2023-03-14 DCAE Meeting

2023-03-14 DCAE Meeting


[dcaegen2] Team ONAP11, TUESDAY UTC 14:30  (9.30 AM ET)

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@Tony Hansen (AT&T) - Host

@Former user (Deleted) (DT)

@Vamshi Namilikonda 

@Vijay Kumar 

@Viresh Navalli 

Discussion Topics:


 Time (est)




Notes to moderator

  • Start recording

  • Participants List

DCAE/PTL resposibilities Coverage 

Updates: TSC is planning to form a special squad or task force to manage changes to projects that lack a PTL. Chaker will take the lead of in forming the team.

Feedback from committers on DCAE London Milestone support

Responsibilities to be distributed among DCAE Committers

  • Weekly Call hosting schedule

    • 01/03/2023 -  @Vijay Kumar 

    • 01/10/2023 - @Jack Lucas 

    • 01/17/2023  - @Tony Hansen  (No meeting; conflicts with DCAE ARC review)

    • 01/24/2023 - @Vijay Kumar 

    • 01/31/2023 - @Tony Hansen 

    • 02/07/2023 - @Shuting Qing 

    • 02/14/2023 - --

    • 02/21/2023 - @Jack Lucas 

    • 02/28/2023 - Cancelled

    • 03/07/2023 - @Vijay Kumar 

    • 03/14/2023 - @Tony Hansen 

    • 03/21/2023 - @Jack Lucas 

    • 03/28/2023 - @Shuting Qing

  • Milestone  - Release Process

    • M1 - @Vijay Kumar 

    • M2 - @Tony Hansen 

    • M3 -  No coverage

    • M4 -  No coverage

    • RC -   No coverage

    • SignOff -  No coverage

The  DCAE team will  advise the TSC that we do not have coverage for the milestones after M2.  @Vijay Kumar @Tony Hansen @Jack Lucas will respond on an existing email thread to let the TSC know.

DCAE needs additional committers.

London Release


Security recommendations for DCAE

@Kedar Ambekar 

2023/03/14 - Kedar: on schedule for deliveries by M3 timeframe

Java 17 still being worked on

Helm chart changes can be finished up to M4

Jack: made changes to OOM charts to remove AAF references (OOM-3068)

In discussions with Fiachra about deprecating dmaap-bc post-London.

Vamshi: DCAEGEN2-3313 being worked on and still targeted for M3.

2023/03/07 - Discussion deferred to next meeting to identify if any open issues. CCSDK Java17 upgrade findings documented on this wiki - Upgrading from Java 11 to Java 17

Recommended spring-web version (6.0.2) requires java17

DFC: Try 6.0.2 locally with java17 and validate. if any issues, switch to latest 5.x version for London and notify SECCOM for waiver

PMMapper: https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/dcaegen2/services/pm-mapper/+/132914 fails on CSIT tooling error; patch ready for review

Kedar: working on seccom to upgrade dependencies, particularly the Java 17 update. 

IT confirmed that the build nodes do support Java 17.

Need a Java 17 base image from SECCOM/Integration.  In the meantime, use an Alpine image from Dockerhub.

LF scanning report

@Vijay Kumar 

No major findings/issue for DCAE from recent LF scan; below report info.


onap/dcaegen2, code pulled 2023-02-28
  - report: https://lfscanning.org/reports/onap/dcaegen2-2023-02-28-fe9cb87a-7629-4e4b-8697-b336b5f1f354.html
  - xlsx:   https://lfscanning.org/reports/onap/dcaegen2-2023-02-28-fe9cb87a-7629-4e4b-8697-b336b5f1f354.xlsx
  - spdx:   https://github.com/lfscanning/spdx-onap/tree/master/dcaegen2/2023-02/dcaegen2-2023-02-28.spdx

DR timeout issue

@Viresh Navalli 

DMAAP-1875: dcaegen2-services-data-router retry timeoutOpen

2023/03/14: Viresh: discussion on making timers dynamically changeable. If it cannot be fixed, add something to docs (between M3 and RC).

2023/03/07: Following parameters needs to be updated on DR; @Fiachra Corcoran informed code updates required. 

waitForFileProcessFailureTimer = 60.000 --> 1min (former was 10min)
maxfailuretimer = 600.000 --> 10min (former was 1h)

Jira moved to DMAAP project: DMAAP-1875

Kedar had questions about the release process.

Topics/Demos' for future meetings

<Topics can be added below by presenters as they are ready>

Upcoming vacations (committer)

@Vijay Kumar

Mar30 - Apr 9

@Tony Hansen


@Jack Lucas


@Shuting Qing 


@Niranjana Y 


Kohn Artifacts Tracker


Open Action Items