Intent-driven Closed-loop Autonomous Networks
Intent-driven Closed-loop Autonomous Networks
This page is linked to REQ-1214 Maintenance and Enhancement of Intent-driven Closed-loop Autonomous Networks in R11.
More details can be found based on the JIRA page REQ-1214: Maintenance and Enhancement of Intent-driven Closed-loop Autonomous Networks in R11Done. A detailed documentation will be finished before signing off of this release.
If you are interested in the topic or have any questions, please feel free to contact with our team members.
REQ Owners:
Dr. Dong Wang @Dong Wang , China Telecom. E-mail: wangd5@chinatelecom.cn
Henry Yu, Huawei. henry.yu1@huawei.com
Lei Shi, Asiainfo. shilei8@asiainfo.com