ONAP R11 Modeling High Level Requirements
According to ONAP R11(Kohn) Release requirement input Release Planning: Kohn
Reporting on the R11 release to the TSC will begin on DATE, so the deadline for the input of high level requirement will be M0: DATE 2021.
Prioritize & Finalize:
before M1: DATE 2021, the requirement will be finalized.
There are other 5 categories of high level requirement,
1) Will be implemented in R11 by code commitment to different impacted projects/components.
2) Will document only for the R11 release.
3) Documentation after implemented in prior release
4) Lower Priority
5) Experimental
Category 1 includes those modeling requirements that will be implemented during the current release
Category 2 includes modeling requirements that produce models that will be documented, but not implemented in the current release
Category 3 is for modeling activities that are documenting models that are already implemented in ONAP
Category 4 and Category 4 are lower priority and experimental and will not be mature in the release, the contributor will work with best effort to help influence future release.
Owners of each requirement need to coordinate the modeling spec commitment and code commitment with PTLs of impacted project.
Below High Level Requirements have been agreed by modeling subcommitee with code commitment promise to Istanbul release, modeling subcommittee request related to projects to approve those related submission.
Category 1) will be implemented in the R11 release
Modeling Domain | Modeling Requirement | Modeling Requirement Description | Impacted Projects | Use Case Relevance | Modeling Spec Commitment | Code Commitment | Provider Priority | Mapping to M1 requirement | Owner | Use Case Owner |
General intent model | Create Intent informatiopn Model | AAI, UUI | REQ-1267 General intent model and general intent interface requirements in R11 | @Keguang He @Chuanyu Chen | @Keguang He @Chuanyu Chen | @Keguang He @Chuanyu Chen | @Keguang He @Chuanyu Chen | |||
Service and Resource IM | https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/browse/ONAPMODEL-47 ETSI VNF model changes to support Containers | Update the IM to align with latest ETSI IFA011 and IFA014 v4.3.1 specs | ETSI Alignment | @Fernando Oliveira | @Fernando Oliveira | @Fernando Oliveira | @Fernando Oliveira | |||