PTL 2021-05-17

PTL 2021-05-17

  • Zoom bridge: https://zoom.us/j/283628617?pwd=aWM3WjliUkFtcGFPUEdEMStIRll1UT09  passcode: 248130 
  • PTL Recordings
  • Antitrust Policy Notice

We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.




Agenda Item

Requested byNotes / Links
1 hour

Cross-project discussions

SonarQube SonarWay Profile changes 

  • Proposal that profile changed are reviewed and agreed to at M1 for each release beginning with Jakarta
    • 2 profiles : current release & proposed rules for next release.
  • Proposal for PTLs to have the ability to flag false positives themselves 
  • proposal for sonar to be run on stage branch rather than merged branch - 
    • Jessica Gonzalez has been doing research on this  - to be followed up
    • need to make sure it is NOT gating
    • don't fail on legacy code - only flag violations on new/modified code

If approved by the TSC, the proposals would be enabled for the Jakarta release, since it is too late at this point for the Istanbul release.

LF IT Support

Testing Environment

Testing Improvement

CSIT Review

ToolChain Improvement

LFX Insights - upgrade scheduled to be completed today. https://lists.onap.org/g/onap-tsc/message/7844

Other Improvement suggestion

Subcommittee Updates for PTLs

CII Badging: questions to be considered by ONAP community as special focus in Instanbul release:

  • application weak cryptography,
  • server side request forgery,
  • XML external entity,
  • cross site scripting

Please work on packages upgrades (Global Requirement REQ-863 - Getting issue details... STATUS ) as recommened under vulnerabilities restricted Wiki. All projects have created Jira tickets for this task.

Sharing Best Practices

15 minsRelease status


Honolulu Maintenance (Action Item - Follow-Up)

  • (Integration): Run only 1 replica; might also help for Gating (less replica, less impact on MS Azure) (Morgan Richomme : Replica (from 3 to 1): music, dmaap-dr (to be confirmed by Fiachra), APPC (if not removed), VFC)
  • (Integration): Remove APPC (Sylvain Desbureauxasks about additional guidance from TSC.  TSC has already approved moving APPC to unmaintained status.  David and Kenny agree that no additional guidance needed to proceed with removing APPC.)
  • (Integration): MUSIC - will migrate to etcd (Sylvain Desbureauxsays this will be done for Istanbul, not Honolulu maintenance)
  • Bin Yang to follow-up with the Integration team about Multi-Cloud (reduction of the number of drivers)

Note:  we will have a Honolulu Retrospective during the Developer and Testing Forum in June.  The review will be based on the Honolulu: Lessons Learned.

Istanbul Release

Guilin Maintenance -Let's finish it before starting Istanbul and Honolulu Maintenance(wink)

VID-983 - Error while installing VID guilin release IN PROGRESS  - Does anybody already try to deploy ONAP with OKD (Openshift)?

Seshu Kumar Mudigantiin touch with Spark team - work will be implemented in their framework. Will contribute to ONAP at a future date.  Features include OKD and small ONAP footprint. Timeline for contribution is unclear.

5 minsUpcoming Events

PTL Call canceled on May 31, 2021

LFN Webinar Series

2021 LFN Developer & Testing Forum June


Register to  LFN Developer & Testing Forum June

Proposals:  2021 LFN Developer & Testing Forum June 

ONESummit - October 11 - 12 - Call for Proposal - Deadline: June 20th, 2021

10 minsRemaining Action Items

Zoom Chat Log 

Action Items 

  • David McBrideupdate release process to include a task for M1 for PTLs to complete a review of changes to the Sonar profile. David, Kenny, or Jessica will send the proposed changes for the PTLs to review at the start of the release.
  • Jessica Gonzalez summarize approach to Sonar profile management for presentation to the TSC on  
  • Toine Siebelink file support ticket for using a copy of the profile for a specific project, and to enable PTL to flag false positives