2022-05-18 Policy Weekly Meeting

2022-05-18 Policy Weekly Meeting

Agenda ItemRequested byNotes / Links


Meeting Chair: Liam Fallon 

Review of minutes from last meeting and matters arisingLiam Fallon 

Policy update, Status for M1 (Kohn)

2022 PTL Meeting Minutes

ARCHCOM review is scheduled for Monday 24th May
ONAPARC-740 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Guilin and Honolulu CSITs, XACML-PDP Tutorial

CLM job problemsFormer user (Deleted) 

5G use case and PolicyLiam Fallon 

Support Postgres in drools-pdp and xacml-pdpLiam Fallon 



  1. Fix the xacml-pdp tutorial in the supported release branches so it works in those branches. Pamela Dragosh  and Dan Xu TBD
  2. Check if this change can be automated in the release scripts. Liam Fallon TBD
  3. Enable CLM jobs for Honolulu Liam Fallon   POLICY-4210 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  4. Cascade the security patches from Istanbul/Jakarta back to Honolulu Liam Fallon , Pamela Dragosh POLICY-4211 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  5. Disable Guilin verify and merge jobs Liam Fallon  DONE
  6. Create a JIRA for postgres on drools-pdp in the drools-pdp R11 EPIC, Jorge Hernandez will take the lead on bringing in postgres support and will chat with Wayne Dunican as the need arises. Jorge Hernandez , Wayne Dunican DONE


  1. Dan Xu has been running the xacml-pdp tutorial. The setup for the tutorial is from Frankfurt, so it needs some minor updates to work with the latest release. There is a change to the tutorial code needed at the end of each release to configure its POM to work with that release, and also after the release to work with the next snapshots.
  2. We need to cascade security patches back to Honolulu because that is the base version in some deployments. We may be able to cherry pick or at worst write new patches amalgamating the changes in Istanbul/Jakarta
  3. It is OK to disable Guilin verify/merge jobs but Honolulu jobs should be kept.
  4. Postgres should be introduced for xacml-pdp and drools-pdp
  5. We only got some of the way through the SAL discussion so we'll continue it next week.


Dan Xu attended the first part of the meeting.


Meeting Recording

Meeting Chat