R13 Intent-Based Network: Enhance of Incident API

R13 Intent-Based Network: Enhance of Incident API

Use Case Overview & Description

Incident management framework can be used to aggregated alarms, KPIs and other anomaly information into incident, and provide standard APIs to manage incident lifecycle. It can reduce the pressure on upper-layer system, improve accuracy of root cause analysis and service impact analysis, and help improve the network automation.

Use Case Key Information




Requirements Proposal

This is a link to the requirements proposal made on the Requirements Sub-committee

Architecture S/C info

Information on the Architecture sub-committee presentation

ONAPARC-776: (New Delhi-R14) - Func - Incident API Requirements in R14Closed

Prior Project "Base" Wiki

Link to the Kohn release page for this use case

Requirements Jira (REQ-###) Ticket

Link to the REQ Jira ticket for this use case

REQ-1492: Incident API requirements in R14To Do

Key Use Case Leads & Contacts

USE CASE LEAD: @Keguang He @chong feng (frank) 

USE KEY CONTACTS: @chong feng (frank) @Chuanyu Chen @zhuguanyu 

Meetings Register & Recordings


Executive Summary - This requirement provides incident management framework and data models to improve the efficiency of fault management.

Business Impact - incident management reduce the pressure on OSS/BSS by aggregating lots of anomaly data into small number of incident. Root cause analysis and service impact analysis can be performed by AI or preconfigured policies, don’t need to depend on human experience.

Business Markets - incident management provides some functions.

1.Incident detection using AI or preconfigured policies including aggregating anomaly data into incident, and service impact analysis.

2.Provide several APIs to management incident lifecycle, such as incident reporting, querying, diagnosis, resolution, etc.

Funding/Financial Impacts - Incident management can reduce OPEX because less data needs to be processed, more accurate root cause analysis and service impact analysis are performed, and fewer tickets are generated.

Organization Mgmt, Sales Strategies -There is no additional organizational management or sales strategies for this requirement outside of a service providers "normal" ONAP deployment and its attendant organizational resources from a service provider.