s]

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