2022-12-6 Meeting notes

2022-12-6 Meeting notes


Dec 6, 2022


  • @N.K. Shankaranarayanan  

  • @Malarvizhi Paramasivam 

  • @Halil Cakal 

  • @Vishal Varvate 

  • @murali parthasarathy k 

Recording: video1434834511.mp4


Discussion of London release requirements. 

Shankar discussed CM update of CPS DB in CPS call on 12/2. See Configuration Persistence Service London Meeting Notes & Recordings - Developer Wiki - Confluence (onap.org)
and set up following requirements.
Primary global requirement: [REQ-1404] 5G SON use case enhancements for London release - ONAP JIRA - Focus is on CM update notification.
Two new requirements - generate CM VES, and process VES to update CPS DB.
Discussed requirements and modified description.
[INT-2177] Generate O1-aligned CM VES message to support config update in CPS DB - ONAP JIRA
[CPS-1407] Update CPS DB based on CM VES message for SON Use Case - ONAP JIRA