PTL 2021-04-12

PTL 2021-04-12

  • Zoom bridge: https://zoom.us/j/283628617?pwd=aWM3WjliUkFtcGFPUEdEMStIRll1UT09  passcode: 248130 
  • PTL Recordings
  • Antitrust Policy Notice

We will start our meetings by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.




Agenda Item

Requested byNotes / Links
1 hour

Cross-project discussions


IPv4/IPv6 support (deferred from last week)

  • REQ-537 - Long-term IPv4/IPv6 dual stack networking support IN PROGRESS
  • REQ-432 - IPv4/IPv6 dual stack support in ONAP (Honolulu) IN PROGRESS

Request is for dual stack to become a global requirement in Istanbul

Dual stack CI environment is up - testing is running 2x daily

insufficient HW to do full gating testing 

LF IT Support

Testing Environment

Testing Improvement

Toine Siebelink

Achieving good test with high coverage

  • Toine Siebelink  upload the slides presented today to these minutes  

CSIT Review

ToolChain Improvement


Other Improvement suggestion

Subcommittee Updates for PTLs

Committer Representative to the LFN Governing Board - Amy Zwarico (big grin)

SECCOM: best practice proposal for Istanbul:

Discussion point 1: is any project not using stdout?

  • Step 1: STDOUT (info log, audit log and debug log) and SDTERR (error log)
  • Step 2: Architecture/Requirements/Security Subcommittees or dedicated Task Force to review/simplify the logging specs (Troubleshooting, CDR, etc) to support E2E Open Tracing

Discussion point 2: questions collection for SonarCloud to better use this product.

Sharing Best Practices

15 minsRelease status

Honolulu Maintenance

  • RC1 remaining tasks will be merged with RC2 tasks (TSC Waiver in progress)
  • Review Integration Status 
  • RC2/Sign-Off date + Remaining RC1 tasks - April 22nd, 2021 (vote pending)

 - Honolulu Release Integration Testing Status 

Guilin Maintenance

5 minsUpcoming Events

10 minsRemaining Action Items

Zoom Chat Log 

07:18:01 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : Global Requirements: To establish a TSC Global Requirement the team requesting it must: -present their previously approved best practice to the PTLs in the context of promoting it to a a Global Requirement beginning with the appropriate release. -incorporate any feedback and/or clarifications into the proposal -Any feedback or clarifications need to be incorporated and then a request is made of the TSC to review and approve it. A Global Requirement can be approved by the TSC at any time, but must be approved at or before the M1 milestone for it to be applicable to that release cycle.
07:27:57 From Guangrong FU (ZTE) to Everyone : Hi, Kenny. I missed the chance to speak just now. I heard that you mentioned PTLs located in China. Is there anything we are supposed to be aware of?
07:32:41 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : @Guangrong. Sorry if I did not speak clearly. My comments were for PTLs in general, not PTLs in China :-)
07:33:58 From Guangrong FU (ZTE) to Everyone : Gotcha. Thank you, Kenny. :D
08:04:55 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : Recommendation that ONAP review the logging spec and simplify it.
08:13:23 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : time check
08:22:25 From Kenny PAUL (LFN) to Everyone : Just lost your audio Sylvain