Config Management (CM) Sequence Flow

Config Management (CM) Sequence Flow

CM Flow for SON Use Case (Montreal release) includes:

  • Initialization of RAN-Sim with simulated RAN
    (parallel work to include RAN-Sim in OOM)

  • Mounting of RAN NF devices to SDN-R

  • Initialization of RAN NF in CPS
    - using SDN-R to retrieve yang models from RAN-Sim
    - using CPS DMI APIs and DMI/SDNR interface

  • Processing of CM Notification VES message from RAN-Sim
    - DMI plug-in developed for Montreal release

Sequence Flow

Plant UML file:

Update (11/21): onap-smoflows-cm-seq_20231121.puml

Update (10/31): Shows alt Target flow for use of ORMO and for automation of registration of cmHandle onap-smoflows-cm-seq_20231031.puml

Initial (10/17): onap-smoflows-cm-seq_20231017.puml