CPS Retro - 12/11/2024

CPS Retro - 12/11/2024


  • @Lee Anjella Macabuhay

  • @Sourabh Sourabh

  • @Priyank Maheshwari

  • @Kolawole Adebisi-Adeolokun

  • @Levente Csanyi

  • @Gerard Nugent

  • @Seán Beirne

  • @Halil Cakal

  • @Daniel Hanrahan

Retro Points

Some things to think about:

  1. What did we do well, that if we don’t discuss we might forget?

  2. What did we learn?

  3. What should we do differently next time?

  4. What still puzzles us?

  5. Which tools or techniques proved to be useful? Which not?

  6. What is our biggest impediment?

  7. If we could change 1 thing, what would it be?

  8. What caused the problems that we had recently?

  9. Which things went smoothly? Which didn’t?


Retro Summary

Actions from last retro

See Actions: CPS Retro - 06/08/2024







@Kolawole Adebisi-Adeolokun

Update/new FS requirement and CPS performance and robustness requirement (stakeholder)


Performance requirement discussion (internally)


Move sync meeting with Bora/Cerberus on Tuesday to accomodate team meetings on Mondays and Tuesdays

moved to thursdays

@Lee Anjella Macabuhay

Raise ticket on non-editable links for team as result of wiki migration


Create knowledge sharing page for team and provide info how this meetings will work

CPS Knowledge Sharing Sessions - ONAP Wiki - Confluence

Schedule Grooming meetings to be on Mondays/Tuesdays


Schedule meeting to discuss w.o.w for CPS

  • 2 teams vs merged teams

  • Sprint planning (agile way vs current cps way)

forwarded to next retro

@Priyank Maheshwari

Follow up on the retirement of CPS-TBDMT as no longer used and we have maintenance cost.


@Priyank Maheshwari @Sourabh Sourabh

Provide insights on recent exploration of the licensed version of IntelliJ for team productivity--- report use and benefits to see if it is worth for the team to forward to Manager

for knowledge sharing session

forwarded to next retro

@Toine Siebelink

Move retro meetings on Mondays



Agree on meetings scheduling for Monday and Tuesday (office days)

Will be changed as team gets used to the new office days set up

  • Starting with overloading Monday with meetings that values face-to-face the most

    • CPS retro

    • Backlog/User story Groomings



What was good?




What could be better ?




Ideas (What can we improve?)







Due Date



Due Date

@Lee Anjella Macabuhay

Schedule meeting to discuss w.o.w for CPS

  • 2 teams vs merged teams

  • Sprint planning (agile way vs current cps way)

next retro

"CPS DND" for the team

~2 hrs (Wednesday)


@Lee Anjella Macabuhay @Daniel Hanrahan

Look at how to handle bugs/tech debt (priority , open)

next retro

@Priyank Maheshwari @Sourabh Sourabh

Provide insights on recent exploration of the licensed version of IntelliJ for team productivity--- report use and benefits to see if it is worth for the team to forward to Manager

next retro

@Priyank Maheshwari

Kubernetes deployment (see backlog for ticket)

next retro

@Halil Cakal

Define on demand performance job (#commit)

next retro

@Seán Beirne

Improvement on postman collection in CPS Repo

next retro

@Toine Siebelink

Delegate ONAP items/tickets


CPS TEAM , Sub teams

Self review before asking others to review



Call outs



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